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/!\ Report / Signalements /!\
On 2024-05-06 at 19:07:20
For fuck sake this isn't a topic for discussion it should only be used for reports, I don't even want to see what's happening just shut up and i'll probably delete most of that
On 2024-05-06 at 08:03:44
@AbrahamGDKart is alt of @AbrahamMKPC
why wound you make an alt in the first place? your previous account worked just fine
why wound you make an alt in the first place? your previous account worked just fine
bro beacuse my account that is called abrahamkpc was not here but i used as my curret version, so my previous account got banned simply by a guy named senko or something else or wal68 or any moderator idk
wait what do you mean nobody banned you lmao
On 2024-05-02 at 02:05:58
mec n'insiste pas c'est pas un cheat c'est une technique certes pas prévue de base mais qui est totalement legit si on suit ta "logique" les 3/4 du staff devraient être sanctionnés moi y compris
On 2024-04-29 at 19:27:13
what is that wdym by reverse drifting hope he not using some pc apps to cheat
thats sus
merci de confirmer que ton âge ne possède pas 2 chiffres , par contre ce topic est fait pour signaler des trucs pas pour dire "oMg C'eSt TrOp SuS hAhAhA" donc bon si t'as pas quelque chose de concret à dire abstiens-toi de poster des trucs sans aucun sens merci
On 2024-04-28 at 23:08:48
@DaDawg79 alt of @DetectiveDoggo
he was already banned when you posted that but thx for the report I guess
On 2024-04-28 at 00:21:16
@detectivedoggo said the n-word on sfa. 💀
ok, maybe i shouldve said n-word, ill fox it, thats my bad, still give me a warning if you must
More seriously it's literally the n-word, idk if you already got a ban before but anyways here's your 1 month ban (honestly idk if it's enough or not) have a great evening
On 2024-04-26 at 23:24:08
what is that wdym by reverse drifting hope he not using some pc apps to cheat
On 2024-04-26 at 22:52:57
he's using a (legit) technique called reverse drifting so no he's not cheating
On 2024-04-24 at 16:19:02
@johnmariokart because I was playing quietly online with him and other people when suddenly he starts wanting to do sexual things with me even though I'm a boy and I'm only 12 years old so if you can do something TheNudgyHampster I would be delighted .
i want to say you i want to report These 2 members are now banned thanks for the report
On 2024-04-15 at 23:40:24
We have some Bot problems. someone who goes by the name @Tellagraph is a bot who keeps making separate topics JUST for articles about their blog in somewhere called "" the name is a dead giveaway that they are a bot, but if you look at their birthday and description, they are inaccurate. ON TOP OF THAT, the birthday is "1/1/1990" which is yet ANOTHER giveaway that this is a bot. ANOTHER THING, they claim to be on the forum (and ONLY forum) to "get gaming hardware for the PC, XBOX, and Playstation" as if the forum gives away money, AND THE STUFF THEY SAID IN THE FORUM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I JUST SAID, henceforth, they are a bot. please do something about it. PLEASE.
Random bot that isn't the first one to be on the forum - hello click this
More seriously just report it and someone will make him cease to exist like I just did 4 minutes ago
holdup which imposter mod are you?
I would really like to respond to this message in a constructive way so this conversation can be a good moment of exchange between us, but sadly I wasn't able to understand what the actual fuck this message means
like who are you? how did you become mod without a application?
Okay bro there was an application in September 2022 (oh yeah you weren't born at this point lmao) and I was somehow taken (honestly seeing what i've done since today i'm not sure if that was a good idea), maybe it's just me remembering way too much things about mkpc history but please check before saying false things like this (sorry this message wasn't very nice but i'm kinda tired so rn it's not my main problem)
On 2024-04-15 at 23:26:50
We have some Bot problems. someone who goes by the name @Tellagraph is a bot who keeps making separate topics JUST for articles about their blog in somewhere called "" the name is a dead giveaway that they are a bot, but if you look at their birthday and description, they are inaccurate. ON TOP OF THAT, the birthday is "1/1/1990" which is yet ANOTHER giveaway that this is a bot. ANOTHER THING, they claim to be on the forum (and ONLY forum) to "get gaming hardware for the PC, XBOX, and Playstation" as if the forum gives away money, AND THE STUFF THEY SAID IN THE FORUM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I JUST SAID, henceforth, they are a bot. please do something about it. PLEASE.
Random bot that isn't the first one to be on the forum - hello click this
More seriously just report it and someone will make him cease to exist like I just did 4 minutes ago
holdup which imposter mod are you?
I would really like to respond to this message in a constructive way so this conversation can be a good moment of exchange between us, but sadly I wasn't able to understand what the actual fuck this message means
On 2024-04-15 at 22:24:25
We have some Bot problems. someone who goes by the name @Tellagraph is a bot who keeps making separate topics JUST for articles about their blog in somewhere called "" the name is a dead giveaway that they are a bot, but if you look at their birthday and description, they are inaccurate. ON TOP OF THAT, the birthday is "1/1/1990" which is yet ANOTHER giveaway that this is a bot. ANOTHER THING, they claim to be on the forum (and ONLY forum) to "get gaming hardware for the PC, XBOX, and Playstation" as if the forum gives away money, AND THE STUFF THEY SAID IN THE FORUM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I JUST SAID, henceforth, they are a bot. please do something about it. PLEASE.
Random bot that isn't the first one to be on the forum - hello click this
More seriously just report it and someone will make him cease to exist like I just did 4 minutes ago
On 2024-03-22 at 00:43:38
Miles, why did you rate my Wii Mushroom Cup very bad?*
Shut up you 5 year old
Shut up you 4 year old
My brother in Christ I'm 11
j o k e
anyways if you're 11 then why did you put 2014 in your username
On 2024-03-21 at 23:20:54
Miles, why did you rate my Wii Mushroom Cup very bad?*
Shut up you 5 year old
Shut up you 4 year old
On 2024-03-21 at 12:40:43
I would say a 1 hour ban
did you know it's literally impossible, since when we need to ban someone if it's temporary we can only set a unban day (like April 14 for exemple), and anyways 1 hour is just useless lmao
On 2024-02-09 at 21:41:17
@1mAlwaysWinner Look at the bottom
I think that's just a glitch lmao (@Wargor t'as un truc à corriger là xd)
On 2024-01-30 at 21:40:40
@Cesarperez11 alt of @mariowin1
CesarPerez11 was created by me because of some track stealing thing, MarioWIN1 was really made by that guy too
On 2024-01-29 at 19:47:04
@Yoshy64 :
Il s'agit d'un compte de un jour ( preuve ici )
Il existe aussi un @Yoshi64 , je me demande si ce n'était pas un alt ...
J'ai bien peur qu'il se connecte avec un appareil différent à chaque fois ...
Par rapport à Il s'agit d'un compte de un jour ( preuve ici )
Il existe aussi un @Yoshi64 , je me demande si ce n'était pas un alt ...
J'ai bien peur qu'il se connecte avec un appareil différent à chaque fois ...
- Ce "compte d'un jour" a été très certainement "créé" par un membre du staff (peut-être moi enft mdrrr)
- De quel Yoshi64 tu parles ? Le compte sous ce nom est un vieux compte (j'estime de 2017 vu l'id) supprimé, t'as un Yoshi64_ qui est un compte totalement vide, et récemment t'as un real_yoshi64 mais ce compte n'est pas du tout lié + anglophone alors que ce Yoshy64 est "français" (sérieux "Stadiume" ? 💀)
- Pour finir je suis cette situation de loin mais j'ai juste rien fait par pure flemme ainsi qu'un manque de motivation stratosphérique, là je vais essayer de me bouger et de l'ip ban genre 2 semaines (et suppr 2/3 circuits même si vu le nombre de tracks volés ça va être long et désolé c'est pas bien ce que je dis mais pas que ça à foutre) en espérant que ça fixe le problème
On 2024-01-25 at 08:52:05
Primetime has been acting weirdly immature lately [not like he isnt usually, but way more than usual]
he's just trolling nothing serious here