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Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Voici un toxique de mkpc : @Yom_Kippour_Forever
Pour faire simple , il est raciste et manipule @max-bros ( si ce qu'il dit est vrai )

1 - Alors c'est de base supposé être du troll, mais bon là il va trop loin donc bon
2 - De toute façon j'essaye de régler le problème en privé
3 - De toute façon il ne faut pas toujours tout prendre au sérieux, si quelqu'un t'insulte de façon random, au pire essaye de le troller en retour, c'est pas toujours top mais c'est pas ce qu'attend celui qui insulte, ou alors encore plus simple tu ignore la personne, je ne comprends même pas pourquoi tu ne l'as pas fait après avoir report pour la première fois
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
LeYoshi wrote:
What did bro called me???😢
(Sorry i don't know how to put screenshots into a image)


Use [img][/img], like so:

là il a essayé de mettre un fichier venant directement de son ordi, donc ça marche pas, faut utiliser quelque chose pour héberger l'image sur internet
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
SAH_Fways wrote:
@osc-omb arrête d'être aigri un peu déjà que t'es nul à mkpc alors qu'il faut utiliser 3 doigts

je crois qu'il sait rd lol

rd= retarded?

bon whatever, si vous voulez régler ce problème à l'amiable ne comptez pas sur moi, je dois faire d'autres trucs, et puis on verra si le reste du staff saura se montrer compétent hap
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
SAH_Fways wrote:
@osc-omb arrête d'être aigri un peu déjà que t'es nul à mkpc alors qu'il faut utiliser 3 doigts

je crois qu'il sait rd lol
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion

photoshopped, @FoxgirlThing would know that i'd never do this hap @SAH_Fways @RGX_Vandal ah ouais j'insulte jamais les gens de nword hap

bon c'est pas le moment de foutre la merde merci
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Jey78 wrote:

alt de @geoco btw

Probablement une ip d'une école, sinon jsp trop quoi faire là, je gère un peu jsp combien de choses à la fois donc déso '^^
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
@NudgeAndMaxBothSuck. Constant immaturity, spam, toxic behaviour, and slandering via nicknames

that's because you're slandering me. you literally DESERVE to be slandered back lmao

isn't it the opposite situation?
and if you're really being slandered, you just have to report I guess, in any case you definitely don't seem to want to accept the fact of being wrong
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
I_AM wrote:
I_AM wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
asdf_movie wrote:

This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message. :D

Yes, but this is off-topic.

Yes, but this is off-topic

Yes, but this chain is off-topic

Then don't keep it going. *[

bruh, can't you take a FUCKING JOKE COMBINED WITH A-

Oh, sorry, was that a joke ? It was so bad that I couldn't even tell it was one. I can't take jokes ? Learn to make them, and stop talking to me as if you were on what you imagine to be your pedestal. And then we will talk 😘


the dude really doens't want to recognize that he is in the wrong so he says nonsense things
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
I_AM wrote:
Noob68 wrote:
asdf_movie wrote:

This has truly opened my eyes to the real meaning of life, thanks for sharing this life changing inspirational message. :D

Yes, but this is off-topic.

Yes, but this is off-topic

Yes, but this chain is off-topic

Then don't keep it going. *[

bruh, can't you take a FUCKING JOKE COMBINED WITH A-

I bet that wasn't a joke and it's just an excuse to avoid being wrong and throwing the blameb on someone who was just saying something right
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
asdf_movie wrote:

this message is so deep that I didn't understand it
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
DTNA wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Do People Report Pfps Here?
Because gump Has A Inappropriate Pfp (At The Time Of Writing This Message. It Could Change At Any Time)

I deleted his pfp, and he will receive a warning, thx for report ;)

Interesting, I Didn't Know That Mods Can Delete Pfps! I Guess I Should've Known That fou
Also, If You Are Wondering Why I Deleted The Message, Its Because The Pfp Was Gone So The Message Was No Longer Needed

Yeah I know that myself, one mod did it not ONCE but TWICE as an accident, once I took his pfp (that was before) and he took it out because it was pfp stealing, but both times he deleted it it was accidental (don't know how the missclick was truly possible though)

peut-être c'était arrivé sur téléphone, et sur téléphone c'est plus facile de missclick lol
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Do People Report Pfps Here?
Because gump Has A Inappropriate Pfp (At The Time Of Writing This Message. It Could Change At Any Time)

I deleted his pfp, and he will receive a warning, thx for report ;)
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Quand on dit "pas de square track", il y a quand même des petits malins

la multicoupe est déjà suppr, jsp comment mais bon
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Veno wrote:
Rip mon topic le plus populaire est mort x(
Rip my most popular topic died x(

A cause de bots, attaque DDOS?

Alors techniquement ça ne peut pas être une attaque DDOS car MKPC n'a pas d'api où spammer, c'est juste une grosse attaque spam, en tout cas c'est ce qu'on m'a dit
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Lely wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
@sfgwsefwef too toxic, insult  people

He's been banned already, and all of his messages have been removed.


Please can someone IP Ban him if it continue

On his old account, he told me he was already IP banned but I didn't understand any of his bs

He used different device ?

I don't know, the important thing to do would be to ignore him and report him on every occasion you find at this point

il utilise un vpn, du coup ça risque de durer longtemps si il continue de créer des comptes :/
Btw c'est littéralement chucks, si vous voulez savoir
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
BANJ3X wrote:
Senko wrote:
BANJ3X wrote:
I'm reporting this mf @ihavespeed for:

Here's the proof:
please get him the fuck outta this website

i forgot to mention he just made his account

banni (après avoir essayé de le troller en privé car sinon c'est pas drôle hap), merci du signalement x)

tu l'as ban combien de temps?

perma ban, c'est ce que j'ai toujours fait avec ce genre de trolls totalement dégeux
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
BANJ3X wrote:
I'm reporting this mf @ihavespeed for:

Here's the proof:
please get him the fuck outta this website

i forgot to mention he just made his account

banni (après avoir essayé de le troller en privé car sinon c'est pas drôle hap), merci du signalement x)
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Jey78 wrote:
StarSplizz wrote:
Inappropriate nickname https://mkpc.malahieude.net/profil.php?id=129742

This is just a stupid nickname. It's allowed.

non, dans le pseudo il y a des mots pas très TRÈS GENTILS, je vais essayer de m'en occuper
EDIT : Att il a édité mdr, bon là c'est juste hyper gênant, mais bon :/
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
xrunner48 wrote:
I believe that @COTIJA is an alt of @Blueyfan2013, some circuits are shared.

Wrong BlueyFan, but it seems to be true
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
theSUN wrote:
I hate hackers

there is no hacker on this site wdym?

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