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~ Lely's Script Channel ~

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Why did I just hear something defrosting

Someone is coming for us guys

November 1st


She's only 51 steps away from us  

post-traumatic stress
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
A propos de cette "présentation" (tu voulais dire exposé ? Je suis pas sûr 😅)
- Si t'as pas pu progresser correctement tout seul c'est la faute de l'autre élève qui aurait dû être là (et si son absence est legit dans ce cas c'est des choses qui arrivent...)
- Normalement, je dis bien NORMALEMENT même si ta note est pas terrible, si le prof voit que tu as quand même essayé de travailler il devrait comprendre (et si il ne le fait pas c'est un connard, oui c'est gratuit)
- Si t'as un problème avec le fait de trop manger avec tes grands-parents, tu peux leur dire non ? Tu as dit qu'ils étaient gentils, ça devrait aller non ? Après si tu aurais le temps pratiquer une activité sportive régulièrement aurait pu être bien (je fais du tir à l'arc perso), mais bon si tu manques tant de temps on va éviter de te rajouter de la pression ça serait contre-productif
- Si les autres élèves risquent de se moquer de toi pour une simple mauvaise note 1 c'est totalement con et 2 est-ce qu'ils font mieux habituellement eux ? 8) Aussi peut-être qu'ils se sentent ""faibles"" et veulent exprimer une supériorité sur quelqu'un, ou une merde comme ça jsp

Bref je commence à perdre les mots, j'espère juste que tu réussiras à te sentir mieux, tout va bien se passer, et puis ce n'est qu'une des nombreuses épreuves de la vie... en tout cas courage, et comme la dernière fois t'as toujours tout mon soutien <3
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
[...]She literally tells me to eat my ancestors for 15 minutes straight, literally yelling, then she gets mad and tells me to shut up while she was the one to even search shit in the first place, then all of her minions attack me and when I attack them back nothing is fine.[...]
ok là ça commence à partir en vrille, alors je suis pas expert (j'ai été miraculeusement épargné de tout ça au collège jsp comment) mais faut trouver un moyen de stopper ça, le problème est, jsp comment faire, t'as essayé d'en parler à quelqu'un qui peut y faire quelque chose ? (Et si oui tu l'as fait mais que tu t'es pris un vent alors là je trouverais personnellement un moyen de venir directement sur place pour régler mes comptes avec tous ces gens :p)
Mais ouais là vu comment ça se passe faut vraiment trouver un truc pour empêcher que ça empire, en attendant tu as tout mon soutien, en espérant que ça puisse s'améliorer <3
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
-Invu- wrote:
MakenMoozac : the future of MKPC's creative scene ?
If you're roaming around MKPC's creative scene, you might have seen his tracks : colorful, original, conceptual, pretty... I think that by now you know who I'm talking about.

MakenMoozac. And yes this is gonna be a little of brighter content because why not, and this is probably gonna feel more relatable I guess.  

MakenMoozac wasn't particularly under the spotlight for let's say, four months. His tracks were fairly noticed and they got good ratings but he wasn't that popular back then. Until the end of July, which is quite recent, and that's when he became really popular.

Something special about Maken ? The solidity of what he does. And his creativity. His track's creativity was never something he had trouble with, showing off themes like a studio, an office, a pencildrawn styled track, a beta course, a palooza... yes I can definitively confirm to you, you're not going to see this kind of tracks at every time of every day.
But there's also the way he executes it. The risk with being a conceptual track creator is that your trackography can literally become a whole skip-slay alternance. You can either slay the house down with a great course and a never-seen theming, or fail with poor execution of what you attempted to do. Turns out Maken puts a lot of care into executing out what he tries to do well. So yes, the nature of his tracks in itself (layout for example,or even replayability) might be weaker than for example, the nature of Osc's trackography, but that's understandable since the main focus of his job is to work out well the crazy concepts he's trying. And that alone is hard, so, big props !

And that results into him having a no skip trackography,  which is extremely hard to get. And he promotes his tracks quite well too so he has everything in hand to succeed.

Now I wouldn't say I really see him along with the top creators, because as I said the replayability isn't always very good in his tracks, and that's still an important factor. But it's only been 5 months since he's here,and he's already pulling out bangers. So let's give him time, and I think that with a little bit of improvement and experience, he could really do a lot, and that's why I believe he can be the future of MKPC's creative scene.

What the fuck is Trackography, could've just said track design

I think he meant that in the sense of "all tracks done" or something like that (like a discography)
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:
Ive_Invu wrote:
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This community is not going well...
I definitively think it's not a secret anymore: This community is going quite unwell.

And by quite, I mean more, but let's get into that in detail so we can all understand what has been going on and find actual solutions, because nothing is going on and the site can't become any worse or its sake will be consideraby damaged.

And now let me add some disclaimers : this is gonna mention names and this is gonna talk about recent arguments. I don't care if I get a warning for addressing this, it is needed at the moment, and if nobody dares to get some dirt on their hands this situation won't improve. Welp guess it's gonna be me.

Community before 2022
There weren't as many dramas back then. I wasn't here before 2020, 2020 got its dramas but it was overall much better. 2021 was a quite good year. You probably heard about the princesslucky situation... girl gone mad along with supersaga and it all stopped once she got banned. The community was overall better and the dramas were not as frequent. Now let's move on to where it got worse...

2022 was the year when Fways resigned as an admin, 2022 was the year when new moderators got added. The wave of new users happened and it started quite badly with Jey against Fways, an argument that.. could have just been avoided. The moderator scene was quite busy with many people applying. BJ03 and Max got selected. And Max... is gonna be mentioned much later in his own section. For now we willll ignore the recent events, and say he was a chilll person.

It also marked the arrival of the minimodding and of the nitpick era. Not a good thing if you ask me, and I was a major part of the problem. Now this has ceased, since Nudge, me, and Max hardly give a fuck about it, and it's better that way.

Now we are getting to 2023 and I'm going to mention names because I can't really recall what happened when... but I can recall who did what.

Probably the most slandered dude on MKPC, he's even got a hate train at the time. What he did wasn't that much though, it was creating lots of unfunny memes (to the level of spam) and complaining about various things. He took more than he deserved. His spam of memes was definitively annoying and irrelevant, but I'll say it loud and clear : we overreacted about him. He was still immature and not taking any advice... but we might have made feel belittled for something that honestly, we took too seriously, and I feel bad.

Spam of memes that didn't even try and ultimate stubbornness, KB without the complaints and without the hate train and the slander.

Not a heart filled with harm but extremely harmful actions. He started his shit back in 2022, what he did was mainly creating alts that had racist names (FuckUkraine, etc.) Alts that seeked attention (they had their tea salon moment and created a whole story on sfa for literally nothing.) Alts that pretended to be someone else (his brother) and that used homophoic slurs (faggot).

He was very annoying throughout the whole existence he had here, acted immaturely, went against rules and didn't care because he was the kind of dude to criticize every one of em... and he also posted a lot of useless messages. A dude who didn't bully anyone, but what he did was still terrible and he got permanently banned, despite trying to come back many times, by ban evading, but with time people got more and more suspicious and better at finding out who's Tendo and who's not.

That was stupid and annoying, and our poor reactions to that didn't quite help the situation. But there's still more to say.

It would be a lie to say his recent slight glowup made him perfect, but it would be a lie to say it is non-existent. That man literally posted way too many messages, irrelevant and useless ones, and was overall quite immature and annoying. He became provocative at some point too and did a lot of shit after one of his bans (he got banned twice) but overall I can't really recall everything properly. I know that my reactions to that might have been way too much, and I won't say I was overall feeling good at that time, but it's searching excuses and I'm ready to take this part of the blame. But let's move on eventually, he's becoming better by the day.

This dude was literally just a rude person to almost everyone and used insults too many times. Until that moment we couldn't really lay a finger on him because he didn't broke the rules or anything. But then, he started fatshaming someone he didn't even know (which makes no sense) and wished death upon people.

Although Pianta agreed with his views (not his messages and I got the personal confirmation) most people found him to be violent and annoying, to the extent that after wishing death and fatshaming upon several people for absolutely no reason, Ryubix permanently banned him for once and for good, without any sanctions before.

Yup yup, there has also been a whole problem going on and I was the center of it. April has been filled of it : fights between Max, me and Pianta. And it was ENDLESS ! Because we were too stubborn,
I admit... and I was wound up at that time so I also took everything badly, add that to language barriers and you've got a catastrophe scenario. It eventually got fixed with BJ03 creating a topic about the matters because it was really going to be endless... I apologize if I created problems during that period. But for now, let's move on and get on the recent side of things.

Literally a lot of spam and useless messages for nothing, immature actions and annoying behavior. But those people? Let me tell you ? They aren't very important. They did some problems on this website but they aren't the ones who pushed me to writing this very long climax.

I could say things about Chilli who played the victim and tried to shade other people and got mad at other people for nothing. Or even Jey (more in detail) for his whole drama story from March to June 2022. Or even the Jey/orchid/anthcny endless situation... But let's get onto the current problem...

The whole PrimeTime situation
Yup. And I'm going to say it loud and clear ; the PT movement was on the thin edge since the mere beginning. It was all about to fall down into the depths and it eventually did with ONE investigation.

I already knew it was fragile. PT arrived here and literally was known as the dude who invited Yoshizilla to play online and eventually made that person mad. But with time he arrived back as a rude and tough person. And then he started praising literally most people on this website. It soon became a movement: the positivity spreading movement. On the paper it sounds quite good, but the execution was poor, since everything was all too much. And I wanted to express how fragile it was, but I didn't want to cause an argument, because the PT stans tend to be delusional and blinded.

Notably with HonorableMentions, the girl who had beef with me for no absolute reason. I slightly criticized a topic she made and she got mad over it. This started mutual beef and we had to discuss during hours to fix it in private. But it wasn't fixed... since she eventually called Wal a snake for the investigation he did about PT's age. Nodac also supported HM and PT. This trio was supporting every of the members and it ended up by a ban to HM and that's it.

No that's not it. PrimeTime got mad over that and started to become way more violent and way more sexually explicit in the way he talked. He started to shade SuperYoshiKart, who was always criticized by the trio. That was an useless thing to do. And it just showed, that everything Wal and I said was right. I once said that this was just a positive persona that they put on and Wal once said he was too immature to be the wise man he pretends to be at 55.

Welp, if he really wanted to spread positivity, why did he start to spread negativity once his movement failed due to all the immaturity people had in the recent arguments? Why did we went from "Y'ALL ARE LEGENDS AND EVERYDAY HERE FEELS LIKE A BIRTHDAY BECAUSE OUR MOVEMENT MAKES THIS SITE SO POSITIVE OMG IT FEELS SO GOOD" to "CALLING OUT THE BUTT LICKING CROTCH SNIFFING RAT I WILL ROCK HIM IN THE JAW HIM WITH HIS MOMMA" ?

This whole PT movement seems like one of those dreams that don't actually make sense. Something that already feels old and rotten now. Something that you believe on at first, but that then deceives you. It doesn't make sense when you think about it. Everybody believed in PT's positivity movement, more or less. But if we're going to formulate it like him during this era "the job of helping champions to everyday become better people seems to have token a toll on him." Or in other words, his whole persona fell all down when we got enough things to ban one of his friends. Might as well not lie huh ? Because still using the words "champions" and etc. is great but useless, I'm telling you. People won't follow you now that you showed how much of a violent prick you can be. Hiding yourself behind a veil of lies is not going to help anything. We saw your true colors and there's no going back now.

And the staff, the poor staff had to handle this. They had to handle what no absolute staff member wishes to ; a senseless, violent and hot headed argument where nearly nobody is right yet almost everybody takes part in. Max didn't even understand any of the bullshit and just sent it to the other staff members.

This summarizes why most of the older staff leaves and why most of the older players either leave or don't spend much time here anymore. Fways and Mudky are very active on MKPC Discord servers. Because even if Discord has bad sides its so much better than it is here right now. If there's an argument it's settled rapidly and it tends to be way less frequent. People also take the jokes better since it's a more mature branch of people. But on here, everyone will go crazy over nothing and everyone will overreact and run around like headless sheeps that lost each other...

Even Max is part of the problem. Arguments with Pianta and with many other people, especially on Discord, even with me sometimes. Moderators need to be calm and make people feel secure and not create any problems, turns out Max tends to do the opposite to the burnout this job has given him.

We need new staff to help the current team. Infi and Ahmad are much more active on Discord than on here, Ahmad being the only one at some point. Fways is just an event host, Ryubix is all focused on events, Wargor on making the game better. That leaves us with two : Max, who feels insecure and burnt out, and BJ, screwed over by the timezones, which makes him asleep at the most critical times and awake at the most empty times. Applications would be a good idea.

We also need to all take a chill pill and keep this light in our heads that reminds us about this argument so it doesn't restart again. I already did essays and climaxes before to fix small problems but this one really had to talk about every single recent problem so we could figure a solution out.

This website is worsening by the minute and it's terrible how the Discord part is so much better. No ban hammer that is always talked about by some people but never dared to be used by those same people. Chill staff, more mature people and senseful arguments.

This community is becoming so bad and bad and even worse than I thought it ever could. When I think it cannot gets worse, it just does. And now the website is constantly either ultra boring, on the edge, or problematic. While the precedent years were nothing like that. I'm not even here that much due to 2 months long vacation but as far as I saw this is the worst this community has ever been. It's messy asf.

I think that we can also take a look at the 2018 times. Lower activity, people liked each other, no senseless arguments, a friendly ambiance, many events, news and etc. To a MKPC today where projects are hardly done and where it's really just... shit.

I guess I'm off, I really needed to get this off my chest. Sorry if it's too long ig...

We do not speak of Princesslucky

too late
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Everglow wrote:
How am I a bait

If we need to sacrifice someone we’ll use you

hello don't forget I exist

I work as a good sacrifice too

I wasn't talking about that
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Everglow wrote:
How am I a bait

If we need to sacrifice someone we’ll use you

hello don't forget I exist
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Noob68 wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
imo, I think it’s communist

what are you talking about lol ?

Let me put it in a way you can understand.

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Twice9 wrote:
Support or Respect ? What the LGBTQ+ community needs and what it should not focus on so far
Disclaimer : So this is gonna talk about gender identity, homsexuality, homophobia, harassing, and quite dark subjects overall.
Why the pride flag does not matter to me
To me, having a flag isn't necessary like most people from that community believe. It is just showing off and doing exhibition about your gender identity. Now I am not saying people should hide themselves like jews during World War 2, I am saying it is just mere exhibition and that it is purely superficial. One's feelings is something deeper than just walking around the streets during Pride Month while wearing rainbow flags etc. It is also your business, you can tell some of your close friends about it, but you do not need to talk about it everytime, and that brings us to our next subject, which is gonna be,
Stop identifying as the "local gay kid"
By that I mean that you don't need to make it your whole personnality - you shouldn't. Your gender identity is a part of you, but it is not you as a person. I got adopted at birth. I am not the adopted child. I am considered as someone very sensitive, goofy, but also smart at times and very kind hearted. That is my personnality in real life. People do not see me as the local gay, kpop, adopted kid, they see me as what I am, and I am happy about that. Stop bragging about your personal choices. Be proud of yourself and just look at yourself in a positive way. You don't need others to always back you up in your choices. If you want to be anything in that community (and I am going to put a warning here, I am not talking about incest, pedophilia, and zoophilia) then so be it. And be proud of yourself ! But being proud of yourself does not mean always showing off and always talking about it. It is not necessary.
Respect or support
I think that some people started to understand it. As a bi person, I don't care if you support me. Actually, yes, I really do not give a shit. I just don't want to receive death, rape threats, and homophobic remarks. That is respect, and everyone deserves it. Now a good example is present on this website,
@40KsKool68 - he is Christian, if I recall correctly. And his religious faith makes him rather rejecting towards this community. But when we talk, we talk normally, just like normal MKPC members. He does not send threats, he does not insult me or anything - no. He lives with it. He is against what I do and even what I am, but he still treats me with respect and in a friendly way. And he is a teenager. He's not a fucking grown up, that shows everyone can do it, and it's easy. With the religions, with the faiths, with everything, the LGBTQ community cannot realistically receive everyone's support, so let's start with basic respect, because some people can't even get that step so far, so we are here for a long while...
Straight parade
A straight parade did happen once and I am just going to say ; straight people are not pressured. LGBTQ+ people going on social media and showing off their gender identity does not mean they aren't a minority. There's lots of straight people around here, and nobody pressures them to be gay or whatever. Sometimes they act in a way that people will make jokes about, but I do not believe they are pressured. As every homophobic person is obviously straight, and there is a lot so...
They probably have their struggles though. Will I fit in as a "classic straight person" ?  Etc. Which brings us to the next subject,
Everybody has their struggles
Just saying. I met a Christian girl the other day. She was whining on the streets and making a scene out of herself, saying she was pressured for some reason that I forgot. That same girl was seen elsewhere, preaching homophobic values and calling it the wish of God. What do I mean ? Well, de all have our struggles, let's accept it. LGBTQ people can be pressured due to the violent homophobia there is in a lot of places across the world, straight people can be pressured because they wonder if they still fit in, and people that follow a religion have to follow rules, and can also be humiliated and rejected, I have seen a hijabi girl the other day on my fyp page, and she showed that many people told her she was worthless because she was not properly wearing it when she just started to try to wear it. Religious people also tell themselves that God (I don't know the different names) doesn't want them, but that means that they might have put all of their dedication into serving God, and then other people telling them that they fail at it, that God doesn't want them etc. Nobody has no struggles to live with. The way to overcome the struggles is supporting each other, not complaining about yourself and then let out your anger on another category of people, baqically creating a vicious circle.
The YT comment sections
Well, you have it. As a man who spent hours scrolling through the comments, the comment sections there are always very homophobic and one-sided. Technically, there's no justification for them to wish death upon others etc. They can do it at home, personnally - but they decide to post it on social media - and they post hatred publicly. And at that very moemnt, even religious beliefs, etc. Can't save them. They knew they were posting this. They deserve to be reported. Most homophobic people are also arrogant alpha males, which is another problem of the current society. They are arrogant, think of themselves as way better than the other, they are influencing a new generation of confused men, they are misogynistic, stupid, annoying, self-contradicting and rude. They have no originality. It's always "W [country who kills homosexuals]" or " My respect for [...] 📈" truly ridiculous. Anyways, that's it for today lol. I think I should talk about the alpha males too, they are incels, and they think as them as the best in everything. Thzt reminds me of a Gigachad vs BTS video where even in IQ and singing Gigachad was above. The incels tend to put themselves higher than the others no matter what they are supposed to be and what they aren't.
I am talking to the guy who named himself "HyperpolyglotGigachadAlphamale" and was proud of it. Dude, you missed the mark, April Fools was back ago.
And PLEASE, don't call my friends or myself a chad in any context, because I do not like to be insulted. 🫠

I absolutely don't see the relationship between the 2 messages lmao 💀

Noob68 wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
imo, I think it’s communist

what are you talking about lol ?

I believe he’s saying LGBT is communist 💀
Which if he is, then I must say that communists are not to found of gay people.

Thanks, @Noob68 !

congratulations, you just won this month's dumbest reasoning award

I wasn’t  trying to justify homophobia, I was pointing out the fact that most communist leaders were not supportive of LGBT. Which mean calling LGBT communist doesn’t make sense.

I wasn't talking to you lol x)
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Im_A_Soup wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
imo, I think it’s communist

what are you talking about lol ?

Let me put it in a way you can understand.

Spoiler [ShowHide]
Twice9 wrote:
Support or Respect ? What the LGBTQ+ community needs and what it should not focus on so far
Disclaimer : So this is gonna talk about gender identity, homsexuality, homophobia, harassing, and quite dark subjects overall.
Why the pride flag does not matter to me
To me, having a flag isn't necessary like most people from that community believe. It is just showing off and doing exhibition about your gender identity. Now I am not saying people should hide themselves like jews during World War 2, I am saying it is just mere exhibition and that it is purely superficial. One's feelings is something deeper than just walking around the streets during Pride Month while wearing rainbow flags etc. It is also your business, you can tell some of your close friends about it, but you do not need to talk about it everytime, and that brings us to our next subject, which is gonna be,
Stop identifying as the "local gay kid"
By that I mean that you don't need to make it your whole personnality - you shouldn't. Your gender identity is a part of you, but it is not you as a person. I got adopted at birth. I am not the adopted child. I am considered as someone very sensitive, goofy, but also smart at times and very kind hearted. That is my personnality in real life. People do not see me as the local gay, kpop, adopted kid, they see me as what I am, and I am happy about that. Stop bragging about your personal choices. Be proud of yourself and just look at yourself in a positive way. You don't need others to always back you up in your choices. If you want to be anything in that community (and I am going to put a warning here, I am not talking about incest, pedophilia, and zoophilia) then so be it. And be proud of yourself ! But being proud of yourself does not mean always showing off and always talking about it. It is not necessary.
Respect or support
I think that some people started to understand it. As a bi person, I don't care if you support me. Actually, yes, I really do not give a shit. I just don't want to receive death, rape threats, and homophobic remarks. That is respect, and everyone deserves it. Now a good example is present on this website,
@40KsKool68 - he is Christian, if I recall correctly. And his religious faith makes him rather rejecting towards this community. But when we talk, we talk normally, just like normal MKPC members. He does not send threats, he does not insult me or anything - no. He lives with it. He is against what I do and even what I am, but he still treats me with respect and in a friendly way. And he is a teenager. He's not a fucking grown up, that shows everyone can do it, and it's easy. With the religions, with the faiths, with everything, the LGBTQ community cannot realistically receive everyone's support, so let's start with basic respect, because some people can't even get that step so far, so we are here for a long while...
Straight parade
A straight parade did happen once and I am just going to say ; straight people are not pressured. LGBTQ+ people going on social media and showing off their gender identity does not mean they aren't a minority. There's lots of straight people around here, and nobody pressures them to be gay or whatever. Sometimes they act in a way that people will make jokes about, but I do not believe they are pressured. As every homophobic person is obviously straight, and there is a lot so...
They probably have their struggles though. Will I fit in as a "classic straight person" ?  Etc. Which brings us to the next subject,
Everybody has their struggles
Just saying. I met a Christian girl the other day. She was whining on the streets and making a scene out of herself, saying she was pressured for some reason that I forgot. That same girl was seen elsewhere, preaching homophobic values and calling it the wish of God. What do I mean ? Well, de all have our struggles, let's accept it. LGBTQ people can be pressured due to the violent homophobia there is in a lot of places across the world, straight people can be pressured because they wonder if they still fit in, and people that follow a religion have to follow rules, and can also be humiliated and rejected, I have seen a hijabi girl the other day on my fyp page, and she showed that many people told her she was worthless because she was not properly wearing it when she just started to try to wear it. Religious people also tell themselves that God (I don't know the different names) doesn't want them, but that means that they might have put all of their dedication into serving God, and then other people telling them that they fail at it, that God doesn't want them etc. Nobody has no struggles to live with. The way to overcome the struggles is supporting each other, not complaining about yourself and then let out your anger on another category of people, baqically creating a vicious circle.
The YT comment sections
Well, you have it. As a man who spent hours scrolling through the comments, the comment sections there are always very homophobic and one-sided. Technically, there's no justification for them to wish death upon others etc. They can do it at home, personnally - but they decide to post it on social media - and they post hatred publicly. And at that very moemnt, even religious beliefs, etc. Can't save them. They knew they were posting this. They deserve to be reported. Most homophobic people are also arrogant alpha males, which is another problem of the current society. They are arrogant, think of themselves as way better than the other, they are influencing a new generation of confused men, they are misogynistic, stupid, annoying, self-contradicting and rude. They have no originality. It's always "W [country who kills homosexuals]" or " My respect for [...] 📈" truly ridiculous. Anyways, that's it for today lol. I think I should talk about the alpha males too, they are incels, and they think as them as the best in everything. Thzt reminds me of a Gigachad vs BTS video where even in IQ and singing Gigachad was above. The incels tend to put themselves higher than the others no matter what they are supposed to be and what they aren't.
I am talking to the guy who named himself "HyperpolyglotGigachadAlphamale" and was proud of it. Dude, you missed the mark, April Fools was back ago.
And PLEASE, don't call my friends or myself a chad in any context, because I do not like to be insulted. 🫠

I absolutely don't see the relationship between the 2 messages lmao 💀

Noob68 wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
imo, I think it’s communist

what are you talking about lol ?

I believe he’s saying LGBT is communist 💀
Which if he is, then I must say that communists are not to found of gay people.

Thanks, @Noob68 !

congratulations, you just won this month's dumbest reasoning award
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Im_A_Soup wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Im_A_Soup wrote:
imo, I think it’s communist

what are you talking about lol ?

Let me put it in a way you can understand.

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Twice9 wrote:
Support or Respect ? What the LGBTQ+ community needs and what it should not focus on so far
Disclaimer : So this is gonna talk about gender identity, homsexuality, homophobia, harassing, and quite dark subjects overall.
Why the pride flag does not matter to me
To me, having a flag isn't necessary like most people from that community believe. It is just showing off and doing exhibition about your gender identity. Now I am not saying people should hide themselves like jews during World War 2, I am saying it is just mere exhibition and that it is purely superficial. One's feelings is something deeper than just walking around the streets during Pride Month while wearing rainbow flags etc. It is also your business, you can tell some of your close friends about it, but you do not need to talk about it everytime, and that brings us to our next subject, which is gonna be,
Stop identifying as the "local gay kid"
By that I mean that you don't need to make it your whole personnality - you shouldn't. Your gender identity is a part of you, but it is not you as a person. I got adopted at birth. I am not the adopted child. I am considered as someone very sensitive, goofy, but also smart at times and very kind hearted. That is my personnality in real life. People do not see me as the local gay, kpop, adopted kid, they see me as what I am, and I am happy about that. Stop bragging about your personal choices. Be proud of yourself and just look at yourself in a positive way. You don't need others to always back you up in your choices. If you want to be anything in that community (and I am going to put a warning here, I am not talking about incest, pedophilia, and zoophilia) then so be it. And be proud of yourself ! But being proud of yourself does not mean always showing off and always talking about it. It is not necessary.
Respect or support
I think that some people started to understand it. As a bi person, I don't care if you support me. Actually, yes, I really do not give a shit. I just don't want to receive death, rape threats, and homophobic remarks. That is respect, and everyone deserves it. Now a good example is present on this website,
@40KsKool68 - he is Christian, if I recall correctly. And his religious faith makes him rather rejecting towards this community. But when we talk, we talk normally, just like normal MKPC members. He does not send threats, he does not insult me or anything - no. He lives with it. He is against what I do and even what I am, but he still treats me with respect and in a friendly way. And he is a teenager. He's not a fucking grown up, that shows everyone can do it, and it's easy. With the religions, with the faiths, with everything, the LGBTQ community cannot realistically receive everyone's support, so let's start with basic respect, because some people can't even get that step so far, so we are here for a long while...
Straight parade
A straight parade did happen once and I am just going to say ; straight people are not pressured. LGBTQ+ people going on social media and showing off their gender identity does not mean they aren't a minority. There's lots of straight people around here, and nobody pressures them to be gay or whatever. Sometimes they act in a way that people will make jokes about, but I do not believe they are pressured. As every homophobic person is obviously straight, and there is a lot so...
They probably have their struggles though. Will I fit in as a "classic straight person" ?  Etc. Which brings us to the next subject,
Everybody has their struggles
Just saying. I met a Christian girl the other day. She was whining on the streets and making a scene out of herself, saying she was pressured for some reason that I forgot. That same girl was seen elsewhere, preaching homophobic values and calling it the wish of God. What do I mean ? Well, de all have our struggles, let's accept it. LGBTQ people can be pressured due to the violent homophobia there is in a lot of places across the world, straight people can be pressured because they wonder if they still fit in, and people that follow a religion have to follow rules, and can also be humiliated and rejected, I have seen a hijabi girl the other day on my fyp page, and she showed that many people told her she was worthless because she was not properly wearing it when she just started to try to wear it. Religious people also tell themselves that God (I don't know the different names) doesn't want them, but that means that they might have put all of their dedication into serving God, and then other people telling them that they fail at it, that God doesn't want them etc. Nobody has no struggles to live with. The way to overcome the struggles is supporting each other, not complaining about yourself and then let out your anger on another category of people, baqically creating a vicious circle.
The YT comment sections
Well, you have it. As a man who spent hours scrolling through the comments, the comment sections there are always very homophobic and one-sided. Technically, there's no justification for them to wish death upon others etc. They can do it at home, personnally - but they decide to post it on social media - and they post hatred publicly. And at that very moemnt, even religious beliefs, etc. Can't save them. They knew they were posting this. They deserve to be reported. Most homophobic people are also arrogant alpha males, which is another problem of the current society. They are arrogant, think of themselves as way better than the other, they are influencing a new generation of confused men, they are misogynistic, stupid, annoying, self-contradicting and rude. They have no originality. It's always "W [country who kills homosexuals]" or " My respect for [...] 📈" truly ridiculous. Anyways, that's it for today lol. I think I should talk about the alpha males too, they are incels, and they think as them as the best in everything. Thzt reminds me of a Gigachad vs BTS video where even in IQ and singing Gigachad was above. The incels tend to put themselves higher than the others no matter what they are supposed to be and what they aren't.
I am talking to the guy who named himself "HyperpolyglotGigachadAlphamale" and was proud of it. Dude, you missed the mark, April Fools was back ago.
And PLEASE, don't call my friends or myself a chad in any context, because I do not like to be insulted. 🫠

I absolutely don't see the relationship between the 2 messages lmao 💀
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Im_A_Soup wrote:
imo, I think it’s communist

what are you talking about lol ?
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
ItzD4rk wrote:
-BTS- wrote:
I’m gonna do an essay to explain everything I like about Bangkok Rush:
I hope you enjoyed my essay

Understandable, there's the BTS Sky Train there 💀:p

Thailand BTS: Cheap, fast, cannot play music
South Korean BTS: Expensive, slow, can play music

Don't forget the French BTS :p

Goodbye internet...

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Okay first of all WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK
That being said this whole topic is just pure forum brainrot like I don't even want to read everything i'm just gonna lock this and maybe i'll do something after that but rn i'm just confused asf

compteur de messages

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Bon je vais un peu forcer mais je préfère locker ce topic, au delà de ce qu'on a dit plus haut faut aussi prendre en compte que le nombre de messages n'a aucune importance contrairement à ce que certains ici pensent, donc bon ça sert à rien au final j'ai hate de voir certains réact avec thumbsup et clap alors qu'ils sont concernés mdrrrrr
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
c que des tous les 100 messages et cela incitera les gens à surtout échanger des vrais trucs je ne vois pas pk ce serais mauvais :o

Alors déjà que de base t'as des gens qui disent de la merde pour grind les messages si un truc comme ça est fait crois moi les gens vont en abuser et pas qu'un peu, et 100 messages quand certains en postent 200 ou 300 par mois ça peut aller très vite

Quel est le meilleur circuit/bataille de MKPC? What is the best track/battle from MKPC?

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
quentin2 wrote:
en vrai les plus nuls sont les remakes sur la switch je suis désolé mais dès que tu mets une antenne pour éviter de sortir des circuits et des barrières sur les virages les plus punitifs des circuits originaux les courses deviennent trop faciles voir nulles

Le topic parle des pistes de Mario Kart PC :p
Sinon sur MK8DX tu as juste a désactiver la conduite assistée et boom le jeu devient fun ;) au pire sinon tu n'as qu'a jouer à ce remake de Mario Kart 8 sur MKPC et non ce n'est absolument pas de la pub je vous jure x)
Mais sinon ouais je comprends :s
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Pour moi, Flipper Waluigi

Perso vu que j'ai du temps à tuer je vais pas que répondre à la question, je vais review toutes les pistes (si vous voulez je vais mettre en gras les réponses à la question de base)

Pour les pistes SNES il doit y avoir genre 3/4 pistes passables, mais pas plus lol
 - les Mario Circuit 1/2 ça va, MC3 son virage en épingle nique tout, et MC4 bof mais il y a pire
 - Donut Plains 1 est ok, Donut Plains 2 bof, Donuts Plains 3 au secours
 - Koopa Beach 1 est ok, Koopa Beach 2 une des pires de tout le jeu
 - Les Choco Island sont de la merde, le 1 est pas trop catastrophique mais le 2 est une horreur
 - Vanilla Lake 1 est basée sur le bag, j'aime pas le bag, VL2 est bof mais ct pire avant quand on pouvait pas trop cut le 3ème virage sans skip de checkpoint
 - Les Ghosts Valley s'en sortent bien, les 3 pistes sont jouables sans problème tbh
 - Bowser Castle 1 ça va, Bowser Castle 2 seule la section des sauts sur la fin est bof (en plus des fois la hitbox des sauts est hasardeuse), BC3 est bof mais il y a pire
 - SNES RR n'est pas si calamiteux que ça peut paraitre, au fond le gameplay n'est pas foireux, c'est juste que la piste est assez difficile (ce qui est legit car entre 2010 et 2016 ct la dernière piste du jeu), et une fois que t'as compris comment faire, ça devient presque une formalité

Pour les pistes GBA c'est bcp mieux que pour les pistes SNES
 - Peach Circuit est bien
 - Shy Guy Beach est très moyen imo, la section avec les petits îlots et les item box est très bof
 - Riverside Park est correct
 - BC1 est correct aussi
 - Mario Circuit est bien
 - Boo Lake est bien mais j'ai pas trop les strats et tu peux vite rater un checkpoint dessus
 - Cheese Land est très bag based, mais reste correct
 - BC2 est ok
 - Luigi Circuit est bien
 - Sky Garden est bien, mais si tu rates le shortcut sur la fin tu rate un checkpoint, sauf si tu recules suffisamment pour valider le checkpoint
 - Cheep Cheep Island est correct, mais faut vrm que j'apprenne la strat du respawn sur le pont 😂
 - Sunset Wilds j'aime pas, les sections avec la boue sont trèèès bof, et overall bof quoi
 - Snow Land est simple mais fonctionne
 - Ribbon Road est bien
 - Yoshi Desert est bien aussi
 - BC3 aussi
 - Lakeside Park pareil
 - Broken Pier vous savez ce que je voulais dire
 - BC4 long mais bien
 - GBA Rainbow Road rip les sauts mais au moins c'est pas pété lol, sinon ça va

Les pistes DS sont soit parmi les meilleures, soit elles sont mauvaises lol
 - Circuit en 8 est la piste parfaite pour tester certains trucs
 - Yoshi Falls simple mais bien sauf si vous avez pas un bon wifi hap
 - Cheep Cheep Beach bien qu'assez simple fait partie des meilleures, son gameplay est simple mais fonctionne très bien
 - Luigi's Mansion a une grande section avec de la boue. Les sections avec de la boue sont merdiques
 - Desert Hills est bien tbh
 - Delfino Square est vrm cool, une des meilleures voir la meilleure
 - Waluigi Pinball est très bien, même si overall dans la commu MK en général elle est trop surcotée lol, mais dans MKPC en dehors d'un moyen stupide de skip un checkpoint c'est bien
 - Shroom Ridge aurait pu être bien mais les bus sont trop grands et trop rapides lol
 - DK Pass est passable (lol)
 - Tick Tock Clock est très bien, top 5 selon moi, c'est juste que j'ai souvent la flemme de jouer cette piste lol
 - Mario Circuit est passable, c'est bof niveau gameplay, mais l'original est bien
 - Airship Fortress a des bills balls, les bills balls sont des bills balls
 - Wario Stadium est bien, même si tu peux skip un checkpoint sur la fin si tu cut trop
 - Peach Gardens est vrm cool, top 3 imo, après je suis assez fort sur cette piste donc bon x)
 - Bowser Castle possède son pont tournant, donc bon, voilà quoi
 - DS Rainbow Road est en soit dans le même cas que la SNES, donc bon, c'est bof mais c'est absolument pas la pire du jeu lol

bon déjà pourquoi j'ai pas juste répondu à la question de base lol

What was the FIRST Mario Kart PC CUSTOM TRACK?

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
coolmonkey wrote:

pretty interesting

if you're wondering Over the Limits was the first ever custom track (released on June 20 2010), Mario Circuit 5 is younger, being released somewhere in 2011 (probably at the beggining of the year), but it's still the first complete mode track

The problem with Grand Prix

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
I mean I kinda agree with the "skill issue" thing (like I can easily get a 40 points GP except if I fuck up hard) but at least he got a point with the tracks being too small, but sadly we can't do anything about this

And anyways the Grand Prix mode isn't important since you already have the best character at the beggining (Daisy) and if you want to play with another character juste use a custom character version using the same sprites with Daisy stats


Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Hey, I am just a fan of Guilded and MKPC.
anyone wanna check me out on guilded

hello Tendo, nice to see you back ! :p

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