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Share Your Opinions On Miiverse
On 2023-05-15 at 14:23:29
Its shows the discontinue message every time i open it.
it also shows it for Hulu, Netflix, Amazon video, Youtube,the video call app and the eshop
Miiverse ended ages ago. The only remnant are the Switch stuff. Jut like all the other Wii & Mii stuff, it's gone for good.
On 2023-05-15 at 00:23:03
Miiverse was an awful idea. Splatoon still has it's messaging & it's still pretty bad, and it's a singular game. Not to mention all the children who played Smash 4 and had their innoence taken from them, good riddance to that trash.
more like the children who played new super luigi u that was even worse
I meant the literal GORE, VORE and PORN that would show up in the background of that cursed stage. It was bad enough normally; randomly selecting posts to show up ended up being even worse, & then the stage itself is also just a reskinned Battlefield? Bullshit. Glad they've moved on, the Mario Maker 2 & Splatoon 2 & 3 way of doing it is infintely better.
On 2023-05-14 at 20:45:44
Miiverse was an awful idea. Splatoon still has it's messaging & it's still pretty bad, and it's a singular game. Not to mention all the children who played Smash 4 and had their innoence taken from them, good riddance to that trash.
Make a Comic Based on the Script. Must Have the Characters that are in it.
On 2023-05-15 at 03:54:08
Why do you have two separate topics for these? Genuine question. Also, it takes a lil' more context than that to do a coherent story, I think.
What if this website became REALLY REALLY popular?
On 2023-05-04 at 17:39:40
It would most likely be copyright striked.
Yeah it would unfortunately probably be the end of MKPC.

Maybe, but I don't think they make any money off this website, so it has a chance.
It's not just about money, which this site does make a little. It's that permission wasn't asked to use their characters. That alone is a C&D MINIMUM. Fortunately, it won't ever get that far.

SOURMUSIC Kart Maps in Development.
On 2023-05-12 at 02:49:30
ok :/
Truly life changing post! I cry every time I read it! It's so butifull that I can't even describe it! It's more perfect than the music of Big Blue! Keep on making these posts! Become an amazing author! Show the world the talent you have!
Thank You!

You didn't even post that message. Why are you saying thank you?
Also he clearly meant to be sarcastic, it's really the opposite of what he said that he thinks. Aka, useless message.

Nouvelles idées de personnages / New character ideas
On 2023-05-12 at 19:44:28
Le titre dit tout, qu'en pensez-vous ?
Title says it all, what do you think ?
Idk. We already have customs. Being able to use customs easier would be nice, but most are already there anyways. What would they add anyway? They haven't missed any important characters as far as I'm aware.
Quel est votre jeu préféré ? / What's your favorite game ?
On 2023-02-07 at 00:42:18
Quel est votre jeu préféré ? ici , sur ce topic , vous pouvez partager avec d'autes membres vos jeux vidéos préféré, ceux que vous aimez bien , les thèmes qui vous plaisent , les PC / consoles que vous avez essayé ect...
What is your favorite game ?here , on this topic , you can share your favorites video games , ones that you liked , your favorites themes , the devices you are using to play with it ect...
Metroid Fusion is my favorite.

¡Mario kart 8 Deluxe Booster course pass wave 4 official trailer! !!!
On 2023-05-10 at 02:43:55
I understand that many fans were hoping for Wario Colosseum to be added to the Mario Kart 8 DX DLC. It's a shame that it won't be included due to its complexity. However, it's important to consider that adding it would have caused a delay in the release of Wave 4 DLC, which could have caused fans to lose interest. Instead, Nintendo chose to remaster and add new elements to Waluigi Stadium, which was easier to work with. Although Wario Colosseum didn't make the cut, there's still a chance that other tracks will be included, including some fan favorites. Let's keep our hopes up!
I really shouldn't, but I need to correct something you said: they did NOT "remaster" Waluigi Stadium for the BCP, they remastered it for Tour & then prettied it up. Tracks we haven't seen be used for long periods of time are likely to have changed a bit, hence the Peach Gardens & GBA stuff. Just a little clarification.
We'll still be getting 3 more GCN tracks (supposedly), so GCN fans have nothing to worry about. Well, if they like DK Mountain & Mushroom City, they MIGHT have something to worry about, but otherwise, they're chilling. GCN was already overdone in the base game, just like 3DS & N64. I guess that explains why N64 & 3DS missed the last 3 waves & GCN missed the first 3: Killing 3/7 games halfway through the Pass would've been really depressing for the fans.
Also they're wouldn't be any delays as all they're doing is upscaling Tour models. The only valid(ie not up for debate) is that there isn't any Tour model there.
Same. Mainly because I dove into datamining & spoiled 90% of it for myself, but still excited to see the official versions ported over.
On 2023-05-09 at 23:21:57
I understand that many fans were hoping for Wario Colosseum to be added to the Mario Kart 8 DX DLC. It's a shame that it won't be included due to its complexity. However, it's important to consider that adding it would have caused a delay in the release of Wave 4 DLC, which could have caused fans to lose interest. Instead, Nintendo chose to remaster and add new elements to Waluigi Stadium, which was easier to work with. Although Wario Colosseum didn't make the cut, there's still a chance that other tracks will be included, including some fan favorites. Let's keep our hopes up!
I really shouldn't, but I need to correct something you said: they did NOT "remaster" Waluigi Stadium for the BCP, they remastered it for Tour & then prettied it up. Tracks we haven't seen be used for long periods of time are likely to have changed a bit, hence the Peach Gardens & GBA stuff. Just a little clarification.
We'll still be getting 3 more GCN tracks (supposedly), so GCN fans have nothing to worry about. Well, if they like DK Mountain & Mushroom City, they MIGHT have something to worry about, but otherwise, they're chilling. GCN was already overdone in the base game, just like 3DS & N64. I guess that explains why N64 & 3DS missed the last 3 waves & GCN missed the first 3: Killing 3/7 games halfway through the Pass would've been really depressing for the fans.
Also they're wouldn't be any delays as all they're doing is upscaling Tour models. The only valid(ie not up for debate) is that there isn't any Tour model there.
On 2023-05-09 at 15:56:28
Although Wave 1 of the booster course pass may not be the most impressive, there are still some noteworthy highlights, such as Choco Mountain, Ninja Hideway, and Tokyo Blur. Personally, I have a fondness for Choco Mountain. It has been given the attention it deserves and the new version is quite good. The addition of the sidebar towards the end of the track has made it easier for newcomers to the DLC. Furthermore, the cave with its crystals is truly remarkable. Overall, it is fair to say that Wave 1 does contain some quality tracks.
Agreed. Even Waves 1 & 2 have had good courses. None of the picks have been "bad", & some of them could be worse(Mario Circuit 1 instead of 3). They've done a really good job.
On 2023-05-09 at 14:39:15

Why do you call them Veenuss Fyr Traps
Could be a language thing?
On 2023-03-04 at 01:47:02

Wait, what ? This isn't a bloody spider web ? Wait what ? You're telling me it's a Mario Kart track???
If It Wasn't Obvious Enough It Is Wario Colosseum

Wait, what ? This isn't a bloody spider web ? Wait what ? You're telling me it's a Mario Kart track???
Are we sure this is correct? How do we know this isn’t something built by the spiders to play a good game of Go karting? For all we know, Mario and co. could be disturbing the spiders’ peace and be on the run because of their crimes.
Oh my gosh, look at the race very closely ! The ground looks like... a web...
It Is Called A Chain Fence Thing
It was a joke about how this track looks nothing like a track on the minimap. The only thing going for this as a track is that it forms a loop. Nothing else here makes any sense, not even remotely.

On 2023-03-03 at 23:10:54
I feel like the two Wario tracks would have a bigger chance if they weren't spider webs. Hopefully next Mario Kart we get one of them, though that means it's N64, because that's a spider web on the GROUND, rather than a spider web in the AIR. In any case, we have 200 now, they'd need a ton of reworking.

On 2023-03-03 at 18:25:14

Here is My Proof N64 Wario Stadium is in MK8DLX Booster Course Pass + GCN Wario Colosseum.
And People Said They Only Add TOUR Courses. DS Mario Circuit isn't in TOUR.
I'm Still Angry they added the Overrated GCN Waluigi Stadium. I can't stand that Course anymore.
Ok but it just got announced in Tour today

Can You Show Me?

On 2023-03-03 at 14:08:14
FS makes this:

And this:

And this:

ACA/ASC Made/Makes this:

And this:

And this:

Federal Signal, B&N/ACA/ASC, Whelen, Sentry, Chrysler(They also made the Chrysler Air Raid Siren.), Denver, Soundmaster, HOR, ATI, Darley, and Thor Gaurd are amazing Tornado Siren Companies!!!!!
Hey, KirbyBoy, have you payed any attention to the pass so far? Because Wave 1's trailer had Choco Mountain, Coconut Mall & Sky Garden, which have all been remade prior to Wave 1. There is nothing okay about thinking that the Pass would be unremade tracks only when there are 3 FAN FAVOURITES STARING YOU IN YOUR FACE! And Toad Circuit, I guess, but that's part of the point. Do I need to link the video for you to see it again???
Wave 2: SNES Mario Circuit 3, Kalimari Desert, Waluigi Pinball & Mushroom Gorge.
Wave 3: Maple Treeway, Peach Gardens, Rock Rock Mountain, Boo Lake, 3DS Rainbow Road.
IT HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT UNREMADE COURSES, NOT EVEN ON DAY 1. The only reason you are saying that was how you thought about it like that is because you want GCN Wario Colosseum & N64 Wario Stadium, & YOU KNOW IT. THIS IS STILL YOUR COPING ISSUE. Either that, or you don't pay attention well, pick your poison.
On 2023-03-03 at 13:42:31
Now, do You see why I didn't want GCN Waluigi Stadium? I knew it would get Ruined! I would rather have GCN Wario Colosseum! And N64 Wario Stadium! Worst Wave out of all of them! If I knew this is what the Pass would be back in March 18th 2022, I would have Never Downloaded it!
Nothing about Waluigi Stadium has been "ruined", everything has been made much better, in fact. And unlike those 2 Wario tracks, it isn't a freaking spider web that no sane person wants to play for 3.5 minutes.
And this Wave is the best one so far:
2 of the best city Courses
3rd city that is THE definition of Spring/New Year
A great GCN course, redone right
A DS track that is the biggest "Fuck You" Nintendo's ever pulled since Piranha Plant for Smash
Another stunning Wii course
The largest glowup in history for GBA Riverside Park
And a love letter to the Yoshi series, potentially a BETTER love letter than the ones to Zelda, Animal Crossing, F-Zero & Splatoon all those years ago
This is the best Wave so far, not the worst. Even then, none of the waves are really "bad", people just hated the gfx for Wave 1 & 2. Those have great courses too. They also hold a special place for me: proving how garbage Coconut Mall actually is, and always has been. The same for 3DS Rainbow Road, although the music for those 2 are still awesome. Nothing "awful" in the pass, not even Toad Circuit or SNES MC3. It's all been good, even if some of the courses are weaker than others, it's been peak since March 18th & it isn't going to drop off until the final Wave is released.
Now, if you'll excuse me for a second, I'll go redo my Wave 5 predictions. Even though the list is streamlined, I did get 6/8 right this Wave, & it'd be nice to keep that going.
On 2023-03-03 at 13:14:13
@Coopa2-64 that's only because we have a fairly streamlined list to choose from for predictions: There isn't much wiggle room with the last Waves to put other unobvious stuff.
I was hoping for LA Laps & Airship Fortress, but this wave would've been incredibly orange, & since we already know Sunset Wilds, LA Laps & most likely Choco Island & Daisy Cruiser, next wave looks to be very orange too. Heck, they made Koopa Cape orange in Tour as well. Hope you guys don't get tired of this colour...
I was hoping for LA Laps & Airship Fortress, but this wave would've been incredibly orange, & since we already know Sunset Wilds, LA Laps & most likely Choco Island & Daisy Cruiser, next wave looks to be very orange too. Heck, they made Koopa Cape orange in Tour as well. Hope you guys don't get tired of this colour...
On 2023-03-02 at 21:56:34
The fact that I hear more complaints than praise on MKPC since the wave released is really showing off how some of us are really nitpicking sometimes. Literally. Singapore Speedway looks gorgeous, so much better than in Tour. Amsterdam Drift just looks really good too, same for Bangkok Rush which was the Tour track I was waiting for. They added a forest segment to DS Mario Circuit, the Waluigi Stadium track legit looks GORGEOUS, just like base game, with that new road added it just looks better. Riverside Park is basically the overhaul of an overhaul. LOOKS SO GOOD AND NEW OBSTICLE TYPE ??? The Yoshi Island track looks so good LMFAO. Mixing different themes to get a whole universe ! And the DK Summit is really good ! They didn't massacre my favorite track and it looks good ! This wave is actually INCREDIBLE and we won't wait much, so why are some of you complaining about the fact we aren't getting N64 WS ?
I think the Wario courses are mainly just KirbyBoy's coping, & by coping, I mean how he handles everything when smth isn't exactly going his way.

Meme of the Day
On 2023-05-09 at 14:46:17
this guy not 14 he just say he is
Most of You Guys are as Untrustworthy as ATI. Acoustic Technologies Inc. They Steal Tornado Siren Designs. I thought I could Trust You Guys.
But I was Wrong.
Now I am Very Close to Turing My Account Offline.
That doesn't really sound bad. Stealing designs, I mean. Plagiarizism sucks, but as long as it's for safety? Like a siren? If it still works then whatever, still saving lives. And also who BUYS Tornado Sirens? The cities' mayor & council or whatnot, right? I can't imagine normal people buying one. They could set it off on purpose or something? Set it off, everybody else evacuates, go rob the bank & then disappear. Y'know?
There are a Bunch of Tornado Siren Collectors Out There! There are Wikis about them! There are Fandoms about Them! So don't Say Nobody Buys Tornado Sirens!
There are wikis & fandoms on everything including fruit porn. Doesn't automatically make them good.
And by somebody, I meant the average person. Collectors are gonna collect, but the number of people actively buying them is small. And I know nothing about Tornado Sirens specifically, but I DO KNOW that the older hard to find stuff is more important for a collection, the diacontinued designs are more valuable. Stealing designs wouldn't affect those ones.