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/!\ MKPC: les Oscars : RESULTATS!!!

Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Ravi de voir que l'event vous a plu! ^^
C'est vrai que j'ai moi-même été bien déçu de voir que peu de gens ont voté: ça m'a fait bien drôle de voir le manque de participation par rapport à l'élection des admins....
J'avoue que je m'attendais pas moi-même à deux prix (pour moi) même si je sentais que j'aurais "le plus populaire". ^^

Pour Waluigi et Fways, vous réglerez votre compte lors de La Coupe des Champions, que je ferais débuter ce week-end!

Félicitations Fways pou être élu joueur de l'année!
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Bonjour et désolé pour l'attente!
Et oui, enfin je vais révéler les résultats des 1ers Oscars de MKPC! :D

Merci au gens qui ont votés merci (et ils ne sont pas beaucoup :/), et félicitations à tous les mentionnés, votre travail/participation à été reconnu par les membres de la communauté! bravo

Voici les résultats tant attendus!

Meilleur créateur de circuit: Link-Triforce8 et FwaysGamer
(2 voix)
Mentions: Wargor, ElectroRager (1 voix)

Meilleur coureur: Waluigi68 (7 voix)
Mentions: FwaysGamer (1 voix)

Meilleur créateur de fanfic: Gollum93 (5 voix)
Mentions: Dimension, SuperCoppin (1 voix)

Le plus populaire: misterskin (3 voix)
Mentions: Wargor, Jasminedu69, FwaysGamer (1 voix)

Meilleur animateur: misterskin (2 voix)
Mentions: Gollum93, ElectroRager, FwaysGamer (1 voix)

En enfin, vous l'attendiez tous:

(2 votes)

Mentions honorables: Wargor, Waluigi68, Gollum93 (1 voix)

Félicitations à tous le monde et à l'année prochaine!

Raison MKPC

Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Je te conseille de modifier le nom de ton topic, car ça donné pas du tout le thème de ta question ^^'


Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Wave wrote:
Xiyfn wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Imapeanut wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Imapeanut wrote:
LxzerGxn wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Imapeanut wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Wave wrote:
they banned me but did u like my message

Ban him again please @Ryubix

He's already banned.

wait why is he banned? you know what I don't even wanna know.

Do I really need to point out something so obvious, or is that second degree that I'm too tired to understand?
ryubix this is not to annoy you but i do not see why really

right that's why i ask

Nothing in his name triggers you?


Exactly. Anything related to this kind of event is prohibited on MKPC.
oh hitler.....well wy didnt you change his nick name?

oof then. that is not okay bc i watch a movie about it. that was scary.

That's the reason why all people hates us (the germans) i have heard that some people in South-America thinks that Hitler is still our King because they know nothing about us they just thinking and call us "Nazis" and stuff like that,it's really not nice what he has done (Kill judes,starts war,...)

It's not only germans anymore... The "woke" people now calls everyone a nazi. People (mostly left-wings) calls anyone who disagrees with them a nazi, a racist, a facist, etc...

They are literally what they want to fight... Calling everyone names for little reasons to frame them and shut their voices.

But some of these morons indeed calls you germans "nazis". And I find it disrecpectfull and outrageous. Having this kind of history must be hard to take, but having these morons calling your people names, I find it disgusting.

Sad fact: most of the lefties support communism. A regime which led to left-wing dictatorships (Stalin, Kim's family, Castro, Pol Pot for the most known figures) which have killed way more people than all right-wing dictatorships (Hitler, Antonescu, Franco, Mussolini for the most known figures). These people says that communist is the solution for a better world. They would not stand 1 year alive, killed by the famine and lack of food. Yeah, this world is becoming d*cked up.
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Imapeanut wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Imapeanut wrote:
LxzerGxn wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Imapeanut wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Wave wrote:
they banned me but did u like my message

Ban him again please @Ryubix

He's already banned.

wait why is he banned? you know what I don't even wanna know.

Do I really need to point out something so obvious, or is that second degree that I'm too tired to understand?
ryubix this is not to annoy you but i do not see why really

right that's why i ask

Nothing in his name triggers you?


Exactly. Anything related to this kind of event is prohibited on MKPC.
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Imapeanut wrote:
LxzerGxn wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Imapeanut wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Wave wrote:
they banned me but did u like my message

Ban him again please @Ryubix

He's already banned.

wait why is he banned? you know what I don't even wanna know.

Do I really need to point out something so obvious, or is that second degree that I'm too tired to understand?
ryubix this is not to annoy you but i do not see why really

right that's why i ask

Nothing in his name triggers you?
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Imapeanut wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
Wave wrote:
they banned me but did u like my message

Ban him again please @Ryubix

He's already banned.

wait why is he banned? you know what I don't even wanna know.

Do I really need to point out something so obvious, or is that second degree that I'm too tired to understand?
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Wave wrote:
they banned me but did u like my message

Ban him again please @Ryubix

He's already banned.

A Forum Post

Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
idk what to say

dont message on this forum even thought thats what you do with the forum

2-if you don't know what to say, don't.

Should DDE (Daisy Drift Exploit) be patched?

Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Ryubix wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
InToNY wrote:
Hey, and I have a question.
When I was starting playing online, I was just destroyed 'cause everyone just used DDE. It's like MKWii, But is extremely skill-based. When 2 pros race, a pro wins that can drift through more part of the stage, it's not luck  dependant (MKT took luck-based online to extreme).
So should this exploit be patched to made MKPC more begginer friendly?        toad

PS: I can't even imagine a online game with players not playing as Daisy or skin with her stats.  yoshi

Or, maybe there could be a ranking race. SO that you can only play with people who are of your same rank. So, because I am a Champion, I can only race other champions, and if you overcome that rank, you get transported to being able to play people of that higher rank. You know what I mean.

EDIT: And or, have Daisy be usable for 1 race and then have a cooldown for like 3 races so that people don't use her all the time. So that more different races can happen instead of the higher ranked people getting first and the 5000's chat.

Since the activity in online mode is very low, with only around 20 to 50 players playing per day, implementing a system which makes you play players from the same rank as you would just kill the online gamemode.

Oh yeah, I forgot all about the small activity on online. Sorry about that. But if the activity as higher with at least 250 - 300 players on everyday, then I could see my idea come through. But adding it now, would be catastrophic to online play.

Your idea was interesting, but unmakeable for MKPC standards, that's all. 8)

Ok, thanks for taking it into consideration.:)

You're welcome! ;)
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Ryubix wrote:
InToNY wrote:
Hey, and I have a question.
When I was starting playing online, I was just destroyed 'cause everyone just used DDE. It's like MKWii, But is extremely skill-based. When 2 pros race, a pro wins that can drift through more part of the stage, it's not luck  dependant (MKT took luck-based online to extreme).
So should this exploit be patched to made MKPC more begginer friendly?        toad

PS: I can't even imagine a online game with players not playing as Daisy or skin with her stats.  yoshi

Or, maybe there could be a ranking race. SO that you can only play with people who are of your same rank. So, because I am a Champion, I can only race other champions, and if you overcome that rank, you get transported to being able to play people of that higher rank. You know what I mean.

EDIT: And or, have Daisy be usable for 1 race and then have a cooldown for like 3 races so that people don't use her all the time. So that more different races can happen instead of the higher ranked people getting first and the 5000's chat.

Since the activity in online mode is very low, with only around 20 to 50 players playing per day, implementing a system which makes you play players from the same rank as you would just kill the online gamemode.

Oh yeah, I forgot all about the small activity on online. Sorry about that. But if the activity as higher with at least 250 - 300 players on everyday, then I could see my idea come through. But adding it now, would be catastrophic to online play.

Your idea was interesting, but unmakeable for MKPC standards, that's all. 8)

Fways appreciates this.
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
InToNY wrote:
Hey, and I have a question.
When I was starting playing online, I was just destroyed 'cause everyone just used DDE. It's like MKWii, But is extremely skill-based. When 2 pros race, a pro wins that can drift through more part of the stage, it's not luck  dependant (MKT took luck-based online to extreme).
So should this exploit be patched to made MKPC more begginer friendly?        toad

PS: I can't even imagine a online game with players not playing as Daisy or skin with her stats.  yoshi

Or, maybe there could be a ranking race. SO that you can only play with people who are of your same rank. So, because I am a Champion, I can only race other champions, and if you overcome that rank, you get transported to being able to play people of that higher rank. You know what I mean.

EDIT: And or, have Daisy be usable for 1 race and then have a cooldown for like 3 races so that people don't use her all the time. So that more different races can happen instead of the higher ranked people getting first and the 5000's chat.

Since the activity in online mode is very low, with only around 20 to 50 players playing per day, implementing a system which makes you play players from the same rank as you would just kill the online gamemode.

Fways appreciates this.

Ryubix - Ask me anything!

Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert

Do you play Super Mario Maker 2 ?

I do have the game, and I even created some levels on it! I played only like 15 hours on it though... When I payed 60 euros for it... :s
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
FK_ANNA wrote:
If you could be one Pokemon  which one and Why?

It's a tricky question, I'm not even sure if I can answer it. :S
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Why did you really want to become an admin on MKPC?

At first, I wanted to contribute more to the community. And I though the fact I'm friendly with many people (thanks to the tournaments I host) will help me in my job to keep MKPC a safe place. I'm surely doing my job well since I'm now administrator on MKPC non-stop since 2016! ;)

do you ever just the

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Today I ate bread,
And I didn't understood you. :)
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
RHcks wrote:
FK_ANNA wrote:
Ryubix wrote:
RHcks wrote:
Now you understand what i mean with Sapish? lol

I will declare war on the sapish people, for MKPC!

wait what

I am confused as well, whats Sapish?



Basically its a meme bc some tried to say Spain and by mistake said Sapin and then we say Sapish for Spanish and Sapin for Spain lol

The Sapin Kingdom! :D
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
Veethan23 wrote:
Tiens une question très dur pour toi.

Quel est le tournois MKPC dont que tu est le plus fier dans tout ceux que tu as host ?

La MKPC Pro League, sans hésiter! :D
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
BlockClips wrote:
whats the first mario kart you ever played mine is maybe mario kart super circuit

The 1st one I have played that I remember is Mario Kart: Super Circuit, once, in a friends house.

Years later, I got to own a Wii at christmas, with Mario Kart Wii with it. It was the 1st game in the series that I really played for a long time. In fact it's the Mario Kart I played on with during my whole life!
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
RHcks wrote:
Now you understand what i mean with Sapish? lol

I will declare war on the sapish people, for MKPC!
Messages 2859 - King Mario King Mario
vs33419 pts ★ Legend
battle9550 pts ★ Expert
TORRANCE4 wrote:
can you make a tier list or rank my tracks?yoshi

Sadly I do not have the time to do that, I have big things to organize and schedule for MKPC. ;)

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