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Pourquoi j'en ai marre + Potentielle pause ?
On 2023-05-01 at 12:31:24
I agree with everything except... the revive part ? We're out of the nitpick era now... have you looked to the topic Yoshi or Birdo ? People listened to what you had to say about the revives, and they did what you asked them to do. The topic was legit from 2021, the answer was 12 days ago, nobody complained at all while let's not forget that now there is a warning that over a year the topic might be too old (the warning's official btw) but the person kept going, nobody saw that as a problem and they kept going on the original subject, I don't know where you see people complaining about revives now that Ralsei has gone out and his weird obsessions along with him, it was mainly Ralsei who created all of this hatred towards both the word and the action, plus it was back in the beginning of the nitpick era so yeah there would be a problem lol. Aside from that, I understand you need a break. Most of the moderators were criticized at least once. However, you're getting intense backlash on a daily basis. I mean, we need to make a difference between backlash (omg fuck you you're such a bad mod resign already) and advice (I think this was a bad decision. Maybe you should avoid it next time.) But here, it is backlash, I see people complaining about how you're a bad mod, and it's always the same person. Thing is, I don't think that that person would be as good as they say in that role. At this point let Max the fuck alone. And stop calling this dickeating. I just see how Max is hurt by what you're doing, but you don't seem to care, yet it's obvious, he's given signs, but you kept on ignoring them since, oh, you call that not being able to take an opinion. And you, the person I'm calling you right now, are probably gonna recognize yourself. Anyways, I understand why you're burnt out. You need a break. You need it. Sure, I'll be sad without you, but now it's about you and not me. So you can go away and fix your mental health by taking a breath away, 'kay ? It's not like a mayhem will happen. Coopa and Tendo got banned. There's no nitpick. There's no dramas anymore. So chillax. Take a foxgirl colored Starbucks drink, and go sip it on a teal beach deckchair, while looking at my empathetic Scratch bear trying to justify himself thinking people are giving him enough care to actually judge him. I hope that will make you smile. I want to see you happy. I want to see you freed from all tension. You know ? Do you remember yourself when I met you back in February 2022 ? You were chill, polite and calm. I could tell you anything and you'd still be comforting me as I needed. You were always there for me. (Oh and btw the rest is gonna be cringe so cry about it if you don't like it.) And if there was a drama with both sides being hot heated and yelling at each other, you'd pacify it all. I want you to go back to that Max. It seems like the overall tension of being a moderator has token a toll on you. So, you can resign, you can also just take a break. That Max of the pre-moderator era was the one I want to see back. Because he had a good mental health and could handle situations like those. Please. Just do whatever you feel like. But come back healed. We can talk, you know. That won't be a problem.
And to all of the people out there hating on Max because he doesn't meet your expectations. Or because he is a different type of moderator, focusing on the forum. Be quiet. It's your fault if he got here. Why would you even continue to hurt him after you even become conscious that did hurt him ? Because you wanted to keep on saying your oPiNiOnS, and that Max can't take them ? Thing is, I genuinely believe you can say an opinion of yours and you shouldn't have a problem about that. But if the opinion is hurting someone, you should think about it, instead of being so stucked up on it. I have many, many, many opinions that could hurt people. Am I saying them? No. Am I genuine and honest in my opinions ? Yes. Now think about it and stop keep on harassing a 15 year old just because you don't like him as a mod. If we follow that logic, if you became a moderator and that I didn't like you, I could as well do the same thing and shit on you. That wouldn't be unfair. What would be unfair would be leaving the situation as it is. But we'll keep it to that. Just understand that Max isn't perfect. Far from that. He's a good person, he's kind, but he's not perfect. But you're not perfect neither. Far from that. And I'm not perfect. Very far from that. Yet I think people should look at others from where they came. Max is autistic. It's not easy dealing with that kind of thing. Do you realize, he still got choosed, despite having this handicap. And people knew he was autistic before choosing him. And anyways that would have been offensive to not choose him just because he was autistic (although I'd understand why some people would say that.) So being a moderator. As he is. Being autistic. Is harder. And you should look at him that way. If someone was beaten up by their parents but still became a moderator despite the hatred, he deserves some respect because he came from further than a silver spoon dude who got chosen because oh, he's popular and oh, the staff likes him. That's what some of you need to understand. We all have our struggles. Let's take all of them into account, okay ? If we can comfort each other about those struggles, we'll be fine. Examples : IlluZhion has a very complicated life with lots of things done as a 14 year old, which is terrifying because he shouldn't have to go through that. Max is autistic. 5072 has diabetes which is incurable. Do you realize all of that ? And some of them are actual sicknesses, and you can't get rid of that by snapping your fingers. Yet, they just need two things... Comfort and understanding. That way, they will be able to go through and maybe even surpass their sickness, at least mentally. Because they're not going through that alone. And because they have people who understand and support them as people. They don't need much more to at least know a little bit of happiness. Now which path do you take ? The judgemental and rude one who is always backlashing the same and only person ? Or the kind one who is trying to give comfort and understanding, helping them go through their struggles while still giving advice to help them progress ? Hmm ?
But anyways, yes, you need a break. The forum isn't as bad as some people say, but its not good neither. And Discord isn't perfect neither, far from it.
bro thinks he is jesus christ typing the bibleAnd to all of the people out there hating on Max because he doesn't meet your expectations. Or because he is a different type of moderator, focusing on the forum. Be quiet. It's your fault if he got here. Why would you even continue to hurt him after you even become conscious that did hurt him ? Because you wanted to keep on saying your oPiNiOnS, and that Max can't take them ? Thing is, I genuinely believe you can say an opinion of yours and you shouldn't have a problem about that. But if the opinion is hurting someone, you should think about it, instead of being so stucked up on it. I have many, many, many opinions that could hurt people. Am I saying them? No. Am I genuine and honest in my opinions ? Yes. Now think about it and stop keep on harassing a 15 year old just because you don't like him as a mod. If we follow that logic, if you became a moderator and that I didn't like you, I could as well do the same thing and shit on you. That wouldn't be unfair. What would be unfair would be leaving the situation as it is. But we'll keep it to that. Just understand that Max isn't perfect. Far from that. He's a good person, he's kind, but he's not perfect. But you're not perfect neither. Far from that. And I'm not perfect. Very far from that. Yet I think people should look at others from where they came. Max is autistic. It's not easy dealing with that kind of thing. Do you realize, he still got choosed, despite having this handicap. And people knew he was autistic before choosing him. And anyways that would have been offensive to not choose him just because he was autistic (although I'd understand why some people would say that.) So being a moderator. As he is. Being autistic. Is harder. And you should look at him that way. If someone was beaten up by their parents but still became a moderator despite the hatred, he deserves some respect because he came from further than a silver spoon dude who got chosen because oh, he's popular and oh, the staff likes him. That's what some of you need to understand. We all have our struggles. Let's take all of them into account, okay ? If we can comfort each other about those struggles, we'll be fine. Examples : IlluZhion has a very complicated life with lots of things done as a 14 year old, which is terrifying because he shouldn't have to go through that. Max is autistic. 5072 has diabetes which is incurable. Do you realize all of that ? And some of them are actual sicknesses, and you can't get rid of that by snapping your fingers. Yet, they just need two things... Comfort and understanding. That way, they will be able to go through and maybe even surpass their sickness, at least mentally. Because they're not going through that alone. And because they have people who understand and support them as people. They don't need much more to at least know a little bit of happiness. Now which path do you take ? The judgemental and rude one who is always backlashing the same and only person ? Or the kind one who is trying to give comfort and understanding, helping them go through their struggles while still giving advice to help them progress ? Hmm ?
But anyways, yes, you need a break. The forum isn't as bad as some people say, but its not good neither. And Discord isn't perfect neither, far from it.
bruh what do you have with those who write long texts like that?
On 2023-05-01 at 01:52:38
he thinks i'm reading allat
ok mec mais le rapport avec ça
On 2023-05-01 at 01:08:35
Bonsoir, topic un peu personnel, qui parlera de ma vision de la communauté et de mon état actuel, tout ça de façon un peu éparpillée, car FLEMME de réfléchir sur ça -_-
Déjà je n'aime pas comment la communauté est actuellement (100% sûr vous êtes surpris ), et surtout comment elle s'est retrouvée divisée en 2, d'un coté t'as le forum, de l'autre ceux actifs sur le serveur Discord
Ceux actifs sur le discord sont pas réellement problématiques dans 95% des cas, sauf UN, que je mentionnerai plus tard, mais que vous savez déjà qui c'est si vous me connaissez un peu
Ensuite il y a le forum, qui est composé à 80% de gamins assez immatures (genre Chilli, KirbyBoy, ou même 5072 par exemple), mais qui en général sont juste immatures, certes c'est lourd a gérer mais bon il y a eu pire LOL
Après j'aime pas comment le forum s'est mis a établir des règles qui n'existent pas de base, ou alors qui sont assez floues, genre les revives, je sais c'est chiant, mais tbh si le revive est pertinent, je ne vois pas le problème, mais genre dès que quelqu'un up un topic datant d'il y a 1 mois, boom c'est le drame, et la moitié des actifs se jettent sur celui qui a up pour spammer "dOn'T rEvIvE oLd ToPiCs" sans réellement expliquer pourquoi, peu importe si le revive est pertinent ou non lol, ou toutes les excuses pour les doubles posts, alors je l'ai déjà dit mais techniquement c'est pas illégal, même techniquement un triple post peut être légal si les messages n'ont rien à voir ! (C'est pas moi qui le dit c'est le règlement)
Mais justement, comment on en est arrivé là ?
En mai/juin/juillet/août 2022, je faisait partie de ces gens, et c'était déjà comme ça lol
Et c'est là que je me dis que je suis en partie responsable de ça
Le fait de voir quelqu'un qui a eu ce comportement discutable (qui partait d'une bonne intention mais mal exécuté) devenir modérateur a du motiver des gens pour avoir ce même comportement
Et justement vu que j'ai beaucoup grandi psychologiquement (et aussi en taille mais ce n'est pas le sujet), et que mon comportement s'est rapproché de ceux de gens plus âgés présents sur le Discord (fallait bien que je m'adapte), je me retrouve littéralement coincé entre les 2 parties de la communauté
Je vais revenir sur une autre personne qui n'a absolument pas le même profil, qui est très actif sur le Discord, mais qui tbh n'est pas du tout compatible avec le forum :
Mais genre, le mec a démoli ma santé mentale avec ses conneries
Il m'a tellement rabaissé, tellement été un connard, en fait pour résumer il a une mentalité similaire à celle de 48HourKet (perma ban par Ryubix il y a quelques jours pour son comportement) sauf que lui il sait un minimum se retenir et parle plus souvent sur le Discord, donc bon
Ces derniers jours, j'ai également été au bord de craquer plusieurs fois, j'ai eu un breakdown total un soir sur Discord (en mode "je suis qu'une merde" un truc débile quoi), eu 2763 """débats""" avec Pianta qui dit que de la merde (genre il a accusé Lely de trucs totalement débiles, et bien évidemment il le dit quand il parle avec moi, moi qui possède cette "réputation" d'être assez protecteur envers Lely pour je ne sais quelle raison LOL), déjà que irl c'est pas hyper positif je n'ai absolument pas envie de me faire éclater comme ça alors que je n'ai rien demandé mdrrr
Et après un pavé de texte sur le salon Moderation du discord, Ryubix et Wargor ont tous les 2 dit que j'aurais besoin d'une pause
Mais est-ce que je peux faire cette pause
Je n'ai littéralement rien d'autre à faire de mes journées, et puis sans moi qui va gérer le forum ? (Certes il y a Tox mais il est australien et il a une vie)
Donc bon si je suis un peu inactif durant un temps,
vous saurez pourquoi
Bref, je pense que je n'ai rien d'autre à ajouter
Déjà je n'aime pas comment la communauté est actuellement (100% sûr vous êtes surpris ), et surtout comment elle s'est retrouvée divisée en 2, d'un coté t'as le forum, de l'autre ceux actifs sur le serveur Discord
Ceux actifs sur le discord sont pas réellement problématiques dans 95% des cas, sauf UN, que je mentionnerai plus tard, mais que vous savez déjà qui c'est si vous me connaissez un peu
Ensuite il y a le forum, qui est composé à 80% de gamins assez immatures (genre Chilli, KirbyBoy, ou même 5072 par exemple), mais qui en général sont juste immatures, certes c'est lourd a gérer mais bon il y a eu pire LOL
Après j'aime pas comment le forum s'est mis a établir des règles qui n'existent pas de base, ou alors qui sont assez floues, genre les revives, je sais c'est chiant, mais tbh si le revive est pertinent, je ne vois pas le problème, mais genre dès que quelqu'un up un topic datant d'il y a 1 mois, boom c'est le drame, et la moitié des actifs se jettent sur celui qui a up pour spammer "dOn'T rEvIvE oLd ToPiCs" sans réellement expliquer pourquoi, peu importe si le revive est pertinent ou non lol, ou toutes les excuses pour les doubles posts, alors je l'ai déjà dit mais techniquement c'est pas illégal, même techniquement un triple post peut être légal si les messages n'ont rien à voir ! (C'est pas moi qui le dit c'est le règlement)
Mais justement, comment on en est arrivé là ?
En mai/juin/juillet/août 2022, je faisait partie de ces gens, et c'était déjà comme ça lol
Et c'est là que je me dis que je suis en partie responsable de ça
Le fait de voir quelqu'un qui a eu ce comportement discutable (qui partait d'une bonne intention mais mal exécuté) devenir modérateur a du motiver des gens pour avoir ce même comportement
Et justement vu que j'ai beaucoup grandi psychologiquement (et aussi en taille mais ce n'est pas le sujet), et que mon comportement s'est rapproché de ceux de gens plus âgés présents sur le Discord (fallait bien que je m'adapte), je me retrouve littéralement coincé entre les 2 parties de la communauté
Je vais revenir sur une autre personne qui n'a absolument pas le même profil, qui est très actif sur le Discord, mais qui tbh n'est pas du tout compatible avec le forum :
Mais genre, le mec a démoli ma santé mentale avec ses conneries
Il m'a tellement rabaissé, tellement été un connard, en fait pour résumer il a une mentalité similaire à celle de 48HourKet (perma ban par Ryubix il y a quelques jours pour son comportement) sauf que lui il sait un minimum se retenir et parle plus souvent sur le Discord, donc bon
Ces derniers jours, j'ai également été au bord de craquer plusieurs fois, j'ai eu un breakdown total un soir sur Discord (en mode "je suis qu'une merde" un truc débile quoi), eu 2763 """débats""" avec Pianta qui dit que de la merde (genre il a accusé Lely de trucs totalement débiles, et bien évidemment il le dit quand il parle avec moi, moi qui possède cette "réputation" d'être assez protecteur envers Lely pour je ne sais quelle raison LOL), déjà que irl c'est pas hyper positif je n'ai absolument pas envie de me faire éclater comme ça alors que je n'ai rien demandé mdrrr
Et après un pavé de texte sur le salon Moderation du discord, Ryubix et Wargor ont tous les 2 dit que j'aurais besoin d'une pause
Mais est-ce que je peux faire cette pause
Je n'ai littéralement rien d'autre à faire de mes journées, et puis sans moi qui va gérer le forum ? (Certes il y a Tox mais il est australien et il a une vie)
Donc bon si je suis un peu inactif durant un temps,
vous saurez pourquoi
Bref, je pense que je n'ai rien d'autre à ajouter
PROJET- Une IA modératrice sur MKPC
On 2023-05-01 at 17:18:05
Pourquoi je sens y'aura des bugs et sa va pas trop marché?
A ton avis, MEE6 sur discord c de la merde ou pas?
On 2023-05-01 at 22:32:15
un topic fait par des gamins immatures qui a été revive par un mec bizarre, tout va bien je suppose
Topic locké
Topic locké
On 2023-05-01 at 12:54:06
where is the relevance in this revive
Kris died?
On 2023-05-01 at 22:30:27
This topic is just stupid, tbh why assume that someone is dead just because they are inactive?
And then Kris answered you lol, so case closed, topic locked
And then Kris answered you lol, so case closed, topic locked
On 2023-04-30 at 21:24:37
His last message was April 1 and he hasn't been online on discord either
if we follow this logic that means that 80/90% of the people who have been on this site are dead
raconté vos histoire
On 2023-04-29 at 20:42:46
Ils marchaient dans une forêt et genre ils aperçoivent un renard, du coup le lapin demande à son amie "Est-ce que le renard va nous attaquer ?", la coccinelle, dans le doute profond, répond "Euh jsp"
pov je suis le renard, Nudge le lapin
On 2023-04-30 at 23:08:33
Also, I need to specify something, I believe 2 silver cups and 3 bronze cups equals 1 gold cup which means you can get a character that requires, for example, 4 gold cups, with no gold cups at all
actually it's 4 bronze cups and not 3 (2 bronze = 1 silver and 2 silver = 1 gold)
On 2023-04-30 at 18:19:07
actually you unlock characters depending on the number of cups you get
Parce que les débloque pas dans l'ordre? Si sa dépend du nombre de coupe que tu as finis, pourquoi jai eu Toadette avant Link, cest pas dans l'ordre de base?
En fait tous les persos après Link sont débloqués sur les coupes custom, tu peux donc techniquement débloquer Toadette (10 coupes en or custom/20 coupes en argent custom/40 coupes en bronze custom) avant Koopa (1 coupe en or/2 coupes en argent/4 coupes en bronze sur le jeu de base)
On 2023-04-30 at 17:02:31
actually you unlock characters depending on the number of cups you get
On 2023-04-28 at 23:15:42
On Edit Mulitcup in Advanced options on cup image selection. Why can you choose a file in a custom image?
look at the news I posted today, it talks about the update released today
Custom sprite creating
On 2023-04-28 at 09:27:40
Could You at Least do Biker Wario?
the topic creator has been INACTIVE for 2 YEARS, it's like asking a skeleton to cook, and even after you've been explicitly told that the topic creator has been inactive for a very long time, you continue to ask ?
And then instead of asking you at least tried to do it yourself?
So topic locked lol, I don't know if it would be worse if your behavior was voluntary or not
Is this Music Real?
On 2023-04-23 at 22:43:24
Is this actually the Pal Version, or is it Just a Rom Hack?
I've never heard of this "version", probably a Rom Hack, but idk
On 2023-04-23 at 18:55:56
just go to Paste Image URL and that doesn't consume any of your storage.
doesnt work + i make my own circuits most of the time
Comment ça ça ne marche pas + il y a quelque chose qui s'appelle les hébergeurs d'image lol
ça te met un truc comme ça:
c'est l'image le problème, essaye avec une autre image d'un autre site et ça devait marcher lol + je me répète mais il existe des hébergeurs d'image lmao
On 2023-04-23 at 18:07:40
just go to Paste Image URL and that doesn't consume any of your storage.
doesnt work + i make my own circuits most of the time
Comment ça ça ne marche pas + il y a quelque chose qui s'appelle les hébergeurs d'image lol
Browser Brawl
On 2023-04-22 at 17:50:45
I use Chrome on computer and phone
Btw fun fact if you play on Firefox (idk for Edge) be aware that the game is slower than on Chrome so you will be slower in online mode than someone using Chrome
Btw fun fact if you play on Firefox (idk for Edge) be aware that the game is slower than on Chrome so you will be slower in online mode than someone using Chrome
On 2023-04-16 at 23:47:16
I Got Ratioed + W + Nobody Asked For You To Apologise + Skill Issue Being Annoying + No Irritating Traits?
average french borderline pedophilic french individual
average - I never said the opposite
french - What's the problem
borderline - ok it was a bit aggressive, but you did worse, you just proved it lmao
pedophilic - I'm 15 man I can't be a pedophile I'm under 18 lol , and it has nothing to do with this
french - you repeat yourself dude, you are not a human gif
arent you autistic? please be quiet
There is nothing to do between being autistic and being forced to shut up lol, and if you are afraid of "different" or "not normal" people, know that technically nobody is normal, nobody is exactly like another, everyone is different, but everyone is equal
it was the psychological interlude by Max-Bros
even the zoophilies you support and allow to be here?
what's crazy is that you always seem to understand the situation like it's the ones you're having a "debate" with (dunno if I can call it a debate if you're just sending hate messages lmao) who were the bad people, those who are not "conforming to society" etc...
...but are you a good person?
Since you've been on this site, you've always been too aggressive towards people who haven't asked anything, with the classic "arguments" like "ratio" "who asked" etc..., and you seem to consider yourself like a "good person", but lmao I don't even know how it's possible lol, just your previous message, with your use of autism, but lol you know what respect is ???
Btw i never said i supported zoophiles lol, dont say i said things I never said
I have never used ratio or who asked in any of my arguments, I never said i was a good person, im just right and pointing out that 90% of the people here are losers who need to touch sunlight, and you supported zoophiles by upvoting a guys message multiple times talking about how zoophilia is ok and that people could be doing worse things, and who cares if they fuck their dogs.
So it's time to list all the errors in your post for the 69th time
- How can you be right if all you can do is put people down while they do nothing wrong
- you're talking to a mirror, the loser here is you
- Ok that's not misunderstanding that's a lie, I didn't upvote ANY post from Kraze (HalfCookedRouter) talking about this, and I just said I don't support zoophiles, learn to read man you'll see it will be better after that
- for the "ratio/who asked" I think you used them at least once, and those were examples, you just said stuff like that lmao
On 2023-04-16 at 23:26:18
I Got Ratioed + W + Nobody Asked For You To Apologise + Skill Issue Being Annoying + No Irritating Traits?
average french borderline pedophilic french individual
average - I never said the opposite
french - What's the problem
borderline - ok it was a bit aggressive, but you did worse, you just proved it lmao
pedophilic - I'm 15 man I can't be a pedophile I'm under 18 lol , and it has nothing to do with this
french - you repeat yourself dude, you are not a human gif
arent you autistic? please be quiet
There is nothing to do between being autistic and being forced to shut up lol, and if you are afraid of "different" or "not normal" people, know that technically nobody is normal, nobody is exactly like another, everyone is different, but everyone is equal
it was the psychological interlude by Max-Bros
even the zoophilies you support and allow to be here?
what's crazy is that you always seem to understand the situation like it's the ones you're having a "debate" with (dunno if I can call it a debate if you're just sending hate messages lmao) who were the bad people, those who are not "conforming to society" etc...
...but are you a good person?
Since you've been on this site, you've always been too aggressive towards people who haven't asked anything, with the classic "arguments" like "ratio" "who asked" etc..., and you seem to consider yourself like a "good person", but lmao I don't even know how it's possible lol, just your previous message, with your use of autism, but lol you know what respect is ???
Btw i never said i supported zoophiles lol, dont say i said things I never said