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Absence de longue date : longues vacances

Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
nobody noticed tho
*not to be mean
:o you can understand french?

Mario Kart PC: Time Trial Cards

Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
But Mwenyu What did you do to make these cards?
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
goos image
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
profile image:


Icon: https://cms-tc.pbskids.org/global/show-icons/circle/nature-cat.png?mtime=20160324105245

Flag: Canada
Why Nature Cat
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
but anyway i'm sorry for disturbing you
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Mwenyu wrote:
Sorry to be a pain but can you change my image on my card? (By the Way This Is GhoulTrooper2007 i keep changing my name)

Yeah no, I'm not changing your card, they take a very long time to make and can't be edited.
ok i'm good with that
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Sorry to be a pain but can you change my image on my card? (By the Way This Is GhoulTrooper2007 i keep changing my name)
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
THX For The Card
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Because I am loser and I am never the first or top 50 of scoreboard.

It isn't hard to get good times if you practise.
If you learn to snake (tedious at first but you will get the hang of it) and aim for the top 20 in times then you can actually do it. After you have practised a bit you can aim for higher spots.

You say that because you are stronger.

it's actually true as a meatter of fact nate is helping me get to the top 10
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
I hate time trial.

Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Mwenyu wrote:
Profile Picture: Mine

Icon: Daisy

Flag: England
you have to send it to him buddy

Yeah, I'm not sure who this Vlone_Vixen person is and why he is giving you incorrect information. I didn't say that you had to send it to me. I will get it done.
ohh dang it
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Profile Picture: Mine

Icon: Daisy

Flag: England
you have to send it to him buddy
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Mwenyu wrote:
oh the minimap icon well here it ishttps://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fmariokart%2Fimages%2F8%2F89%2FMK8_Rosalina_Icon.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Ftop-crop%2Fwidth%2F300%2Fheight%2F300%3Fcb%3D20151225134406&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmariokart.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FMario_Kart_8_Deluxe&tbnid=2b7gh6v6H_aMNM&vet=12ahUKEwjN9Yykz-7qAhUS9qwKHWqUDBQQMyggegUIARDnAQ..i&docid=cF9EISDfbjV7lM&w=300&h=300&q=rosalina%20minimap%20icons%20mario%20kart&hl=en&safe=active&ved=2ahUKEwjN9Yykz-7qAhUS9qwKHWqUDBQQMyggegUIARDnAQ

I'm looking for a Mario Kart PC one of the character that you use the most, not the Mario Kart 8 one of Rosalina.
I'm pretty sure I specified that so I'm not sure why you're sending me this.
oh ok https://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/map_icons/harmonie.png
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
oh the minimap icon well here it ishttps://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fmariokart%2Fimages%2F8%2F89%2FMK8_Rosalina_Icon.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Ftop-crop%2Fwidth%2F300%2Fheight%2F300%3Fcb%3D20151225134406&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmariokart.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FMario_Kart_8_Deluxe&tbnid=2b7gh6v6H_aMNM&vet=12ahUKEwjN9Yykz-7qAhUS9qwKHWqUDBQQMyggegUIARDnAQ..i&docid=cF9EISDfbjV7lM&w=300&h=300&q=rosalina%20minimap%20icons%20mario%20kart&hl=en&safe=active&ved=2ahUKEwjN9Yykz-7qAhUS9qwKHWqUDBQQMyggegUIARDnAQ
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
ok heres the image i want to go on the card https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRosalina_(Mario)&psig=AOvVaw156WYgU6RkfwBscUZatKhc&ust=1595977435755000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNjKsOzF7uoCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD just copy and paste it idk why it wont let you click on it
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
i've been waiting for this forever


Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
This Needs to get locked
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Laugh Out Loud, Lots Of Love, or League Of Legends? I'm confused!

It means Laughing out loud but i have  no idea what this is for...
Basically That's what it's known for i mean it can stand for alot of other thing
Messages 3289 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
About Him Saying Lol for No Reason At All

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