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Mario Kart J

Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
C'est bon ça remarche :D
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
-Jey- wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
-Jey- wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Euh il y a un problème, si on tente d'accéder à MKJ ça nous amène à ça

Donc ben voilà, le seul lien que j'ai trouvé qui marche, c'est le lien de Mario Circuit

Moi ça remarche correctement, mais j'éspère que y aura plus ce genre de soucis à l'avenir, ça doit être grace a mon email à Google

T'as fait une action en particulier ?
Car moi ça n'a pas changé...

Envoie un email à Google

Euh comment ?
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
-Jey- wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
Euh il y a un problème, si on tente d'accéder à MKJ ça nous amène à ça

Donc ben voilà, le seul lien que j'ai trouvé qui marche, c'est le lien de Mario Circuit

Moi ça remarche correctement, mais j'éspère que y aura plus ce genre de soucis à l'avenir, ça doit être grace a mon email à Google

T'as fait une action en particulier ?
Car moi ça n'a pas changé...
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Euh il y a un problème, si on tente d'accéder à MKJ ça nous amène à ça

Donc ben voilà, le seul lien que j'ai trouvé qui marche, c'est le lien de Mario Circuit
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
-Jey- wrote:
-Jey- wrote:
[quote=No_nickname_entered]Demain, je serais de retour chez moi pour la rentrée (snif) mais en revanche, j'aurais de nouveau accès à Paint.net, donc j'avancerai sur la version MKPC !

Pourquoi n'avais pas tu accès à paint.net? Et sinon, bon retour chez toi :) toadyoshiparatroopabravocoolyoupifouhey

Parce qu'il n'était pas chez lui il vient de le dire, maintenant arrête les messages inutiles et les spams de smileys inutiles

C'est la fête de smileys.[/quot


Euh pourquoi on arrêterait d'envoyer des réactions négatives ?
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
-Jey- wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:

Notez que c'est moi qui a proposé le serveur Discord, même si c'est Jey qui l'a fait :)

Par contre, le Teams, le site, et l'appli Android, c'était mon idée :p

EDIT : Je supprime si ça fait un multipost plus loin de le topic

Plus sérieusement je n'ai pas dit le contraire, c'est juste que je voulais dire que c'était mon idée hap
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion

Notez que c'est moi qui a proposé le serveur Discord, même si c'est Jey qui l'a fait :)
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
-Jey- wrote:
Crusher09 wrote:
Commençons Lol, qui rit, sort.

J'éspère que tu n'auras pas de compte Mario Kart J |)*[

Pourquoi dis-tu ça?

Ton comportement
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
http://mariokartj.42web.io/newforums/showthread.php?tid=4 hesiter pas a lire les regle de mkj

Et vous avez bien intérêt à les lire, car sinon T BANN
(Je suis modérateur de Mario Kart J sinon)
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Chiminie wrote:
Le forum que tu as créé est très bien fait :) en revanche, je n'arrive pas à poster quoi que ce soit :(

En fait ça marque que ton compte n'es pas activé, faut voir ça avec Jey (je ne me souviens même plus comment il avait fait avec moi lol)
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Zozooooo wrote:
Chiminie wrote:
Désolé à tous pour ça, mais MKJ est abandonné pour un peu de temps, Jey étant banni et moi n'ayant pas accès à Discord ni à paint.net. Cela reprendra très bientôt, dans deux semaines je pense. Prenez soin de vous, on vous aime 💜

Pourquoi Mario Kart J étais abandonné pour un peu de temps abandonné? Et aussi pourquoi Jey a été banni et toi pas accès au Serveur Discord ni à Paint.net?

MKJ avait été temporairement abandonné justement car Jey avait été banni
Et la raison de son ban c'était suite à une dispute avec Lely où il avait eu un mauvais comportement :/
Et tu as répondu à un message d'il y a plusieurs mois donc bon :/
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Lely wrote:
Petite surprise...

Spoiler [ShowHide]
Projet "Mario Kart J" (logiciel téléchargeable, version 3D) : Jey78
Projet "Mario Kart J" (version MKPC, avant le ban de Jey) : moi

Je ne suis pas sûr de bien comprendre...

Guess which hypocrite brought the tide?

Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
RHcks wrote:
FDP_ wrote:
RHcks wrote:
None other than me .... theres the part where someone ask who tf am i XD

Overall i'll try to be back, guess that i'm a somewhat clown and left at first bc im kinda bipolar xd, anyways as a wide wise person said:

"the track making gets to us"

pd: @NexusX activese teibolera que ya volvi del teibol

ruinas roca picuda

Ruinas Roca Picuda

Ruinas roca picuda

Happy Birthday JPG!!!

Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
FDP_ wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
FDP_ wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
FDP_ wrote:
never seen a more useless topic
bro forgot about the 'celebrate bday' topic lmao
posted here half a min before you

the hypocrisy lmao
who criticized Idk how many times that a topic "replaced a category"?
ok, that doesn't exactly replace a category, but you've already said that on topics that "brought together" a subject without totally replacing a category, similar to the birthday topic (like my topic the other day)

did bro
did bro just csc
the bday topic doesnt replace any category, if there would be a 'celebrating bdays' category it would replace it lmao
csc number 2
talk about the game replaces the whole category
when its a topic named 'talk about the game' in a category with the desc 'talk about game related things=talk about the game'
(if you meant a different topic then sorry you left me no clue to what this topic could be)

I repeat, my topic only talked about "game experiences" (I should have put it in the title), and the Game category is not only about that, it can also be to do tournaments, show your creations, propose things, you know what I mean

blud forgot to respond to the 1st point

My first point was to justify my 2nd point, I don't think it's necessary to answer it
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
FDP_ wrote:
Max-Bros wrote:
FDP_ wrote:
never seen a more useless topic
bro forgot about the 'celebrate bday' topic lmao
posted here half a min before you

the hypocrisy lmao
who criticized Idk how many times that a topic "replaced a category"?
ok, that doesn't exactly replace a category, but you've already said that on topics that "brought together" a subject without totally replacing a category, similar to the birthday topic (like my topic the other day)

did bro
did bro just csc
the bday topic doesnt replace any category, if there would be a 'celebrating bdays' category it would replace it lmao
csc number 2
talk about the game replaces the whole category
when its a topic named 'talk about the game' in a category with the desc 'talk about game related things=talk about the game'
(if you meant a different topic then sorry you left me no clue to what this topic could be)

I repeat, my topic only talked about "game experiences" (I should have put it in the title), and the Game category is not only about that, it can also be to do tournaments, show your creations, propose things, you know what I mean
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
FDP_ wrote:
never seen a more useless topic
bro forgot about the 'celebrate bday' topic lmao
posted here half a min before you

the hypocrisy lmao
who criticized Idk how many times that a topic "replaced a category"?
ok, that doesn't exactly replace a category, but you've already said that on topics that "brought together" a subject without totally replacing a category, similar to the birthday topic (like my topic the other day)

The mkpc total list of rejected suggestions

Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
That's Why, Wargor Could use the Design, Make it Pixelated, Then Bing, Bang, Boom! We Have N64 Tracks. :D

If only it were that simple lol, at least for the SNES/GBA tracks the maps were already pixelated, and for the DS maps there were the minimaps which were also quite pixelated, but for the N64 tracks there was no nothing that is pixelated enough, already making ONE theme in QM is complicated, so making 16 different themes for Quick Mode is a HUGE work
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
KirbyBoy wrote:
N64 Wario Stadium Concept.

N64 Banshee Boardwalk Concept.

2 Tracks Done. I now Have N64 Koopa Troopa Beach, N64 Toad's Turnpike, N64 Frappe Snowland, N64 Wario Stadium, N64 Royal Raceway, N64 Banshee Boardwalk, and N64 Rainbow Road.

There's some problems with that :
It's ugly, it's not a pixel style like it should be but a rather ugly "Paint" style tbh, and it's just edits of the pieces already present in the game, after you tried at least but it's is not so simple
Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
Ssg-132 wrote:
Ok so this is suggestions i see that are rejected. Like the tolors in scratch
1. Add n64 gcn wii 3ds mk8 and tour tracks to the base game by far the most common but there are reasons why this isn’t in the game,is because wargor has other things to do, we don’t have available minimaps for most N64 and gcn tracks and and none for wii mk8 and tour, those tracks are more complex and mainly. JUST PLAY COMMUNTIY CREATIONS
2. Add n64 qm themes this is mainly rejected because of the fact that n64 tracks aren’t in the game and also it takes time,
3. age restricting forums the majority of the forums aren’t teens, age does not equal maturity, and many just set their false age,
4. Adding peach circuit and broken pier qm themes this is rejected because there are only very small differences between peach circuit and mario circuit and small differences between broken pier and boo lake

Those are all i know and most are from the requests in discord but if you know any other please tell me

You can't imagine the number of people I've seen asking for gliders, even though it's a 2D game and it would be a horror to program

Ah and also 3D, even more absurd lmao


Messages 4323 - King Mario King Mario
vs75626 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
This topic doesn't seem to have any real use, so ig i'll lock it

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