Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
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Browser Brawl
On 2023-04-22 at 21:19:42
edge 🤮🤮🤮
edge 🤮🤮🤮
This is the reason the title of this is called Browser Brawl. 💀
On 2023-04-22 at 14:54:49
I use Google and Edge
How are you bi-browsual? (2 browsers)
On 2023-04-22 at 11:56:22
What browser do you use when you surf the web? I use Microsoft Edge. I know some people prefer other browsers, but I'm happy with Edge. What about you?
rate CPUs
On 2021-09-07 at 14:20:27
bad, kind of.
It depends tho!

I'm done
On 2023-04-19 at 18:59:37
I just don't know how to make a sentence that makes sense because I don't have any capability to do so.
Just leave me alone and go on your merry way. -MDL
the discord is more fun than the forum, you should join it

On 2023-04-19 at 10:59:53
Why are you RANTING?????????

Techniques intéressantes pour gagner du temps dans les courses
On 2023-04-19 at 19:16:05
J'ai décidé de venir ici sans raison (je ne suis certainement pas venu ici à cause d'un post discord)
Fait amusant: je n'ai pas traduit cela en français sur Google parce que ce serait complètement stupide et saperait toutes les lois de la traduction et des langues dans leur ensemble et aussi comment je sape le fait que c'est un long message et que tout le monde ne sont créés de manière égale et pourquoi est-ce que j'écris encore ceci, cela devrait s'arrêter...
Fait amusant: je n'ai pas traduit cela en français sur Google parce que ce serait complètement stupide et saperait toutes les lois de la traduction et des langues dans leur ensemble et aussi comment je sape le fait que c'est un long message et que tout le monde ne sont créés de manière égale et pourquoi est-ce que j'écris encore ceci, cela devrait s'arrêter...

On 2023-04-15 at 22:12:32
Hey there! I was just thinking about the language support on this platform. It's great that we have both English and French options available, but I noticed something a bit inconsistent. When we write a message that includes both English and French, it only counts as one message, even though we technically wrote it twice.
I understand the reasoning behind this - we don't want to inflate the message count unnecessarily. However, it does seem a bit inconsistent with how we count messages when they are written in separate languages. For example, if we were to write a message in English and then write a separate message in French, it would count as two separate messages.
I'm not sure if there's a solution to this, but it's something to think about. Maybe we could find a way to count multilingual messages as two separate messages, but only if they meet certain criteria (e.g. they contain a certain percentage of text in each language).
Overall, I'm really happy with the language support on this platform and appreciate the effort to make it accessible to users who speak different languages. It's just something small to consider as we continue to improve and refine the platform.
I understand the reasoning behind this - we don't want to inflate the message count unnecessarily. However, it does seem a bit inconsistent with how we count messages when they are written in separate languages. For example, if we were to write a message in English and then write a separate message in French, it would count as two separate messages.
I'm not sure if there's a solution to this, but it's something to think about. Maybe we could find a way to count multilingual messages as two separate messages, but only if they meet certain criteria (e.g. they contain a certain percentage of text in each language).
Overall, I'm really happy with the language support on this platform and appreciate the effort to make it accessible to users who speak different languages. It's just something small to consider as we continue to improve and refine the platform.
Salut! Je réfléchissais à propos du support de langues sur cette plateforme. C'est génial que nous ayons des options en anglais et en français, mais j'ai remarqué quelque chose d'un peu incohérent. Lorsque nous écrivons un message qui inclut à la fois l'anglais et le français, cela ne compte que pour un seul message, même si nous l'avons techniquement écrit deux fois.
Je comprends la raison derrière cela - nous ne voulons pas gonfler le nombre de messages de manière inutile. Cependant, cela semble un peu incohérent avec la façon dont nous comptons les messages lorsque nous les écrivons dans des langues séparées. Par exemple, si nous écrivions un message en anglais, suivi d'un message séparé en français, cela compterait comme deux messages distincts.
Je ne suis pas sûr s'il y a une solution à cela, mais c'est quelque chose à considérer. Peut-être pourrions-nous trouver un moyen de compter les messages multilingues comme deux messages distincts, mais seulement s'ils répondent à certains critères (par exemple, ils contiennent un certain pourcentage de texte dans chaque langue).
Dans l'ensemble, je suis vraiment satisfait du support de langues sur cette plateforme et j'apprécie les efforts déployés pour la rendre accessible aux utilisateurs qui parlent différentes langues. C'est juste quelque chose de petit à considérer alors que nous continuons à améliorer et à affiner la plateforme.
Je comprends la raison derrière cela - nous ne voulons pas gonfler le nombre de messages de manière inutile. Cependant, cela semble un peu incohérent avec la façon dont nous comptons les messages lorsque nous les écrivons dans des langues séparées. Par exemple, si nous écrivions un message en anglais, suivi d'un message séparé en français, cela compterait comme deux messages distincts.
Je ne suis pas sûr s'il y a une solution à cela, mais c'est quelque chose à considérer. Peut-être pourrions-nous trouver un moyen de compter les messages multilingues comme deux messages distincts, mais seulement s'ils répondent à certains critères (par exemple, ils contiennent un certain pourcentage de texte dans chaque langue).
Dans l'ensemble, je suis vraiment satisfait du support de langues sur cette plateforme et j'apprécie les efforts déployés pour la rendre accessible aux utilisateurs qui parlent différentes langues. C'est juste quelque chose de petit à considérer alors que nous continuons à améliorer et à affiner la plateforme.
Returning User
On 2023-04-15 at 20:31:33

On 2023-04-15 at 11:39:32
Anyways I'm back so there is nothing I'm missing? Update: I've deleted the TheFakeLowoTV account.
On 2023-04-15 at 11:38:26
Hey everyone, long time no see. I know it's been almost two years since I last posted anything on this website, and I'm sorry for that. I'm sure you're all wondering what happened to me and why I suddenly disappeared. Well, the truth is, I just lost interest in this website and had other things to do. You know how it is, school, work, family, friends, etc. I had a lot on my plate and I didn't have much time or motivation to keep up with this website.
I guess I also felt like this website was not really for me anymore. It seemed like everyone was talking about the same things over and over again, and there was nothing new or exciting to explore. I felt like I had outgrown this website and needed to move on to something else. So I decided to take a break and focus on other aspects of my life.
But recently, I started to miss this website and the community here. I wondered what you guys were up to and how things had changed. So I decided to come back and check it out.
I realized that I had made a huge mistake by creating an account here Right now (The account is TheFakeLowoTV). Because now, that account is useless. It has no reputation, no followers, no posts, no comments, no likes, no awards, nothing. It's just a ghost account that nobody cares about. And I can't even delete it or change it because the website doesn't allow that.
So now I'm stuck with that useless account that I can't even delete.
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for me? Have you ever been in a similar situation? How did you deal with it? Please let me know. And thanks for reading this long and boring paragraph about my life.
PS: TheFakeLowoTV acc is deleted
I guess I also felt like this website was not really for me anymore. It seemed like everyone was talking about the same things over and over again, and there was nothing new or exciting to explore. I felt like I had outgrown this website and needed to move on to something else. So I decided to take a break and focus on other aspects of my life.
But recently, I started to miss this website and the community here. I wondered what you guys were up to and how things had changed. So I decided to come back and check it out.
So now I'm stuck with that useless account that I can't even delete.
What do you guys think? Do you have any advice for me? Have you ever been in a similar situation? How did you deal with it? Please let me know. And thanks for reading this long and boring paragraph about my life.
PS: TheFakeLowoTV acc is deleted

Animated GIFs?
On 2023-04-15 at 14:05:55
Anyways ima go animate it
On 2023-04-15 at 14:05:34

It's possible to have a gif as an avatar, but it will only be displayed as a gif when you click on your pfp on your profile, otherwise only the first frame will be displayed
Thank you so much!

On 2023-04-15 at 13:53:05
Hey, I was wondering if I can use animated GIFs for my avatar. I think they look cool and fun, but I don't know if they are allowed or supported by the platform. Do you know if there is any rule or limitation on this? Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to Have 2 Different items circle around you like triple shells? And how?
On 2022-08-26 at 19:05:37
When I was in an online race, I saw someone with a red shell and BOB-OMB circling them and I want to ask, Is it possible to do it? If so then how? If not then OK
That sounds like they were lagging really badly. I once had a Fake Item Box circling me bc of how bad the connection was on my end.
It was quite laggy that time, and I have another question, is it possible in offline mode like in single-player or with 2-players, anything that isn't online

On 2022-08-26 at 10:58:39
When I was in an online race, I saw someone with a red shell and BOB-OMB circling them and I want to ask, Is it possible to do it? If so then how? If not then OK

Daisy Vs Bowser
On 2022-08-27 at 11:16:03

Grand Prix is WAAAAY TOO hard
On 2021-09-09 at 17:44:48

No, it should be a feature and option
Message Count
On 2021-09-07 at 14:40:56
For those who want to talk about your message count (All types included), this is the place!
I don't really know if it is or isn't. Good point
Isn't it part of the game?
I don't really know if it is or isn't.
I think I glitched the age counter on my profile
On 2021-10-02 at 12:00:41
Me: You stupid!
Noah: No, no.
Me: Yeah? What's 9+10?
Noah: ...21
Noah: ...21
LOL, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?