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Thoughts on BCP Wave 3
On 2022-11-21 at 17:30:43
I wanted to ask a question to the whole Mario Kart community. If Waluigi Stadium isn't coming, why did the datamines think it would? And why did said datamines not predict Maple Treeway until Wave 6? Secondary question, does this mean the rest of the datamines could be, or at least partially, wrong? This excites me more than ever for Wave 3 as well as the three waves that come after.
We don't know yet. Some of the dataminers said that Maple Treeway had been moved up to Wave 3, including prefix guy. And in retrospect, the fact that Sunset Wilds & Maple Treeway were in the leaked prefetches with all the Tour cities means that they could've been completed ages ago, & are free to move around where they see fit. I think prefetch is invalid(besides the Tour courses).
On 2022-11-21 at 17:27:10
1) The original 3DS Rainbow Road is A) garbage & B) spammed online.
2) Maple Treeway is cool, but they've reused 3/4 of MK7's Wii retros, with Koopa Cape likely on the way. I was hoping for the others to shine, but oh well.
3) Speaking of shining... enough of the Wii tracks man! Double Dash is STILL nowhere to be seen and we're halfway through the pass. It's awful. I assume they want to keep something reserved for Mariokart 10/X, but this is dissapointing si far.
1) The original 3DS Rainbow Road is A) garbage & B) spammed online.
2) Maple Treeway is cool, but they've reused 3/4 of MK7's Wii retros, with Koopa Cape likely on the way. I was hoping for the others to shine, but oh well.
3) Speaking of shining... enough of the Wii tracks man! Double Dash is STILL nowhere to be seen and we're halfway through the pass. It's awful. I assume they want to keep something reserved for Mariokart 10/X, but this is dissapointing si far.

Wait A Second! GBA Bowser Castle 4 isn't getting it's T and R/T Variant in the Same TOUR?
On 2023-05-04 at 14:19:39
Sorry but we don't play garbage Mario Kart Tour, still waiting upon Wave 5's reveal
Except Tour isn't garbage. And we already KNOW all the Wave 5 tracks already. What "reveal" could you possibly be waiting on? You out of the loop?
Mario Kart TOUR is better than MK8DLX NS. MK8 Wii U is Better than MKT. MKDD!! GCN is better than MK8 Wii U.
What does that have to do with my message? I said Tour isn't garbage & left it there. If we can't call 64 & Super Circuit garbage, we shouldn't be calling Tour garbage. That's all.
In any case, Tour has too much content to be "worse" than most of the games. 8 Deluxe is still great, & Double Dash is still below WiiU(mainly because it's tracks are terrible).
On 2023-05-04 at 14:09:34
They Put in GBA Bowser Castle 4 N in 2 Times, and GBA Bowser Castle 4 R in 2 Times. They Could have Put in the T and R/T Variation in place of the Second N and R Variation. Talk about Lazy.
It's not "LAZY". Again, it looks like next Tour is going to be villain related as well. They might be extending GBA Bowser Castle 4's spotlight for the second Tour as well. With what other track? I have no idea, but we'll find out soon. It'd have to be N64, DS or Wii Bowser Castle. Just need to have a lil' more patience.
On 2023-05-04 at 02:16:41
Sorry but we don't play garbage Mario Kart Tour, still waiting upon Wave 5's reveal
Except Tour isn't garbage. And we already KNOW all the Wave 5 tracks already. What "reveal" could you possibly be waiting on? You out of the loop?

On 2023-05-02 at 14:36:03
Usually before Battle TOUR, they Only Introduced the N, R, and T Variants, then Introduce the R/T Variant Later. But Now, they Only Introduce the N, and R variants, then Add the T, and R/T Variant Later. WHAT!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!
We will only get the 2 Variants. That's kind of Lame.
What are Your Thoughts?
Two things:
1: How on Earth would they know beforehand?
2: Do you follow Tour closely? Because you'd know that the Mii Suits for next Tour are also Koopalings, meaning something Bowser related again, which could be another Bowser Castle + T & R/T.
3: In general, they can leave R/Ts for later Tours. Press X to doubt there isn't a T.
Mario Movie
On 2023-05-04 at 14:22:05

There is quite literally only one child in the entire movie, and it's his niece

This also kinda means that there is a 3rd Mario Brother or Sister, I guess, but uh, that meme is pretty dead.
On 2023-04-13 at 01:30:10
I think my favorite reference is still the NES Cartridge shtick. Kid Icarus was pretty random, but a W. People ruined the 3D World jar, so it's bottom of the list sadly. Also, anyone knows if we've got the family members' official names yet?
On 2023-04-05 at 14:01:29
But when a movie comes out, there's several days where the movie stay at the cinema?
I mean, it's leaked since yesterday, or day before. He just wants to avoid areas that could spoil.
I don't look up the entire movie, but just like with Sonic 2, I HAD to see the credits scenes beforehand, and uh, not really a spoiler because we have a trailer where you can visibily SEE Yoshi's Island, it's just Yoshi's Egg. No Wario, Waluigi, Rosalina, Daisy, Toadette, nada. Yoshi's Egg cracking open. Very lackluster in my opinion, but you don't need to worry about being spoiled on your favourite character showing up at the end of the credits.
EDIT: If this counts as spoilers(smh), I'll change it. We knew Yoshis would be in it anyway, and I'll leave out the mid creds one, because that'd be pretty rude to Americans who have to wait on timezones and school lol

Pokemon Bronze - a hack of Pokemon Gold I made.
On 2023-05-02 at 21:36:09
I made a hack of Pokemon Gold for GBC called Pokemon Bronze. It doesn't change much, however it balances the levels, improves wild encounters and makes the game much harder. Check the readme inside.
Some parts are unfinished, however all boss trainers excluding the final rival battle are edited.
Check the readme in the zip for more.
I made a hack of Pokemon Gold for GBC called Pokemon Bronze. It doesn't change much, however it balances the levels, improves wild encounters and makes the game much harder. Check the readme inside.
Some parts are unfinished, however all boss trainers excluding the final rival battle are edited.
Check the readme in the zip for more.
i did real allat, you life means EVERYTHING, a hack that is necessary for every pokemon game. You should love yourself NOW, you should put your skills to use in more games and make a profit off of it.
Making money off of ROM hacks is illegal.
I apologize if that wasn't what you meant by "more games", but it came of that way to me.
Next Mii Racing Suit Wave - Wave 32
On 2023-05-03 at 17:50:44
You're talking about the Madrid track ? Yeah. I was just saying that she's last because the track that fits her isn't coming for awhile.
Whatever the track is really. (Saw an idea for Madrid which is WAY better than Wendy)
And we're getting GCN Sherbet Land at some point, you're NSMBU pic reminded me of that. They could also bring back Snow Land & Larry's one for that Tour, although that'd be in November or Holiday(Christmas).
Just whatever track they think suits her.
No, not a snowy track, maybe a beach-themed track like Shy Guy Beach or Peach Beach because we're approaching summer and she's the boss of World 4 in NSMBW (Beach)
She's also the boss of World 3(Water Land) in Mario 3, World 6(Chocolate Island) in Mario 4, World 3 in NSMB2(Water) & ofc World 4(Frosted Glacier) in NSMBU. Doubt it. Not tom mentioned the only datamined beach left is Peach Beach, & as much as it could work, Wendy isn't going to be second to Peach whenever that comes, it'll 9/10 just be Daisy(Sailor).
On 2023-05-03 at 14:58:02
You're talking about the Madrid track ? Yeah. I was just saying that she's last because the track that fits her isn't coming for awhile.
Whatever the track is really. (Saw an idea for Madrid which is WAY better than Wendy)
And we're getting GCN Sherbet Land at some point, you're NSMBU pic reminded me of that. They could also bring back Snow Land & Larry's one for that Tour, although that'd be in November or Holiday(Christmas).
Just whatever track they think suits her.
On 2023-05-03 at 14:01:48
There isn't much to think. Next Tour is still Bowser related, & Wendy's Mii is being saved for a Tour that fits her more, because let's be honest: Bowser Castle doesn't fit any girl besides Pom Pom, & Wendy isn't Pom Pom. Could be for Madrid? She's kinda into dancing & stuff like that.
Yeah you're kinda right but I was not talking about Wendy's getting in the next-next tour I was just talking about Wendy's being the last one
Yeah. I was just saying that she's last because the track that fits her isn't coming for awhile.

On 2023-05-03 at 13:34:18
But, at the end of the trailer we saw new silhouettes that resemble other Koopalings !
These are :


So, with all of that in mind, we have :
But, as you know, there are 7 Koopalings, so the only one missing is...
You guessed it, it's Wendy !

So, what do you think about this ?
There isn't much to think. Next Tour is still Bowser related, & Wendy's Mii is being saved for a Tour that fits her more, because let's be honest: Bowser Castle doesn't fit any girl besides Pom Pom, & Wendy isn't Pom Pom. Could be for Madrid? She's kinda into dancing & stuff like that.

Pourquoi j'en ai marre + Potentielle pause ?
On 2023-05-01 at 14:59:16
Why is it that the pros all intentionally type in an aggravating way?(Fways, JPG, etc) to trigger people?

SNES Bowser Castle 3 and GBA Bowser Castle 4 are Finally getting a 3D Reamke!!!!!
On 2023-05-02 at 15:25:24
But it Says under New Courses. It Says: GBA Bowser Castle 4(N, and R).
Next Tour is still clearly Koopa related, looking at the Mii costumes we'll be getting. The T & R/T could be coming then. We'll have to wait & see.
On 2023-05-02 at 14:42:47
Read this!
Read the Whole thing. They said They are Introducing GBA Shy Guy Beach instead of GBA Bowser Castle 4, and Instead of SNES Bowser Castle 3, it's SNES Bowser Castle 2.
And they Said They are Introducing the R/T variant of RMX Donut Plains 1, and there is this New Course Called Beach Raceway.
What Happened?
Next Tour is also Bowser related. Did you ever stop to think that they could come then? Since the spotlight is solely on SNES Bowser Castle 3 this time around. Next Tour probably has the others, chill out.
On 2023-05-01 at 02:42:04
Fun Fact: SNES Bowser Castle 3 is the First SNES Track to get Heavily Modified.
Yes. That's because we haven't seen it in 30 years.
Ghost Valley 3 has been absent for that amount of time too. It might get a makeover. But that's it for SNES tracks. Although, N64 tracks that we haven't seen for eons might be more updated in the future. The rest won't ever have a major difference sadly, except the DS' ugly graphics issue, which you can see with the Wario Stadium glowup.
what do you say about wey dry World of SUPER MARIO 64
On 2023-05-01 at 20:27:32
Tell me what you think of wet dry World... Scare, mystery, uncomfortable or something else
Wet Dry World is nothing more than a bunch of free stars to grab with 0 issues. I don't spend enough time there to have any of this "negative emotions" crap.
On 2023-05-01 at 14:56:46
where is the relevance in this revive
Just being nice and saying hello
Why exactly are you saying hello to people who aren't here? None of them have been here since 2020.