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Complete Mode Crafting Techniques / Techniques de créations en mode complet

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
si on veut faire la carte du circuit on peut utiliser paint 3D ou gimp pour la dessiner

t'as beaucoup plus de logiciels ou sites qui sont 10 fois mieux limite même le Paint de base (pas 3D) est mieux donc bon
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Heureusement que t'as posté le lien sur le topic de Maxxie, je l'avais totalement oublié x)
Sinon tbh suffit de rajouter les précisions manquantes (décors etc...) et ça pourrait être un topic officiel imo
Aussi en anglais c'est complete mode et pas full mode

Le Quiz de la semaine

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
a voté

People who reverse drift online don't play fair

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
RV is the Only way to Win GP.

No, I got all the gold cups in july 2022 4 months before learning rd, and I still can get gold cups on phone :p
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
shadowo wrote:
No Jamestown is right but mainly for mobile players because you can’t reverse drift on mobile and there’s a new glitch where you can’t move at all.

@Snowy_Dream your time to shine :p

hello everyone

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
I like Mario kart
how to play mkpc??

sigh... even when I clearly said you could stay on whatever account you were using at this moment you're still creating new accounts like why lmao

Can you guess the Pride Flags? (Impossible)

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
9. Bisexual [Lely, me, Osc and Noob [maybe for each other who knows :$]]

I love how even with saying "for each other" you still forgot about me 🫠


Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Pourquoi ne pas remonter à la source du problème, c'est à dire arrêter de faire caca ? :genius:

/!\ Advent Calendar 2023

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Dream wrote:
Tbh we kinda needed a Frappe Snowland challenge.

or ask @TheNudgyHampter idk
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
I absolutely will not copy Tox above, absolutely not

Day 1
I mean if some people already found this one hard... really easy (I mean I made this one) at least it's not free, also didn't even notice the fact that it started with a challenge on a snow track :genius:

Day 2
Ruinas Roca Picuda
More seriously a funny and simple one, kinda free too

Day 3
I. Hate. Coins. Challenges
Nothing really special, just the fact that I have a serious skill issue with these (+ this fucking shitty hitbox) made it quite hard for me when it's actually pretty simple

Day 4
I don't even remember this one tbh, won't say anything since I think I completed it in less than 5 minutes lmao

Day 5
Was lost at first (since I didn't understood the tree thing) but once I got it it was so easy (also only 2nd challenge I completed on pc with day 3)

Day 6
This one was a pain in the ass on phone, didn't test on pc since I completed it before anyways but every character with a handling worse than Mario is as enjoyable as playing Koopa Beach 2 (and that's mean it's shit for those who don't get it), could be worse too, ans the challenge is still good lol

Day 7
Oh another of my challenges... yup it was really not intuitive but once you understand it's quite simple and it remains a challenge that I appreciate even if objectively it's kinda meh

Day 8
Already completed this one when I was trying to do every SBOK6 challenge (still need to do the consistency ones + 8-5), honestly it's not that hard to understand this one and also you can skip most of it so easy I guess

Day 9
I love the concept but again I completed it on phone and it was painful, also like Tox said the arena itself is not really good but that challenge is still cool imo

Day 10
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna let you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Day 11
Idk why everyone else in the staff did choose that (I was afk when it was decided soooo) but honestly it was, eh, meh, the 12 players thing was neat tho even if nothing could indicate that, also the pipe field is annoying but idc I still don't like the challenge

Day 12
Outside of that gift behing that green wall the idea was neat, still took 70 minutes ingame to complete this one because learn to read

Just take into account that after 12 days I completed 10 of them on phone, only 2 of them were done on pc, I know nobody cares but I'm still a bit proud of that xD

Day 13
Legit did it without even understanding, idk if it was because of this phone but still needed to so some tries because I couldn't pass every box for some reason

Day 14
Was more simple that day 6 imo because at least Rosalina is more playable, and even if I didn't get it first try (phone) it was pretty fun (also I love how I completed it on phone even if I did tryhard on it months before on pc without success xD)

Day 15
Boring tbh, tho I was stressed because I was afraid to press the backwards button on phone

Day 16
Ok for real I was lucky with the reds and once you get which circle is the next one it's easy (tip Pause will be your best friend here)

Day 17
A more classic version of day 9 but at least the arena was better (and the concept still works) so good challenge ig

Day 18
The concept is very cool (even if DK handling is like my sanity, non-existent), but idk if it's just me but these hitboxes were just fucking stupid like everything wrong happened, still a good challenge tho

Day 19
Actually pretty easy, I even got the impossible one on pc (did the advent one on phone)

Day 20
@SuperCop1 je te hais
This type of challenge is not bad on paper, but doing this on 3 laps with no errors allowed + jumps hitboxes being more random than Jujucamer it was horrible, even on pc (3rd challenge done on pc btw), also idk why but I feel like this challenge was designed to be frustrating, bur anyways I don't want to remember this one

Day 21
Okay this one was hard, you need to find the best route possible and ofc you can't really fail, and you remember why I hate coin challenges ? Well it's the same thing but with moving pokeys... kill me (tho thx to @Nodac64 for helping me with this)
Also did it on pc btw (17/21 on phone)

Day 22
Oh a coin challenge... AAAAAA
(okay for real once on pc it was kinda easy, got the 100th coin right before the line tho 😅) nice challenge on a nice track, 5th challenge done on pc

Day 23
Horrible, even on pc (did it on phone)
No room for mistakes, Bowser's handling (AAAAAAA) and me not understanding where I should do my drifts, at least I felt relived when I finally completed it 24 hours later (also I clearly said no to Wargor for this one but anyways...)

Day 24
Even if it wasn't really hard it was the best way to end this, the track was really cool and also I knew where the gifts were thx to the mappreview, outside of the jump section at the very end it was so cool (even if I would have liked to play this one with a Christmas Mario xD)

Idk how to end this tbh, some challenges were pretty cool, others were painful, at least for the stat I completed 19 of them one phone, it means nothing but again i'm still proud of this xD

The song who is playing in my head rn
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
SuperCop1 wrote:
Les trucs avec les bonhommes de neige c'était grave relou !

Comme son créateur :p comment dire c'est moi le créateur donc bon calme toi Jean-Timothé avant de m'insulter merci xD

Ah et aussi csc (jour 12...)

Share your BCP hot takes here

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Realboy wrote:
Who has the MK8D Booster Pass btw

J'ai pas,après je joue quasi plus à mk8 donc bon :/
I don't have it, but since now I almost never play mk8...

why am I banned

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Well, Kap is back online, maybe he'll see this & help you. I wouldn't hold my breath tho.

just saying, im unbanned! thanks @Senko so imma lock this

oh wait I can't, fu-

hello your topic is now locked

the true reason why the french are not the best at mkpc

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Fways laughing in the corner

rire de Cutewolf
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Sa na aucun rapport avec le sujet

Retourne te coucher
mais toi meme

mario64 est fier de vous soldat 🫡

[Fanfic] MKPCverse Season 4 ~ Rebirth of a Star [Mature content ?]

Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
et moi je suis où dans tout ça

You decided to, thankfully, go away.

et c'est quand que je reviens


Comment ça jamais

Même pas fichu de comprendre UN mot ?? 😭

Non mais sérieux je refuse de voir mon perso disparaître à jamais après avoir été un fdp envers la dernière personne que j'irais insulter mdrrr
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
et moi je suis où dans tout ça

You decided to, thankfully, go away.

et c'est quand que je reviens


Comment ça jamais
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Senko wrote:
et moi je suis où dans tout ça

You decided to, thankfully, go away.

et c'est quand que je reviens
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
et moi je suis où dans tout ça
Messages 4322 - King Mario King Mario
vs75214 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
qui est le fdp qui m'a remplacé dans cette fanfic histoire que je le fasse disparaître de l'existence vu qu'il a insulté Lely

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