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vous trouver peach moche?

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
moi je trouve que peach est belle bon en m'aime t'en    c'est mon profill

En même temps tu voulais dire n'est ce pas?
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Veno wrote:
SAH_Fways wrote:
bro said en m'aime t'en
À mon avis @Princesse_Peach_Fan éprouve une attraction romantique envers Peach...
Car en anglais ça donne: in love me you in
Et si on retraduit en français ça donne: En amour moi en

Si on met ça dans le message ça donne: moi je trouve que peach est belle bon en amour moi en c'est mon profill

(ne me demande pas comment je fais pour être un tel génie)

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Je sais pas trop, bah moi jaime pas le rose et jaune mais bon sa empeche rien mdr

Pause / Break

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Okay, well take a good break

Why I wish Roblox never even existed sometimes

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
All three of these appeared on JPGivner's Ragnarok trailer, which, is a Mario Kart YT channel that isn't even related to Roblox in ANY shape or form.

It's happened on the comments of his earlier videos, feel bad for him honestly.


Fyi, I like Roblox and I enjoy the good games on the platform, but the robux comment bots are so annoying some are even starting to appear on non-Roblox vids.


always scam, these bots, it leads you to sites / games where you have to watch a hundred ads + validated if you are not a robot for simple robux, and it doesnt work

im guessing nobody remembers me here, huh? :)

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Um hello, I remember you I think. :D

J'hésite a faire une pause

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Et oui sa fais beaucoup de fois.
J'hésite a faire une pause, avec ce qu'il ce passe en se moment je pense c'est la meilleur option.

Et bien sur je déconne. C'est pas vrai, non juste je dis ça alors que en se moment je suis moins actif que d'habitude et sa risque de duré, passé une bonne journée ;)

[Game] I have an object./J'ai l'objet.

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
StarSplizz wrote:
A bot creates alts to thumbs down the fanfic episode 29 times. A moderator then IP bans the alts.
I have 29 banned alts.

And I unban them and create more, I have 50 alts
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Fiery wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Starlite wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
BANJ3X wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
LeYoshi wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
I take apart the mechanical clock and make it the world's biggest spring.

je te vole ce ressort puis je l'implante dans une usine de champis ressorts de Super Mario Galaxy

J'ai des tonnes de champi ressorts

J'utilise tous les ressorts pour créer Spring Yard Zone

I Destroy Spring Yard Zone And Use The Springs And Metal To Make Atomic Power Robot

The Atomic Power Robot destroys itself and I turn the hunk of junk it became into ChatGPT

I ask ChatGPT how to turn it into a car and I use the instructions to make the CarGPT.

GPT, more like "J'ai pété", which means i farted in french, and i turned your CarGPT into French Fries

Well I ate them so now there is nothing

I have nothing to do and to feel and nothing in my life so I commit su*cide.
I have blood. Lots of blood.

Your blood is donated to some peeps at a hospital

A vampire comes along and drinks the blood

You're blood is secretly tomato soup.

I am at the hospital and I go to therapy because one of the patients drink it and they vomit. I have several nightmares

Dw, I ended them but now have your sleep paralysis demon

I got him out with the Poltergeist 5000. Now I have an useless vacuum.

I crank up the power so much that the suction causes a black hole to appear.

I have a black hole.

je fais une révélation au trou noir

J'ai le 4ème album du groupe Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)

Je chante Starlight, je me détruis les cordes vocales.
J'ai une tasse de camomille et de sirop pour la toux

Je vide la tasse et je met du chocolat chaud.

Jai une tasse de chocolat chaud

I Turn The Hot Chocolate And It's Cup Into a Statue Of Garfield

I turn it into a dinosaur cup, for a friend.

Your dinosaur cup gets wrecked by a group of criminals who held me hostage. I am currently getting duct tape on my MMMMM! *muffled screaming*

If my dinosaur cup is wrecked, I will launch a nuclear bomb :} wait...
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Blue_Sky wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Starlite wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
BANJ3X wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
LeYoshi wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
I take apart the mechanical clock and make it the world's biggest spring.

je te vole ce ressort puis je l'implante dans une usine de champis ressorts de Super Mario Galaxy

J'ai des tonnes de champi ressorts

J'utilise tous les ressorts pour créer Spring Yard Zone

I Destroy Spring Yard Zone And Use The Springs And Metal To Make Atomic Power Robot

The Atomic Power Robot destroys itself and I turn the hunk of junk it became into ChatGPT

I ask ChatGPT how to turn it into a car and I use the instructions to make the CarGPT.

GPT, more like "J'ai pété", which means i farted in french, and i turned your CarGPT into French Fries

Well I ate them so now there is nothing

I have nothing to do and to feel and nothing in my life so I commit su*cide.
I have blood. Lots of blood.

Your blood is donated to some peeps at a hospital

A vampire comes along and drinks the blood

You're blood is secretly tomato soup.

I am at the hospital and I go to therapy because one of the patients drink it and they vomit. I have several nightmares

Dw, I ended them but now have your sleep paralysis demon

I got him out with the Poltergeist 5000. Now I have an useless vacuum.

I crank up the power so much that the suction causes a black hole to appear.

I have a black hole.

je fais une révélation au trou noir

J'ai le 4ème album du groupe Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)

Je chante Starlight, je me détruis les cordes vocales.
J'ai une tasse de camomille et de sirop pour la toux

Je vide la tasse et je met du chocolat chaud.

Jai une tasse de chocolat chaud

I Turn The Hot Chocolate And It's Cup Into a Statue Of Garfield

I turn it into a dinosaur cup, for a friend.
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Blue_Sky wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Starlite wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Blue_Sky wrote:
BANJ3X wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
LeYoshi wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
I take apart the mechanical clock and make it the world's biggest spring.

je te vole ce ressort puis je l'implante dans une usine de champis ressorts de Super Mario Galaxy

J'ai des tonnes de champi ressorts

J'utilise tous les ressorts pour créer Spring Yard Zone

I Destroy Spring Yard Zone And Use The Springs And Metal To Make Atomic Power Robot

The Atomic Power Robot destroys itself and I turn the hunk of junk it became into ChatGPT

I ask ChatGPT how to turn it into a car and I use the instructions to make the CarGPT.

GPT, more like "J'ai pété", which means i farted in french, and i turned your CarGPT into French Fries

Well I ate them so now there is nothing

I have nothing to do and to feel and nothing in my life so I commit su*cide.
I have blood. Lots of blood.

Your blood is donated to some peeps at a hospital

A vampire comes along and drinks the blood

You're blood is secretly tomato soup.

I am at the hospital and I go to therapy because one of the patients drink it and they vomit. I have several nightmares

Dw, I ended them but now have your sleep paralysis demon

I got him out with the Poltergeist 5000. Now I have an useless vacuum.

I crank up the power so much that the suction causes a black hole to appear.

I have a black hole.

je fais une révélation au trou noir

J'ai le 4ème album du groupe Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)

Je chante Starlight, je me détruis les cordes vocales.
J'ai une tasse de camomille et de sirop pour la toux

Je vide la tasse et je met du chocolat chaud.

Jai une tasse de chocolat chaud

Tomodachi Life: MKPC Edition

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
xrunner48 wrote:
MKPC Island News #2


xrunner48 (MUM IM ON THE NEWS) and Nikki (my 3ds theme) got married and had a child named frankie. Yesterday Invoku and Max-Bros got married too. lol this is the most ugliest mario mii you ever made!

to pipe?!!?!?

miis from my wii have been added, including Gordon Freeman and pipe from the wii sports baseball world

Image of the day:
that was useful information?

Poll of the day:

If Max and Invu have a baby, what should we name it?
Would it be a foxgirlgirl or a foxgirlboy thing?

Also Peach broke up with Toad and matt is dating rosalina.

This message is useless because its empty, pls write something in it
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
For the look of the Mii, its the one of my Switch profile (I think you have me in friend list on Switch), the name is Cringeh, the gender : A microwave boy, birthday : 19/12, age : idk You can choose, black of course, relationships are on.
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
xrunner48 wrote:
My mii had a baby what is going on?!?!?!?!?!

Who is the parent?????
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
But, how do I play as my Mii?

Just read the first message and you will have information
Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
How do we join if Tomodachi Life doesn't have multiplayer? XD

"It's simple! Send a picture of what you want your mii to look like, full name, gender, birthday, age, personality, favorite colour, and if relationships are on or off. If you turn relationships off, please note this will make the island less interesting, so please choose responsibly" What in this talk about a multiplayer?

Who is more annoying?

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Me raahraahraah


Ras le bol !!!

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Pour le premier, bah je pense que sa étonne personne et pour le deuxième, c'étais quoi le projet enfaite?

whos the best vanilla character?

Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
In statistics its obliviously Daisy


Messages 4274 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
luigiboo79 wrote:
what you want to calm down you want to kill myself

Nope, But you made 4 posts in a row and they are all off topic.

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