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l'arène s'ennuie bien , toute seule / the arena is bored, all alone

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Ce truc existe
This thing exists

Sinon perso je pense que ça serait mieux d'ajouter ces "coupes" à des multicoupes normales, mais ça peut être compliqué du point de vue de la programmation :s

Advice Required for Complete Circuit Construction

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Furret126 wrote:
StarSplizz wrote:
Furret126 wrote:
StarSplizz wrote:
Furret126 wrote:
Hello everyone on the Mario Kart PC forms, I need help with over-coming an issue I’ve spotted while using the complete version of the circuit maker
If you’ve seen my latest course (Which judging by the stats on the course, most of you haven’t), you’d know I’m having some issues with the custom prop creator
Specifically I’m having trouble opening the page which (Presumably) gives me a template to fill in
Whenever I try it just goes back to the track editor without an error message or anything
I’m looking for a way around this, maybe a link to a guide, some template I can use that’ll let me skip the page, anything really
YouTube didn’t have anything, so maybe you all can help me?
Anything is warmly welcome
Thanks in advance! tching

You mean the custom decor editor? crepe


I really don't know what you mean by "template". Can you take a screenshot?

I feel like a video would work best, but i don’t have any software that can record, so I’ll just have to explain
1. I press the plus in the decor section of the track maker
2. “You have no custom decor”
3. I click on the make custom decor link
4. It sends me back to the track maker

@Wargor ? hap
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Furret126 wrote:
Hello everyone on the Mario Kart PC forms, I need help with over-coming an issue I’ve spotted while using the complete version of the circuit maker
If you’ve seen my latest course (Which judging by the stats on the course, most of you haven’t), you’d know I’m having some issues with the custom prop creator
Specifically I’m having trouble opening the page which (Presumably) gives me a template to fill in
Whenever I try it just goes back to the track editor without an error message or anything
I’m looking for a way around this, maybe a link to a guide, some template I can use that’ll let me skip the page, anything really
YouTube didn’t have anything, so maybe you all can help me?
Anything is warmly welcome
Thanks in advance! tching

I don't really know what could have happened, besides I didn't quite understand


Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Why would that be prohibited ?
Just make sure the profile picture isn't inappropriate.
Topic locked

Say weird things

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
XBOX_User wrote:
So there was one day where no one except me was online. No moderators, no admins and no people to talk to.
Why did this happen?

In the morning around 6/7/8 a.m., there may only be 2 or 3 people connected, it has already happened to me
And this topic exists, so i lock this one

how do you change the order which challenges appear in cups?

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
im talking about like when you go into the challenge section when you play a cup, how do you change the order how they appear in?

We can't, it's in the order of the circuits

Mario Kart Quick

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Jey78 wrote:
OMG je viens de me rendre compte que @Veno c'est @Wal68

Moi j'ai remarqué ça hier hap
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Jey78 wrote:

Je suis pas fan de ce logo perso :s

Le topic de PopStar??

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
PopStar wrote:
SIKE!! Je vais pas faire mon propre topic parce que devinez quoi? Tout le monde s'en foutrait! A chaque fois que je viens sur ce site tout les topics sont "Le topic de ___" "Le bazar de ____"

Bordel, si vous voulez un endroit pour parler de votre vie, crééz un blog a l'ancienne plutôt qu'un topic! Faites des topics meilleurs, je vous en prie

Je tiens à noter que j'étais le premier à avoir fait ça, et c'était en avril, et depuis pleins de personnes on fait pareil car le mien a eu pas mal de messages XD, moi je l'avais fait car à ce moment là je ne savais pas où dire pleins de trucs aléatoires faut comprendre que j'étais un peu débile à ce moment là, donc voilà la raison de cette multiplication de ces topics, je me demande même si je ne lockerai pas mon topic, et mêmes les autres pour faire un Space for Anything français (même si Space for Anything n'est pas dans Blabla International
Et puis la quasi toatlité des gens qui font ça ne savent pas créer un blog mdr, moi y compris, Jey en avait fait un en mars/avril, mais l'a abandonné après son ban, et je crois qu'il a disparu depuis

Ask me anything - Flabebseth1

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Max-Bros wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
How did you discover how you discovered MKPC?

Too late i guess hap

This was a different question

I actually didn't understand the question.

How did you discover that you didn’t understand the question?

I don't know hap
So what was the meaning of the question?
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Max-Bros wrote:
How did you discover how you discovered MKPC?

Too late i guess hap

This was a different question

I actually didn't understand the question.
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
How did you discover how you discovered MKPC?

Too late i guess hap
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
(Please note that I am not going to be online as much until an undetermined later date, so if I don't quickly respond to your question, it is not because I am ignoring you, I am probably just not online)

I think we all know what this topic is at this point. No useless messages. Amogus is OK (unless the moderators aren't fine with it). So... ask away!

How did you discover MKPC ?

Is the MKPC clock messed up?

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
ReedGleba wrote:
Its not messed up for me. so...no it's not!

Afterwards maybe it comes from his computer, so we don't know :s
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
ReedGleba wrote:

What do you mean with this message?

the wierd side of mkpc

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
This topic is pointless, so I'm locking
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
FieryToad wrote:
i thought you were gone

No, he was banned for 3 days
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
mememo wrote:
ok so what is this thing i found on the home pagehttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1022921684187095063/1025062093348687912/unknown.png
and this thingcoucou

It's emojis, like you find everywhere on the internet

Share your Controls!

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
luq wrote:
I use up to Move forward, down to Move back, left to turn leftand right to turn right.
I use spacebar to Use item, C to use Item backwards and
V to use Item forwards.
I use ctrl to Jump/drift, shift to Inflate balloon (in battle mode), X to use Rear view
(By the way, I just noticed that you can set the commands of the second player when you play together on the same computer now :$)

Actually use the basic commands
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
FieryToad wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
FieryToad wrote:
Movement or items?

The items it's with Space, X and C are optional, and specify if you want to send forward or backward

Do you also use Spacebar for forwards and backwards

Basically it goes either forward or backward depending on the item

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