Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
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Mario Kart 9
On 2022-06-01 at 12:29:00
I also have a captain toad themed stage planned
On 2022-06-01 at 12:26:20
At least you put my factory in the game!
On 2022-06-01 at 12:23:23

No because I already have made Luigi kart stadium
No because my idea is unique
No because I already have a dessert road themed track in making (choco island 1)
Maybe but I want to have a special cup water track
Ok fine
On 2022-06-01 at 12:19:51
Nintendo Switch. NS.
On 2022-06-01 at 12:18:38
Toad Circuit Luigi Beach Dessert Road Koopa Ruins for Mushroom Cup.

(Game) Mario roleplay
On 2022-05-30 at 15:31:05
AI Frustration
On 2022-06-01 at 02:09:09
It's getting old at this point. I've tried getting better and the AI are still stupidly hard and will not let up.
I know...