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[TBC] Track Building Tournament
On 2022-11-30 at 12:35:04
que veut dire [TBC] ?![;)](images/smileys/smiley2.png)
what does [TBC] mean? ![;)](images/smileys/smiley2.png)
TBC veut dire Track Builder Contest, c'est de l'anglais et ça veut dire Concours de création de piste, ou tout simplement Concours de circuits
On 2023-02-24 at 19:12:07
also found a hacker username proudster was using 500 cc in a 150 cc lobby
1 - If it was a hacker what are your proofs?
2 - He doesn't hack, he knows Reverse Drifting, the game's meta
3 - Anyway it's impossible to cheat in online mode on MKPC
Is there even a way to cheat in MKPC?
I don't think, apart from the stuff planned in VS/Solo Battle (like commands) it's not possible
On 2023-02-24 at 19:08:38
also found a hacker username proudster was using 500 cc in a 150 cc lobby
1 - If it was a hacker what are your proofs?
2 - He doesn't hack, he knows Reverse Drifting, the game's meta
3 - Anyway it's impossible to cheat in online mode on MKPC
On 2023-02-24 at 00:43:22
Useless Topic
useless ratio
Toxic, don't make me put you on the report topic
Ok but did you know that MKPC is older than you ?
Yes... so?
So don't be so embitterred at your little age, you have a long life, enjoy laughing with people instead of reporting them for nothing
shut up you b****. He reports them FOR A REASON, unlike you fat hamster.
Ok but I didn't ask you little shitty kid
ur a pain in the ****
no i will not. be ashamed of yourself for being this way you are. SHUT YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW OR WE WILL IP BAN YOU
You criticize Fways while you do the same in a more immature way, gg
On 2023-02-23 at 22:48:34
Vous avez fumé quoi pour faire ce topic ? ![hap](images/smileys/smiley39.gif)
c'est combien le gramme ?
I did Broken Pier's quick mode pieces
On 2023-02-19 at 16:05:04
Otherwise the only problem is that the turns don't look like they line up well, and the lighter shading on those pieces aren't consistent with the rest. Nonetheless, good start.
bp and bl literally use the same tileset
Not exactly, BL's wood is darker than BP wood
Petit coucou de Mbk76
On 2023-02-23 at 16:13:34
Hey je me permet de vous dire que je vais mieux et que je vais REFAIRE une multicoupe qui sera finalement composé de 16 circuits. Je laisse celle qui a les 18 coupes, mais elle est trop composé de plagiats et de circuits officiels donc bon c'est bof, je la met de côté et elle ne sera jamais retravaillé. Mais je vais envoyer du lourd et j'espère que ça donnera envie >;D
Le retour
j'ai conscience que tu ne me connais pas mas chut x)
Sinon j'ai hâte de voir ce que ça va donner
[JUDAISME] Torah, l'enseignement divin du judaisme.
On 2023-02-22 at 18:55:32
Mais sérieusement arrêtez de faire n'imp, en plus je suis tout seul à essayer de tout canaliser pour éviter les dérives, le prochain qui poste un truc stupide sera sanctionné, là c'est du spam
If you could add one update, what would it be?
On 2023-02-19 at 15:47:23
The title says it all. If you had the power to add a single update, what would it be?
Personally, I would add the ability for custom quick mode tiles, because it could get Quick Mode users making more interesting tracks, and some Complete Mode users might be able to use it for extremely creative Quick Mode tracks. As for how it would work, you would need to make 12 100x100 images per theme, then you can add each image to a different piece type.
Personally, I would add the ability for custom quick mode tiles, because it could get Quick Mode users making more interesting tracks, and some Complete Mode users might be able to use it for extremely creative Quick Mode tracks. As for how it would work, you would need to make 12 100x100 images per theme, then you can add each image to a different piece type.
Your idea is not bad but how would the collisions and all the rest be calculated?
In A Collision Maker! It Would Be Like The Complete Mode Editor But Only Walls, Holes, Off-road And That Stuff!
So might as well do everything in complete mode, in addition for the upload of custom tiles, where the image would be stored?
It would take up space in the 25MB of storage that we each have, well I know that uploading by links does exist but well we might as well do it in complete mode, or else I would need a solid argument for me to see the usefulness
On 2023-02-19 at 15:03:46
The title says it all. If you had the power to add a single update, what would it be?
Personally, I would add the ability for custom quick mode tiles, because it could get Quick Mode users making more interesting tracks, and some Complete Mode users might be able to use it for extremely creative Quick Mode tracks. As for how it would work, you would need to make 12 100x100 images per theme, then you can add each image to a different piece type.
Personally, I would add the ability for custom quick mode tiles, because it could get Quick Mode users making more interesting tracks, and some Complete Mode users might be able to use it for extremely creative Quick Mode tracks. As for how it would work, you would need to make 12 100x100 images per theme, then you can add each image to a different piece type.
Your idea is not bad but how would the collisions and all the rest be calculated?
On 2023-02-19 at 15:00:06
ngl I agree with what you said Nudge but if I had to make my own suggestion, a custom decor shop (like unitys assets store) where you can use decors made by others. And don’t worry about crediting, it can be automatic.
Collabs exist
The lack of animaions and sounds in MKPC
On 2023-02-18 at 12:31:34
I like MKPC but I must say that there are a few things that really displease me, especially the lack of graphic animations and sounds
What do I mean by graphic animations?
Little graphic details that beautify a game. For example a black fade between screen transitions (insead of just instantly switching from a screen to another, in the track selection for example), or sizing up a button when you draw your mouse over it, or an animation for drifts instead of a simple static image... The cup selection menu also feels like it has been done very quickly without the intention of making it nice-looking
And what do I mean by sounds?
Small sound effects, which triggers when you click a button, or item noises for shells for examples, or a small noise when a banana is dropped, or even sounds to Goombas walking...
These are little details that don't impact gameplay, but they could make the game so much cool-looking to be honest
I honestly feel like MKPC is a sort of "unfinished" game, there are so many missing things that could be added to make it so much nicer (such as stuff I mentioned before)
Although as I say before, I like MKPC! It has a interesting gameplay, despite a huge lack of cool little details
What do you guys think about it? Am I just the only guy who thinks about details?
What do I mean by graphic animations?
Little graphic details that beautify a game. For example a black fade between screen transitions (insead of just instantly switching from a screen to another, in the track selection for example), or sizing up a button when you draw your mouse over it, or an animation for drifts instead of a simple static image... The cup selection menu also feels like it has been done very quickly without the intention of making it nice-looking
And what do I mean by sounds?
Small sound effects, which triggers when you click a button, or item noises for shells for examples, or a small noise when a banana is dropped, or even sounds to Goombas walking...
These are little details that don't impact gameplay, but they could make the game so much cool-looking to be honest
I honestly feel like MKPC is a sort of "unfinished" game, there are so many missing things that could be added to make it so much nicer (such as stuff I mentioned before)
Although as I say before, I like MKPC! It has a interesting gameplay, despite a huge lack of cool little details
What do you guys think about it? Am I just the only guy who thinks about details?
J'aime beaucoup MKPC mais je dois avouer qu'il y aquelques petits trucs qui me déplaisent, particulièrement le manque d'animations graphiques et le manque d'effets sonores
Qu'est-ce que je veux dire par animations graphiques ?
Des petits détails graphiques qui embellissent un jeu. Par exemple, un fondu noir entre chaque transition d'écran (au lieu d'une simple "téléportation" des écrans, par exemple dans la sélection des coupes et circuits), ou simplement grossir un bouton quand on fait passer la souris dessus, ou bien une animations pour les dérapages plutôt qu'une simple image statique... Et aussi, le menu de sélection des coupes me semble très vide, comme s'il avait été fait en 2 secondes sans l'intention de le rendre joli
Et qu'est-ce que je veux dire par effets sonores ?
Des petitss "sound effects", qui se jouent quand on clique sur un bouton par exemple, ou des petits bruitages pour les carapaces ou quand une banane touche le sol, ou bien un petit bruit quand un Goomba marche etc...
Globalement j'aime bien MKPC ! C'est un jeu avec un gameplay vraiment intéressant, malgré un gros vide en terme de détails visuels et sonores
Vous en pensez quoi ? Je suis le seul à penser aux détails ?
Qu'est-ce que je veux dire par animations graphiques ?
Des petits détails graphiques qui embellissent un jeu. Par exemple, un fondu noir entre chaque transition d'écran (au lieu d'une simple "téléportation" des écrans, par exemple dans la sélection des coupes et circuits), ou simplement grossir un bouton quand on fait passer la souris dessus, ou bien une animations pour les dérapages plutôt qu'une simple image statique... Et aussi, le menu de sélection des coupes me semble très vide, comme s'il avait été fait en 2 secondes sans l'intention de le rendre joli
Et qu'est-ce que je veux dire par effets sonores ?
Des petitss "sound effects", qui se jouent quand on clique sur un bouton par exemple, ou des petits bruitages pour les carapaces ou quand une banane touche le sol, ou bien un petit bruit quand un Goomba marche etc...
Globalement j'aime bien MKPC ! C'est un jeu avec un gameplay vraiment intéressant, malgré un gros vide en terme de détails visuels et sonores
Vous en pensez quoi ? Je suis le seul à penser aux détails ?
Imagine If the Characters Could Talk Too!
Talk like Bubsy in Bubsy 3D ?? Oh my god.
Imagine when we play as Mario : *Italian Gebberish*
The game is already cool like that.
And, if it looks easy for you, why are you not coding the game ?
Je détecte une référence au Joueur du Grenier
Sinon @Anthcny je vois ce que tu veux dire, pour les petites animations graphiques je suis pas spécialement contre, pour les effets sonore jsp trop, je suis plus neutre sur ça, par contre la suggestion de Coopa2-64 sur les voix je suis contre, en plus comment ça fonctionnerai sur les persos custom ? 🤔
On 2023-02-20 at 19:00:00
Je ne le sens pas trop perso. Je ne vois pas quelle adresse mail utiliser...
Au pire essaye de voir si tu peux créer une nouvelle adresse mail temporaire puis utiliser celle de ton ancien compte après la suppression de ce dernier
Et puis ce n'est pas comme si vous aviez besoin de moi de toute façon, genre y a des tonnes de meilleurs joueurs
Comment dire, après Fways et Kirio y a pas grand monde pour le 3ème joueur français, et les noms cités c'était genre toi ou moi par exemple donc bon
What is the best custom track you have ever made (in MKPC)?
On 2022-10-02 at 15:08:47
Just wondering, what do you guys think is my best circuit?
Max Stadium (Complete mode)
On 2022-09-23 at 21:55:18
Personally, my best tracks are in my opinion Monty Mole Farm (the remake), and LT8 I Bowser Castle, but my highest rated track is Snorlax Stadium
Quel est votre jeu vidéo préférer ?
On 2023-02-19 at 17:24:04
Jsp si j'arriverai à citer un jeu en particulier mdr, donc voici une petite liste :
- Super Mario Maker 2 :
C'était le jeu que j'avais eu quand j'ai eu ma Switch à mes 12 ans en 2019, j'avais déjà la version 3DS de l'original sur ma 2DS, et Mario Maker 2 est resté très longtemps le jeu auquel j'ai le plus joué sur ma Switch (environ 220/230h sur mon profil principal, le seul avec un compte Nintendo et donc le seul avec ces stats, on peut rajouter quelques dizaines d'heures avec mes profils secondaires), j'avais créé des tonnes de niveaux, j'aime en fait juste créer des trucs, ce qui explique pk je suis resté sur MKPC au début même si maintenant je poste une piste tous les 69 mois mdr
- Minecraft
Moi j'ai malheureusement Minecraft sur Switch, donc niveau mods c'est mort mais comme expliqué plus tôt, j'aime beaucoup créer des trucs, ce qui fait que je joue à Minecraft quasiment qu'en Créatif, mais si j'avais Minecraft Java je mettrai des tonnes de mods et tout lol, btw c'est également le jeu auquel j'ai le plus joué sur Switch (un peu moins que Mario Maker 2 sur mon profil principal mais largement plus en comptant le temps de jeu sur mon profil secondaire)
- Yo-Kai Watch 1/2
Grosse nostalgie, jsp si certains ici connaissent ou se rappellent de Yo-Kai Watch, mais c'était très connu vers 2016/2017, et à l'époque j'étais ÉNORMÉMENT fan de ça, quand j'ai eu ma 2DS fin 2016 il y avait le premier opus des jeux Yo-Kai Watch pré-installé dessus, et l'année suivante j'ai eu le 2, c'est littéralement les 2 jeux auquels j'ai le plus joué sur ma 2DS et même sur console en général (550h sur le 1 et environ 450h sur le 2), et les musiques, LES MUSIQUES BORDEL, je crois que c'est les jeux qui me rendent le plus nostalgique, malheureusement j'ai jamais eu le 3, et le 4 n'est pas sorti en dehors du Japon
- Mario Kart DS
Mon premier jeu vidéo
Dois-je dire quelque chose de plus
- Super Mario Maker 2 :
C'était le jeu que j'avais eu quand j'ai eu ma Switch à mes 12 ans en 2019, j'avais déjà la version 3DS de l'original sur ma 2DS, et Mario Maker 2 est resté très longtemps le jeu auquel j'ai le plus joué sur ma Switch (environ 220/230h sur mon profil principal, le seul avec un compte Nintendo et donc le seul avec ces stats, on peut rajouter quelques dizaines d'heures avec mes profils secondaires), j'avais créé des tonnes de niveaux, j'aime en fait juste créer des trucs, ce qui explique pk je suis resté sur MKPC au début même si maintenant je poste une piste tous les 69 mois mdr
- Minecraft
Moi j'ai malheureusement Minecraft sur Switch, donc niveau mods c'est mort mais comme expliqué plus tôt, j'aime beaucoup créer des trucs, ce qui fait que je joue à Minecraft quasiment qu'en Créatif, mais si j'avais Minecraft Java je mettrai des tonnes de mods et tout lol, btw c'est également le jeu auquel j'ai le plus joué sur Switch (un peu moins que Mario Maker 2 sur mon profil principal mais largement plus en comptant le temps de jeu sur mon profil secondaire)
- Yo-Kai Watch 1/2
Grosse nostalgie, jsp si certains ici connaissent ou se rappellent de Yo-Kai Watch, mais c'était très connu vers 2016/2017, et à l'époque j'étais ÉNORMÉMENT fan de ça, quand j'ai eu ma 2DS fin 2016 il y avait le premier opus des jeux Yo-Kai Watch pré-installé dessus, et l'année suivante j'ai eu le 2, c'est littéralement les 2 jeux auquels j'ai le plus joué sur ma 2DS et même sur console en général (550h sur le 1 et environ 450h sur le 2), et les musiques, LES MUSIQUES BORDEL, je crois que c'est les jeux qui me rendent le plus nostalgique, malheureusement j'ai jamais eu le 3, et le 4 n'est pas sorti en dehors du Japon
- Mario Kart DS
Mon premier jeu vidéo
Dois-je dire quelque chose de plus
The best multicup of MKPC ?
On 2022-09-23 at 23:36:01
Mario Kart PC Powered Up Is The Best Multicup :
1 - Why did you reply to this 3 and a half month old topic?
2 - So your multicup is very far from being the best, test RHGP or MK4(O), and you will see![hap](images/smileys/smiley39.gif)
1 - Why did you reply to this 3 and a half month old topic?
2 - So your multicup is very far from being the best, test RHGP or MK4(O), and you will see
On 2022-06-08 at 22:37:10
Tout est dans le titre.
Everything is in the title
Regardez plus haut
can I use WebP images?
On 2023-02-19 at 16:26:54
I download non-virus images but they are WebP images.
What do you mean ?
[FANFIC] Super MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising
On 2023-02-17 at 09:46:42
IlluZhion: Raider, I still don't understand... How did you survive that explosion?
Raider: Anything is possible for you, my sweetheart.
*IlluZhion blushes*
IlluZhion: Uhhhhh... Should we get back to the others now?
Raider: Oh you, playing so hard to get~!
I know you, IlluZhion~
You can't stop without even trying to think about me~
IlluZhion: I- Raider, stop it...
Raider: Haha, I'm just kidding~
Yeah, let's go.
With The Resistance...
Lely: Wonder what's taking IlluZhion so long... He's usually back within 30 minutes... It's been THREE HOURS, FOR FUCK'S SAKE...
*Nudge files his claws*
Nudge: Probably simping on someone again...
Max: Do you honestly believe that when he said he was gonna catch up with an old friend?
Osc: Well knowing IlluZhion, he probably means 11037th partner...
Ralsei: Which one of you bitches is gonna break the news...?
With Lemon, xrunner and Dietsoda...
Kris: LEMON!!!
*Lemon gets zapped by electricity for the 11th time*
Dietsoda: You mayflies have no care for yourselves? Why care so much about your pathetic little friend?
*Kris' bloodied head turns to Dietsoda*
Kris: Mark my words, you cunt... IlluZhion is coming for us any moment... And he's gonna have an army...
*Lemon's eyes open and she sheds a silent tear*
xrunner: Yeah right... We'll OBLITERATE him if he comes anywhere near us, you guys included.
Dietsoda: And you mark MY words, you foolish mayflies... You. Are. DEAD.
Lemon (under her breath): IlluZhion... my love...
Back with The Resistance...
IlluZhion: Glad to see you guys didn't abandon us.
Fiery: Us?
Raider: Hi~
Nudge: Surprise, surprise, IlluZhion's simping on yet ANOTHER person...
Osc and Ralsei: Just why?
Ralsei: Yeah right bitch, he literally fell for you before...
Fiery: Can you guys not? Raider, come with us. We're gonna go rescue our friends.
They eventually found Dietsoda's private room. When they entered...
Dietsoda: Don't try anything, mayfly. Or ALL. YOUR. FRIENDS. WILL. PERISH.
Kris: IlluZhion...
Lemon: Ahahaha~
You think I'm gonna die?
Dietsoda: I know it, mayfly.
*Lemon's eyes blaze and she grows wings*
Lemon: Wanna bet?
Nudge: IlluZhion... You did NOT.
IlluZhion: Oh, you bet I did.
Lely: Oh forget that Nudge, let's fight this evil and save the Super MKPC Galaxy!
Raider: Seems like it's time for The Uprising.
Fiery: The Uprising, huh? I like the sound of that! LET'S DO THIS! LELY, CUE THE MUSIC!
Lely: You bet I will.
*Lely blasts Not Today on his MP3 player*
Dietsoda: Oh it's on, mayflies.
*Dietsoda's hands start burning and the flares become huge scimitars*
Max: You dare... AND I WILL END YOU.
Lely POV: Wow, Max is getting defensive... Haha cute...
*Max blushes*
*Max gets stabbed in the ribs*
IlluZhion POV: HOLY CRAP... IS MAX... DEAD...?! I will avenge him regardless...
At Club IlluZhion a few years ago...
IlluZhion POV: Hey, there's someone new here...
Max: Hey... Are you the owner of this bar...?
Nudge: Yeah he is... Who are you anyway? You don't look like anyone from around here. Mind you, basically everyone comes here in the MKPCverse...
Max: Well ummm... I'm kind of new here... My name's Max...
Lemon: Well uhhh... Hi Max!
Max: Oh don't worry... I'm generally quiet...
IlluZhion: Heh, I was like that a while back.
That night at the beach...
IlluZhion POV: Hey... Isn't that...
IlluZhion: Max?
Max: ...IlluZhion...? What're you doing here?
IlluZhion: I was just flying about and I saw you sitting here... What are you doing on these cliffs anyway? If you fall down here, you could easily perish...
Max: I was just thinking...
*IlluZhion walks up to Max and sits beside him*
IlluZhion: What's on your mind?
Max: I've been thinking... About you... This galaxy isn't that safe anymore... I barely survived... My friends all died around me...
IlluZhion: I... I'm so sorry to hear that...
*Max gets up and goes to leave*
Max: I was thinking something else about you, but I think it's better if it's kept a secret~
*IlluZhion blushes*
IlluZhion: Uhhhhh... Ok...
Back in reality...
IlluZhion POV: Wow... we came so far together... I'M NOT LETTING IT GO...
*Lely falls to the floor*
Nudge and Osc: LELY!
*They go after Dietsoda, only to immediately get shot by a laser*
At Toad Town around a decade ago...
IlluZhion: Welp... more shopping to do...
*IlluZhion hums Super Mario Bros.*
Nudge: Excuse me... Are you IlluZhion...?
IlluZhion: Uhhh yeah, why?
Osc: We're kinda new here and we want to go to your bar, but we don't know where it is...
*IlluZhion leads them to the bar, where they quickly become good friends*
Back in reality...
IlluZhion: Gaaah...
*IlluZhion's eyes widen as he remains corrupted, kneeling weakly on the floor*
Kris: Lemon...
IlluZhion POV: She's not going to die... NO WAY... Violence is no longer an answer... It's a question... And the answer... is YES...
Raider POV: Holy crap... IlluZhion's corrupted by darkness... I'm going to attack them before he gets possessed by it...
*Lemon and Raider attack Dietsoda and xrunner, but they get countered*
IlluZhion: NOOOOOOOOO!!!
*IlluZhion becomes possessed by darkness, at which point he rips apart into a swarm of clones*
Luckily, Lely, Krazey, Kris, Max, Dark, Lemon and Raider survived their injuries...
But their adventures don't end here...
This ending is so freaking intense. Most of us almost died to Dietsoda's hands... the ending was also very sad. Since it was a season finale, having flashbacks interrupting it all was wonderful ! Btw Max why are you cheating on me ? We are married since the 20th of April 1969. My, oh my, what a betrayal. Just kidding. I love this finale ! Looking forward to S2 !
Why would I do that, at least I don't crush on 2763 people unlike the author of this fanfic