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Meme of the Day
On 2022-11-26 at 14:24:50

Was that why I couldn't connect?
What do they have against MKPC? I mean, someone did get ip banned today.
I think one of them are Nintendo Ninjas.
Don't say that bro, Greninja will be knocking at your front door at 10pm. Do NOT open it.
On 2022-11-24 at 23:12:25

Mosquito bite?
Skill issue

On 2022-11-14 at 13:26:37

What game is this, Stanley Parable or something?

On 2022-10-28 at 23:46:15

Math whiz confirmed?
On 2022-10-23 at 19:31:42

press f to pay respect

On 2022-10-22 at 16:21:40

On 2022-10-20 at 13:44:26

Did you make a topic just to get this image? That's pretty cool.
On 2022-10-18 at 13:48:45

stolen discord meme tbh
Mirrors are really dedicated to their jobs, they deserve a raise imo.
On 2022-10-17 at 19:39:15

Mario Texture
I mean if you avoid most popular you should be good right? Not that I'm encouraging viewing any "Nintendo didn't plan for this" areas
On 2022-10-17 at 16:57:07

That is somehow very accurate
I mean, taking up 25 cards is pretty optimal, isn't it? You take up like a quarter of the deck & play like 5 cards every turn. You'd end back where you were & there's less deck for everyone else to use. He's really just outplaying his opponents.
It's their fault for even making that rule on the blank card. I didn't make the card, some random did.
Yeah, still genius for doing it. Not the square track part.
On 2022-10-17 at 16:19:50

I'm sorry

On 2022-10-17 at 15:58:03

That is somehow very accurate
I mean, taking up 25 cards is pretty optimal, isn't it? You take up like a quarter of the deck & play like 5 cards every turn. You'd end back where you were & there's less deck for everyone else to use. He's really just outplaying his opponents.

On 2022-10-16 at 14:00:50

Waste of a blank card tbh-this guy
October 16th, 2022
On 2022-10-16 at 00:13:37

On 2022-10-15 at 23:53:02

I finish Mario Kart City Early!!!
On 2023-04-20 at 15:12:36
Not terrible actually, well done. You could have put this in the project announcement topic tho, just saying.

Thoughts on BCP Wave 3
On 2022-11-23 at 13:15:02
1) The original 3DS Rainbow Road is A) garbage & B) spammed online.
2) Maple Treeway is cool, but they've reused 3/4 of MK7's Wii retros, with Koopa Cape likely on the way. I was hoping for the others to shine, but oh well.
3) Speaking of shining... enough of the Wii tracks man! Double Dash is STILL nowhere to be seen and we're halfway through the pass. It's awful. I assume they want to keep something reserved for Mariokart 10/X, but this is dissapointing si far.
I wouldn't call Rainbow Road garbage, it looks so good and it's pretty fun to play. It' also a very creative track and very immersive.
200cc? Garbage. Case closed.
In any case, it'll be spammed online & will becpme irritating to play in a week.
It is like that in 7, & that's basically dead online. It's gonna be awful.
On 2022-11-22 at 13:38:45
Then that means Shroom Ridge is just Toad's Turnpike
Exitebike Arena is just Baby Park
WiiU Mario Circuit is just Figure 8 Circuit
And Banshee Boardwalk is just Ghost Valley
Intake back what I said about Waluigi Stadium being just another Wario Stadium
Ghost Valley doesn't have any buildings
Shroom Ridge is NOT a Figure 8, or have 25 feet tall vehicles
Figure 8 Circuit has 1 figure 8, while WiiU Mario Circuit has one on each side & some actual jumps
Excitebike Arena does NOT have 7 laps & is NOT flat
Both DK tracks:
Have a barrel cannon close to the start
Shoots them to the top of a mountain
Slide down the mountain with jumps along along the path down
Have a S turn you can hop off of
Halfpipes in unnecessary places that break the game bc Wii
The main difference is the ending with the bridge & Shy Guys snowboarding.
Summit is basically a reskin.
Pass would be much better for 8DX, If they add DK Mountain.

On 2022-11-21 at 19:06:53
Good or bad, it's spammed online & will feel boring after 2 weeks. Fact.
DK Summit is mainly DK Mountain covered in snow. Not that high up Wii-wise. Opinon, but I feel like Toad's Factory would probably be placed higher on most people's wishlist.
We need some GCN courses, good or bad, but not the janky 40 second lappers. They 'll get segmented & feel really short on 200cc. Opinion.
Good now?
DK Summit is mainly DK Mountain covered in snow. Not that high up Wii-wise. Opinon, but I feel like Toad's Factory would probably be placed higher on most people's wishlist.
We need some GCN courses, good or bad, but not the janky 40 second lappers. They 'll get segmented & feel really short on 200cc. Opinion.
Good now?
On 2022-11-21 at 18:09:06
1) The original 3DS Rainbow Road is A) garbage & B) spammed online.
2) Maple Treeway is cool, but they've reused 3/4 of MK7's Wii retros, with Koopa Cape likely on the way. I was hoping for the others to shine, but oh well.
3) Speaking of shining... enough of the Wii tracks mqn! Double Dash is STILL nowhere to be seen and we're halfway through the pass. It's awful. I assume they want to keep something reserved for Mariokart 10/X, but this is dissapointing si far.
My questions are:
- What happened to the good tracks like Lakeside Park, Broken Pier and Mushroom City? Honestly, I don't really see the point in the BCP unless they add GOOD tracks.
- Why is there a lack of GCN? Did Nintendo just want to diss MKDD? If so, why?
- Doesn't Nintendo think we've had enough of retro Rainbow Road in MK8DX? Seriously, to my knowledge, there's at least THREE.
So yeah, I'll admit some of the tracks are at least decent, but Nintendo honestly needs to fix this DLC FAST.
The DLC is Tour ports. Remaking good tracks is not a requirement. And we have alot already in the base game & DLC. The pass isn't bad, just it would be nice to represent some of the games better(DD). That being said, not in Tour? No shot. "You'll have to get over it" comes to mind personally.