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Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KoopaGoku2 wrote:
Wait what happened?

Nothing. Nintendo announced that the 3DS and WiiU Eshops were closing ages ago, this is just a coping topic.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Coopa2-64 wrote:
KirbyBoy wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Isn't There A WarioWare Game That Is Only Downloadable? And Game & Watch Games Too? Or Was That For DSi Ware?

Yes. That's why this is Upseting 3DS, Wii U, and DSiWare Games will be gone Forever. Why Can't Nintendo Make a New 3DS System that can Save DSiWare Games and 3DS Games? And why can't they also make a new Wii System that can Save WiiWare and Wii U Games? They should also make a System that Supports Nintendo GameCube Games. But they should Require Nintendo GameCube things. And Have them Downloadable. And Let it be able to use all Nintendo GameCube Games and Accessories.

Nintendo Should Make A Console That Is Compatible With Every Disk, Cartridge, Controller, And Cable. Except For The VirtualBoy :p

The word every, by definition, would mean reaching into every corner of their history. You can't say "every" and then skip something. In any case, if it wasn't clearly obvious, not only would it be mad expensive to make, it'd also kill off developing any other console ever. "Oh, this one can play every game ever, we don't need to spend money on that new one that can't." That's not a good business idea.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Isn't There A WarioWare Game That Is Only Downloadable? And Game & Watch Games Too? Or Was That For DSi Ware?

Yes. That's why this is Upseting 3DS, Wii U, and DSiWare Games will be gone Forever. Why Can't Nintendo Make a New 3DS System that can Save DSiWare Games and 3DS Games? And why can't they also make a new Wii System that can Save WiiWare and Wii U Games? They should also make a System that Supports Nintendo GameCube Games. But they should Require Nintendo GameCube things. And Have them Downloadable. And Let it be able to use all Nintendo GameCube Games and Accessories.

Hey, I have a question.  How long do you think coming up with a console idea, let alone a good one, takes? To be completely realistic, the next console could easily be a 4DS or Wii3 if they wanted it to be. 7 years of Switch, probably going to become 8 or 9 years for Switch? We have no clue what's coming next, it could definitely be one of those 2. The reason that it probably isn't one of those 2 is because the Switch is doing really well. At most one more generation is going to come and go before the attempt to have two consoles. And games die eventually. They can't just bring back old ones over and over, especially when they aren't doing anything to help the new console last longer. Nobody is going to go buy a 3DS or WiiU because they play DS and Wii games, you buy it because it's going to play new games. The same applies here. Retro games aren't a necessity for any console, they're a tie in you can do to make easy money, but it's not a priority or even compulsary. Making a 4DS doesn't necessarily mean it will be able to play 3DS games. It'd be highly likely, but not 100% guaranteed. There's something else that keeps hopping in and out of my mind, and while it's back, I should mention before it takes a holiday again.

I keep coming back to the next 3D Mario game in production. This whole "new direction" thing could apply to the console as a whole. TotK is so similar to the first Zelda(in timeline). The Switch 1st party games have mainly been about ending the loops: Star Allies, Metroid Dread, Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 3, Metroid Prime 4, Fire Emblem Engage, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. All these series will be starting a new chapter on whatever the next console is. Look at Mario Kart 8 Deluxe too. What could Mario Kart 10 even be but a massive downgrade? It'd need to be a fresh start, from the ground up. That could apply to the console too. It might receive a couple remakes, obviously, but with the stories the first party games have been going for, they're all rebooting. It's possible the next console will be the same. We don't really know at this point, it's still 2 years out. It could be the beginning for new Virtual Console, or it could be the end; only time will tell.

But hey. That's just a theory..... A Game Theory!!!
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
6 Days!!! Yikes!!!

You really gonna count 'em down? There's like forty channels on Youtube doing that already, y'know. Just saying.
What could you even possibly have missed by now?
Kid Icarus Uprising
Xenoblade 1 3D
Mario & Luigi Dream Team
Paper Mario Sticker Star(idk)
Mario 3D Land
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon(The rest of the 3DS Pokemon games are garbage, do not buy any besides ORAS)
At this point, you should be able to have all the games you know you want to play. There can't be much that interests you left. Even then, physical copies do still exist. And should be fairly cheap. But again, there can't be much left that you actually like or want to try.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
luigiboo79 wrote:
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :D:D:D

That's still a useless message y'know. Put something useful in it please.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
croassung wrote:
and what about switch eshops
(i couldn't find anything related to the switch eshops):s

Nintendo would never close the NS Eshops because Nintendo Hates the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.
If Nintendo Loved the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, they would make a New Nintendo 3DS Family System and Wii U Family System to Save those Games.

They aren't closing them because they hate them, they're closing them because it isn't profitable to keep them open. Those consoles aren't doing any numbers and didn't have any to begin with. And the Switch model is still doing really well, they wouldn't go back to the two console flop that happened 7 years ago. They'd do a second Switch first. And again, te only games left are shitty shovelware. What is your problem? Don't you understand that things that aren't making money get pulled?
And we don't need a whole ass new console just to play a single game, they could remake it whenever. The only reason they don't is because those games are literally garbage.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
luigiboo79 wrote:

Also, triple posting is against the rules, and all 3 of those could be in the same message.
This message specifically is just emoji spam and is therefore completely useless.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Not this again.

Let's run over something called facts, yes?
1. You can still buy physical games.
2. None of the 3DS and WiiU games will be as expensive as Gamecube games. The reason those games are expensive is because they aren't making them anymore and it's hard to find legitimate copies because they're so freaking old. They aren't making copies of 3DS and WiiU games anymore, but they're a ton of them easily available, because the console died fairly recently(3 years ago), and the massive drop off once people realized these things were done means there's plenty of extra physical to go around.
3. One I haven't realized until Jirard made his video: A shit ton of games have been delisted from the Shops over the 10+ years they've existed. A ton have already been gone for 6-7 years at this point. It doesn't make sense fussing over the ones leaving in a week, we know ahead of time how long we have. The delisted games didn't get any sort of notice; you'd update your console and poof, they'd be gone.
4. As long as you downloaded it once it's in your library unless you delete it. The shop going down doesn't just erase it from your downloads.
5. If you've been grabbing games you wanted already, the games mostly level are shovelware and random indies. The amount of games left to "lose" at this point are fairly slim, that is, if you've been buying up games regularly, knowing time was limited.
6. For the love of whatever God you serve, things that sell bad die fast. The 3DS was meh and WiiU an utter disaster. Their predecessors didn't have that issue, and so stayed open for eternities because they had a massive userbase. No sane person is using their 3DS or WiiU as their main console in 2023. Heck, they haven't been using it as their main system since 2018.
7. If you want to go the illegal route, the ROMs are already available online. Do that.
8. Split consoles equals a split playerbase. The division is what killed the 3DS and WiiU. The Switch is stomping everything by itself. They wouldn't just U-turn back to splitting up their playerbase after what happened last time. They aren't doing a 4DS or Wii3, ever, probably.
9. You've had 10 years to buy a 3DS and WiiU. Sucks to suck if you got it in 2020.
10. You don't need separate topics for this, it's a waist of space. I also need a 10th point because 9 isn't a good place to stop.

There, done with this thing for now.


Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
New Kong incoming?

Try to name every thing you see in Koopa cape

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
3nderbro75 wrote:
Grass Sea River Blue Shell  Red Shell Glass Red Metal Wood  Ramps Cheep Cheeps Tan Dirt Half Pipes Koopa and green shell featured on the start line Sky    Boost/Glider Ramps Goombas Waterfall Giant Pipe Rocks Rock Mountain Cave Signs Trees Arrows

25 named :)

red koopa shell

Did....you read his message properly? He said Red Shell, literally one of the first things he listed, right with the blue one.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
3nderbro75 wrote:
3nderbro75 wrote:
Grass Sea River Blue Shell  Red Shell Glass Red Metal Wood  Ramps Cheep Cheeps Tan Dirt Half Pipes Koopa and green shell featured on the start line Sky    Boost/Glider Ramps Goombas Waterfall Giant Pipe Rocks Rock Mountain Cave Signs Trees Arrows

25 named :)

I mean, why make a topic for it if your just gonna name everythig yourself? It'd work better as one of those "I specifically skipped a couple things, what are they?". And also better in full 3d, ofc.
Like grab a Youtube vid or something so you can actually see the stuff in the background and all the little details in the ground and everything. Otherwise it's completely impossible to, as the name says, "Name everything in Koopa Cape", because the 7 minimap is missing alot of things.

I know I just meant when it’s flat

That isn't really "everything" then, but ok
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
3nderbro75 wrote:
Grass Sea River Blue Shell  Red Shell Glass Red Metal Wood  Ramps Cheep Cheeps Tan Dirt Half Pipes Koopa and green shell featured on the start line Sky    Boost/Glider Ramps Goombas Waterfall Giant Pipe Rocks Rock Mountain Cave Signs Trees Arrows

25 named :)

I mean, why make a topic for it if your just gonna name everythig yourself? It'd work better as one of those "I specifically skipped a couple things, what are they?". And also better in full 3d, ofc.
Like grab a Youtube vid or something so you can actually see the stuff in the background and all the little details in the ground and everything. Otherwise it's completely impossible to, as the name says, "Name everything in Koopa Cape", because the 7 minimap is missing alot of things.

If Nintendo cease and desisted MKPC

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Twice9 wrote:
TetriBit wrote:
I think MKPC will be just deleted entirely, because you know how Nintendo is. LoL.

My guy, that has nothing to do with it. This isn't a "because they feel like", this is literally illegal. Yeah it'd be deleted, but not for no reason, because it's a crime. Every company does this, Capcom, Square Enix. Sony, Microsoft. Criminimals commit crimes.

Calm the hell down... he was saying there wouldn't be room for kindness from Nintendo. Calling this
a crime is objectively real but subjectively, it is a coder offering a possibility to children to play on a Mario game on PC and even communicate with other people ! Tbh I see why they would do it and be legally right, but if we sort out the law, that would still be kind of... mean and rude ? I mean yes we are using their characters etc. Without permission, but deleting a fangame, and memories of users, and works of users, and everything that goes along is still rude..

That's from a perspective of subjectiveness actually existing in law. Which it doesn't, but that's pretty obvious. I don't think that excuse would hold either? Otherwise we can switch out "Mario" for any other word in the dictionary and say it's okay. And you already know which ones I mean.
But atleast it'll never get there, so...
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
TetriBit wrote:
I think MKPC will be just deleted entirely, because you know how Nintendo is. LoL.

My guy, that has nothing to do with it. This isn't a "because they feel like", this is literally illegal. Yeah it'd be deleted, but not for no reason, because it's a crime. Every company does this, Capcom, Square Enix. Sony, Microsoft. Criminimals commit crimes.

Poll Of The Week: DS Mario Circuit, DS Peach Gardens, or Wii U Sushine Airport?

Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Stryder7x wrote:
Anyway, DS Mario Circuit wins. You could chalk that up to having shitty excuses of a track for competition(okay, they aren't that bad either but still worse).

did you read this
Stryder7x wrote:
Sunshine Airport!!!

Spoiler [ShowHide]
DS MARIO IS THE WORST!!!!facepalm raah 😡

Yes, I have. Won't change the fact that Sunshine Airport is the WORST course to ever be in any Star Cup, from the actual games, anyway, ie, not the first three. There has never been a more mid Star Cup track. Peach Gardens is alright, but definitely not better than the ONLY interesting Circuit track ever. Sunahine Airport is far too "un-airporty" to consider: good Elevator music, though.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
3nderbro75 wrote:
What even is this pole?
Like, what's the common ground that even allows this comparison in the first place.
Anyway, DS Mario Circuit wins. You could chalk that up to having shitty excuses of a track for competition(okay, they aren't that bad either but still worse).
I am also here to reassure my dear friend @I_AM that yes, Sunshine Airport is still considered to be ass and will be thought as such until they remake it.

Then you remake it

On this? I could try. The layout is far too fucked to be saved officially anyway, it'll be 15 years before they can explain the changes.

I do have to be honest, the real problem is how badly they executed the whole "airport" theme. They botched it up really badly. Don't get me started on that nonsensical anti-grav. They also pitched it as a Mario Sunshine themed course, and the fact that there is NOTHING "Sunshine" about it minus the date on some fucking boxes does not help.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Sunshine Airport wins. Look at how bad the next track in MK8 Star Cup was. Peach Gardens and Mario Circuit had good/better tracks after them if I remember correctly. I also like Sunshine Airport because even though it has a weird layout it's still fun. Peach Gardens basically has you playing hide-and-seek with hazards (not ideal for inexperienced MK players) and Mario Circuit is actually kinda bland because of how many Mario Circuits exist already (I like GCN Mario Circuit waaayyyyy more anyway). And then the music. Mario Circuit literally uses the same music as the former circuit so -1 point for Mario Circuit. I don't know about Peach Gardens, it sounded a bit cacophonous to me whenever I played the track. Sunshine Airport, in terms of music, is just a straight up jackpot.

Counterpoint: All Circuits share music in every game, except Daisy Circuit, which isn't even a Circuit, that's not the course's fault. You didn't even get to HEAR any of the song on Figure 8 Circuit because of the length anyway.
Counter 2: Dolphin Shoals is gas, Sunshine Airport is a wasted use of the Airport theme. Should've tried to make it coherent.
Counter 3: Bowser Castle is a Bowser Castle. The running standard says that it can't afford to suck, not fair for non-Special cup tracks there. Airship Fortress is admittedly fire. And the quality of the next track doesn't erase how you feel about the first one, does it? You just go, okay, much better. The first one is still worse. And: Sunshine Airport is the opener. You've already been gaming for awhile when you attempt the other 2 cups. You can use the prior course to determine how the cup will be. Sunshine Airport doesn't have a prior course. That'd be the last track in the Flower Cup, which you would've just played. We don't even need to mention that track right now, but if a FLOWER Cup track is better than a STAR Cup track, it is very lackluster.
Counter 4: It's good elevator music. As a RACE tho? Think about it.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk

Eh, I just don't like Mario Kart tracks that go from land to underwater for some stupid reason lol

Dolphin Shoals doesn't really have land tho, does it? It's all seabed.

After The Cave There Is A Small Piece Of Land With A Glider

Not really land, but sure.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Sunshine Airport wins. Look at how bad the next track in MK8 Star Cup was. Peach Gardens and Mario Circuit had good/better tracks after them if I remember correctly. I also like Sunshine Airport because even though it has a weird layout it's still fun. Peach Gardens basically has you playing hide-and-seek with hazards (not ideal for inexperienced MK players) and Mario Circuit is actually kinda bland because of how many Mario Circuits exist already (I like GCN Mario Circuit waaayyyyy more anyway). And then the music. Mario Circuit literally uses the same music as the former circuit so -1 point for Mario Circuit. I don't know about Peach Gardens, it sounded a bit cacophonous to me whenever I played the track. Sunshine Airport, in terms of music, is just a straight up jackpot.

Counterpoint: All Circuits share music in every game, except Daisy Circuit, which isn't even a Circuit, that's not the course's fault. You didn't even get to HEAR any of the song on Figure 8 Circuit because of the length anyway.
Counter 2: Dolphin Shoals is gas, Sunshine Airport is a wasted use of the Airport theme. Should've tried to make it coherent.
Counter 3: Bowser Castle is a Bowser Castle. The running standard says that it can't afford to suck, not fair for non-Special cup tracks there. Airship Fortress is admittedly fire. And the quality of the next track doesn't erase how you feel about the first one, does it? You just go, okay, much better. The first one is still worse. And: Sunshine Airport is the opener. You've already been gaming for awhile when you attempt the other 2 cups. You can use the prior course to determine how the cup will be. Sunshine Airport doesn't have a prior course. That'd be the last track in the Flower Cup, which you would've just played. We don't even need to mention that track right now, but if a FLOWER Cup track is better than a STAR Cup track, it is very lackluster.
Counter 4: It's good elevator music. As a RACE tho? Think about it.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk

Eh, I just don't like Mario Kart tracks that go from land to underwater for some stupid reason lol

Dolphin Shoals doesn't really have land tho, does it? It's all seabed.
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Sunshine Airport wins. Look at how bad the next track in MK8 Star Cup was. Peach Gardens and Mario Circuit had good/better tracks after them if I remember correctly. I also like Sunshine Airport because even though it has a weird layout it's still fun. Peach Gardens basically has you playing hide-and-seek with hazards (not ideal for inexperienced MK players) and Mario Circuit is actually kinda bland because of how many Mario Circuits exist already (I like GCN Mario Circuit waaayyyyy more anyway). And then the music. Mario Circuit literally uses the same music as the former circuit so -1 point for Mario Circuit. I don't know about Peach Gardens, it sounded a bit cacophonous to me whenever I played the track. Sunshine Airport, in terms of music, is just a straight up jackpot.

Counterpoint: All Circuits share music in every game, except Daisy Circuit, which isn't even a Circuit, that's not the course's fault. You didn't even get to HEAR any of the song on Figure 8 Circuit because of the length anyway.
Counter 2: Dolphin Shoals is gas, Sunshine Airport is a wasted use of the Airport theme. Should've tried to make it coherent.
Counter 3: Bowser Castle is a Bowser Castle. The running standard says that it can't afford to suck, not fair for non-Special cup tracks there. Airship Fortress is admittedly fire. And the quality of the next track doesn't erase how you feel about the first one, does it? You just go, okay, much better. The first one is still worse. And: Sunshine Airport is the opener. You've already been gaming for awhile when you attempt the other 2 cups. You can use the prior course to determine how the cup will be. Sunshine Airport doesn't have a prior course. That'd be the last track in the Flower Cup, which you would've just played. We don't even need to mention that track right now, but if a FLOWER Cup track is better than a STAR Cup track, it is very lackluster.
Counter 4: It's good elevator music. As a RACE tho? Think about it.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk
Messages 3142 - King Mario King Mario
vs74583 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Wii U Sunshine Airport is the poggers

I'd agree if they hadn't wasted it. As far as unique course themes go, they didn't do a good job, and this is Mario Kart 8 by the way. Dragon Driftway, Wild Woods, Electrdrome, Thwomp Ruins, Sweet Sweet Canyon were all unique and well crafted. Then you get this outlier with no explanation. Conveyor belts outside? Only two planes? Non-existent airport building, awful antigravity loop, garbage. And then you go and immediately play DOLPHIN SHOALS afterwards? The only blemish in the best cup ever made is that abomination they called an "airport".

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