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I am becoming Mentally unstable

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
I, AwesomeAndrew, Pledge to turn off my chrome-book for a week, and play outside. Why?
Five nights at Freddy's games.

Okay, you don't want "cheap strats", but I can give you "tips".

The problem with Grand Prix

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
I'm not gonna be the broken record that repeats the skill issue thing, but you can resort to bagging?

You're right tho, these tracks are shit.

patenly stupid in mkpc

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Problem : MKPC forums are full of immature people

Solution : We rename this Twitter since now the other thing is called X and we create another MKPC community with only OGs and nice members 🤓😎

With Ads? Perfect! Sign me up!

What nintendo consoles did not sell well and why?

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
There are 4 "failures".
1: N64*
Technically, it failed. PS1 beat the shit out of it. The main reason is the cartridges. 3rd party support is really important, & N64 cartridges were hard to develop on. It also has to do with the shitty controller.

2: GameCube
Make no mistake, the games are amazing, but the console itself was a failure. The reason? Again, the storage medium used. Discs, they look cool, but they are so shit & tedious to work with. The 3rd party support just wasn't there.

3: Virtual Boy
This one is pretty self-explanatory. We don't need  to talk about this.

4: WiiU
This is literally GameCube part 2. Discs are just the shittiest way to store games ever, and too much effort when the other consoles basically ran on the same cartridges. Also, as pointed out, people thought it was a Wii controller because of the awful advertising. By the time it became obvious that it wasn't(this'd be 2014, with a new Mario Kart & Smash Bros), the damage was done, & it was over.

5: Wii(second-half)
The second half of the Wii's lifespan was also a terrible failure. Outside of sheltered communities, it is collectively agreed that the Wii is a shovelware box. There are a couple gems from the last few years, like Xenoblade & Kirby's Return to Dreamland, but yeah, 3rd party support was, again, non-existent.

So yeah, it just boils down to how well supported it was. You lose the people who only want to play certain titles if there's an objectively better version of that game somewhere else, & if the developers find it too tedious to develop the game for your console in the first place.
Also the consoles(like, the tech) are shit, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation.

Don't Talk bad about My Baby the GameCube! I was not a Failure. It had a Ton of Good Games and Accessories.

Echoing the same response I gave earlier. The games were great, there's a reason it's library is considered top 3 as far as Nintendo goes. But with only 22 Million sold....yeah no, it definitively bombed.
It's all about that 3rd party support. If it's too tedious for other developers to make games for your console, then 9/10 says they aren't going to do it, unless it's guaranteed to make bank and alleviate any costs. Even the 1st party games weren't doing so hot. They are some of the best games of all time, but there's a reason that we haven't gotten a new 3D F-ZERO or new traditional Paper Mario. Because nobody was buying them.
And it's perfectly okay to like products that bombed & admit that they bombed.
Also that shit came out before you, I don't wanna hear it, that shit is not your baby.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
There are 4 "failures".
1: N64*
Technically, it failed. PS1 beat the shit out of it. The main reason is the cartridges. 3rd party support is really important, & N64 cartridges were hard to develop on. It also has to do with the shitty controller.

2: GameCube
Make no mistake, the games are amazing, but the console itself was a failure. The reason? Again, the storage medium used. Discs, they look cool, but they are so shit & tedious to work with. The 3rd party support just wasn't there.

3: Virtual Boy
This one is pretty self-explanatory. We don't need  to talk about this.

4: WiiU
This is literally GameCube part 2. Discs are just the shittiest way to store games ever, and too much effort when the other consoles basically ran on the same cartridges. Also, as pointed out, people thought it was a Wii controller because of the awful advertising. By the time it became obvious that it wasn't(this'd be 2014, with a new Mario Kart & Smash Bros), the damage was done, & it was over.

5: Wii(second-half)
The second half of the Wii's lifespan was also a terrible failure. Outside of sheltered communities, it is collectively agreed that the Wii is a shovelware box. There are a couple gems from the last few years, like Xenoblade & Kirby's Return to Dreamland, but yeah, 3rd party support was, again, non-existent.

So yeah, it just boils down to how well supported it was. You lose the people who only want to play certain titles if there's an objectively better version of that game somewhere else, & if the developers find it too tedious to develop the game for your console in the first place.
Also the consoles(like, the tech) are shit, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation.

I think the Wii was a great console! many millions of units were sold!

In the first couple years, yes. But then it dropped off really hard after 2008. It was also mostly an American fad, it never took off in Japan, Wii Sports has only sold 12 million over there. You can look this stuff up.
The 1st party games were pretty good, but 3rd party makes or breaks consoles, & historically speaking, Nintendo had never done well with that, at least until the Switch.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
There are 4 "failures".
1: N64*
Technically, it failed. PS1 beat the shit out of it. The main reason is the cartridges. 3rd party support is really important, & N64 cartridges were hard to develop on. It also has to do with the shitty controller.

2: GameCube
Make no mistake, the games are amazing, but the console itself was a failure. The reason? Again, the storage medium used. Discs, they look cool, but they are so shit & tedious to work with. The 3rd party support just wasn't there.

3: Virtual Boy
This one is pretty self-explanatory. We don't need  to talk about this.

4: WiiU
This is literally GameCube part 2. Discs are just the shittiest way to store games ever, and too much effort when the other consoles basically ran on the same cartridges. Also, as pointed out, people thought it was a Wii controller because of the awful advertising. By the time it became obvious that it wasn't(this'd be 2014, with a new Mario Kart & Smash Bros), the damage was done, & it was over.

5: Wii(second-half)
The second half of the Wii's lifespan was also a terrible failure. Outside of sheltered communities, it is collectively agreed that the Wii is a shovelware box. There are a couple gems from the last few years, like Xenoblade & Kirby's Return to Dreamland, but yeah, 3rd party support was, again, non-existent.

So yeah, it just boils down to how well supported it was. You lose the people who only want to play certain titles if there's an objectively better version of that game somewhere else, & if the developers find it too tedious to develop the game for your console in the first place.
Also the consoles(like, the tech) are shit, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation.

How the fuck do you beat Night 6 on Five nights at Freddy's 2?!

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Anyway since you're on 3 now you might as well lock this topic.
Or reuse it later because there ain't no way you don't struggle with Aggresive Nightmare.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
teaman wrote:
i have no idea

Thank you so much for your input!
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
ah yes night 6 on the 2nd worst game in the franchise (in my opinion)

When you say worst, what do you mean? Difficult, or just plain bad?

Difficult but for FNaF 2 its both

Fair enough, and I assume the more difficult game is FNAF 4?

Was considering UCN but no FNaF 4's definitely more difficult

Oh yeah, I wasn't counting it myself because it isn't like the other games, really. It's definitely more to manage than FNAF 2 & 4. Sister Location Custom Night clears those 2 as well.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
ah yes night 6 on the 2nd worst game in the franchise (in my opinion)

When you say worst, what do you mean? Difficult, or just plain bad?

Difficult but for FNaF 2 its both

Fair enough, and I assume the more difficult game is FNAF 4?
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Fiery wrote:
ah yes night 6 on the 2nd worst game in the franchise (in my opinion)

When you say worst, what do you mean? Difficult, or just plain bad?
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Finally, a chance to plug TheBones5's channel
He's got a guide to every single max difficulty mode in the mainline FNAF games.
No matter which classic FNAF you're looking for, he's got a comprehensive guide for the Max Difficulty strat. The videos are also really funny & informative.

The first thing I'd ask is if you are buffering your mask release? If you hold your mouse over where the mask button is during an attack, it will auto-drop it on the first available frame. That sounds good on paper, & it isn't too bad on Night 6 compared to 10/20, but still not the best.

Hate message to every animatronic in FNaF 2

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Andrew has already moved on to FNAF3, so there's no point in answering to this topic.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Fuck you, and everything you ever wanted, Shut the fuck up with your bullshit quotes. Toy Freddy, you are fat as fuck. And get better at gaming bro - You can't beat the easiest game in the world! I mean come on! It fucking has 3 cameras!! And Bonnie, Get some plastic surgery mate! You look like a fucking karen girl you see in high school! 'Umm, Nooo! That's like so cringggeee "bruv"' Chica. Ngl you kinda hot- Withered Freddy. Get the fuck out of my office bro! You look like a Grandpa or an Ipad kid who doesn't know the wifi password! Toy Foxy, You can burn in hell. WHEN TF WILL YOU DECAY BRO Same thing for you BB. 'New and shiny mode' YOU BRING FOXY'S AI LEVEL FROM 0 TO 13!!!! DD, You and I are throwing hands tonight bruv. 'Oh, HoW UnfOrTuNaTe!, UuHh-OoHh, HoW uNfOrTuNaTe!' shut your goddamn mouth bro. Just Fuck everyone In the FNaF series!

DD is not even FNAF 2, wtf?
Anyway, if you do Minus 3 Strat you won't have to worry about any of the Withereds for the entire night.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Hey, JJ has done nothing. You leave her out of this!

going for Gold-en Freddy mode.

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
10/20 mode, on five nights at Freddy's two. The only main threats are Foxy, BB, W. Bonnie,W. Chica, Toy Freddy, and W. Freddy.{'W.' stands for withered, BTW}.

Does he know?
Fellas, I don't think he knows
I didn't remember to tell you this last night, that video I sent is really outdated, there's a newer one that makes things way easier.
Skip to the "Minus 7" Strategy. You don't need to do Minus 7 btw, Minus 3 is way easier.

Funny that you should mention BB...

Goodbye Akira Toriyama / Aurevoir Akira Toriyama

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
I know that there are a lot people who don't care about DBZ, so I guess it's worth bringing up the fact that the only reason Mario looks the way he does now is because of Toriyama's work? Confirmed by Miyamoto himself a couple years back. Like, if that helps somebody appreciate him more, you know.
And also the only reason for both Tanooki & Wing Cap Mario
Also Cloud from FFVII, the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog 1 intro, some of Kirby's Copy Abilities(Cutter, Crash), Kirby's House is Goku's(although everybody knows that), Mega Evolution & Z-Moves, Booyah Bomb from Splatoon 2, realistically I could keep going. Add onto that the effect that DQ had on RPGs as a whole & yeah, you start to understand why he was so special.
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
I don't care about Dragon Ball tbh, it's mid af

But his character design work in both Dragon Quest & Chrono Trigger were really something special, literally the groundwork for every JRPG ever

Not to mention the basis of a ton of media like Super Sonic
RIP to the Goat

People who reverse drift online don't play fair

Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
Here's a tip for everyone who can't reverse drift:
Second place exists
You don't NEED to come first to get points

And also bagging exists

And also you could just DC once you see the name, I do it all the time(when it's only 2-3 people in the lobby, & I'm the only one who can't do it)
Messages 2984 - King Mario King Mario
vs70500 pts ★ Titan
battle12273 pts ★ Champion
jamestown wrote:
Other than improving, they are two easier ways to deal with reverse drifters:
Suck it up and take a lower position
Just DC lmao, I do it all the time. Just don't feel like losing 237 points because I've played for longer than them but they're better, y'know.

What does DC stand for?

Disconnect. Learn the usernames & dip whenever they join. Or race with them & when it becomes clear that you can't beat them, leave. It's very disintuitive & cowardly but it's an option.

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