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Meme of the Day
On 2023-05-09 at 14:32:49
this guy not 14 he just say he is
Most of You Guys are as Untrustworthy as ATI. Acoustic Technologies Inc. They Steal Tornado Siren Designs. I thought I could Trust You Guys.
But I was Wrong.
Now I am Very Close to Turing My Account Offline.
That doesn't really sound bad. Stealing designs, I mean. Plagiarizism sucks, but as long as it's for safety? Like a siren? If it still works then whatever, still saving lives. And also who BUYS Tornado Sirens? The cities' mayor & council or whatnot, right? I can't imagine normal people buying one. They could set it off on purpose or something? Set it off, everybody else evacuates, go rob the bank & then disappear. Y'know?

On 2023-05-08 at 23:43:03
How Do I Make A Funny Meme Genius?
Steal one off the web & then carefully find a suitable replacement for the context? Emphasis on CAREFULLY.
On 2023-04-27 at 17:24:21

It's Kind of Funny that Everyone on IMGFLIP Finds My Memes Funny, But Everyone on MKPC Doesn't Find Them Funny.

This Meme is Very Popular.
"Just because something is deserving doesn't mean it gets what it deserves"---some super old dude, 300 years ago
On 2023-04-24 at 14:14:08

that 1 comment is the only comment on your entire imgflip profile💀
How on Earth Do You Know That!

There's this thing called "looking it up".
On 2023-04-19 at 20:39:36

Out of everything to change, why the mouth? It looks a little

On 2023-04-19 at 20:36:31
I'm not Gonna Stop Posting Memes until I send I Funny One!
I admire the enthusiasm, really, I do, but maybe stop sending them for a bit? Clearly some people are kinda irritated by them. Like, lower the amount you send for awhile, y'know? Take some time to find a solid one first.

On 2023-04-19 at 20:10:44
Don't you understand it' not funny? No KirbyNotABoy its not because there is"funny" in the link that funny, you invade us of meme that are not even funny, sometimes you even took memes from the Internet and even those are not funny
I'm not Purposely making Lame Memes, I'm Trying to Make Funny Memes. But You guys are So Picky about Memes.
So this isn't Funny.

But someone was looking at it the whole time in the movie so this meme is illogical and factually incorrect
Yeah, otherwise this would be pretty great. But then he has to write it, & he can't be good at writing with invisible text.
On 2023-04-19 at 19:58:32

He already knew how the first 2, it doesn't really fit.
On 2023-04-19 at 19:43:12

1) Space for Anything since it isn't funny
2) Is that Athens Dash 1?

On 2023-04-16 at 20:12:38

Is this Funny? If You Look at the Link it says Funny.

I know it was From the Internet. That's the Point. I can't Make Good Memes. So I Found One on the Internet.
I mean, I didn't make any of mine either. You can still find ones you KNOW will be found funny. I have a bunch that I think are really funny, but they're incredibly offensive, so I skip them. Simple.
All of those Memes I made are ones I thought would be Funny. But, Somehow, They aren't. I even Asked My Sister if Some of Mine are Funny. And She Said they Were Funny.
Funny is still objective. If there is even the slightest chance that someone feels like nobody will find something funny, they shouldn't post it, or if they do, be prepared to face some backlash here & there. Just a little thought, or something. Feel free to ignore me.

On 2023-04-15 at 18:09:02

Is this Funny? If You Look at the Link it says Funny.

I know it was From the Internet. That's the Point. I can't Make Good Memes. So I Found One on the Internet.
I mean, I didn't make any of mine either. You can still find ones you KNOW will be found funny. I have a bunch that I think are really funny, but they're incredibly offensive, so I skip them. Simple.
On 2023-02-22 at 21:31:17
I wonder which fanfic is experiencing this.

more like pov: mkpc forums be like
Survive Blueyfan's Bad Memes
no survive the mkpc forums
the whole forums are bullcrap
I wouldn't say there isn't any good parts, some fanfics are good, some topics are good, but that's true it's way worse than before. It's either complete boredom where you feel like you are around robots, or annoying dramas because some people just decide to be careless about other people's feedbacks and I find that extremely dumb since you can't fix some errors you do if you don't listen to other people's advices, but oh well. And I would be lying if I said nobody is getting on my nerves.
lmao do you want me to say what i think abt mkpcverse s2?
(spoiler: its not a rant)
Do what you want, it's bullshit, so I don't mind being cut in pieces like Setsuka Chiebukuro. But I appreciate any feedback, so okay.
its not bullshit. the writing is mostly good. but I AM GENUINELY FUCKING SCARED OF YOU. like, you write detailed descriptions of rape and you are a FUCKING 12 YEAR OLD. some eps are literally breaking the mkpc rules. i have nothing against you or your, for example, music taste. i just think it's really weird to write a fkin fanfic with a plot revolving around rape being a 12yo writing this. nobody should be getting sexual at that age especially considering the age of most of the participants.
It's literally the incel plot to reference IlluZhion. I understand your point. I was uncomfortable with writing this too. I wwas trying to be intense but that wans't it lol. Anyways, you shoud look forward Season 3, because I'm gonna take the MKPC Archipel plot like it should be took this time and it's gonna be part of Seaosn 3.
(sry for late reply)
incel plot???
lemon saying they got nudes from her ex????? SHES FUCKING 14 BRUH
boyfriend at 14???? nudes at 14?????? the entire plot is extremely questionable
anyway i should continue in dms
Questionable elsewhere maybe, personally, it's sounds like a typical Tuesday. Yes my country is very different). It's very possible.
On 2023-02-16 at 14:34:50

She didn't deserve this :{

On 2023-02-14 at 15:48:05

Do you know what the word stale means?
Stale means repetitive. You're doing it too much & too often, making your already unfunny memes, even LESS funny, & annoying & irritating & ruining the topics & you keep ignoring everyone telling you to stop......

On 2023-02-14 at 15:27:11

Do you know what the word stale means?
On 2023-02-14 at 13:40:55

Who is Pepole, why is Pepole, where is Pepole & how is Pepole?
Did somebody skip pre-school or just a typo?
On 2023-02-14 at 13:37:54

Who is Pepole, why is Pepole, where is Pepole & how is Pepole?
On 2023-02-13 at 16:58:07

I should have practiced....