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Rating your pfp
On 2025-02-20 at 01:04:50
im kinda sad mine was not rated , it was alot of hard work to create it

On 2025-02-19 at 19:35:40
Please rate my pfp

MKPC Update Suggestions
On 2025-02-25 at 21:53:18
man alot of incredible suggestions
/!\ Report / Signalements /!\
On 2025-02-28 at 22:05:07
I'm not sure if people are making these Inappropriate/Rude Accounts to either be funny, dumb, trying to get banned, deleted, or renamed. Either way, It's getting annoying and is giving MKPC a bad image.
To me, i think they are just attempting ban speedruns, for no dang reason😕
If they want to Ban Speedrun, Just Make an Account then Report someone for no reason. I've never tried it (I never will), but it should work. Not trying to stick up for them I'm just finding a Simpler Solution that isn't that Annoying.
you guys have to understand that reporting does not do anything , us mods have to manually go into a menu that regular players dont have to manually ban players

On 2025-02-28 at 18:36:27
On 2025-02-26 at 21:02:33
i will ban these racist bastards

On 2025-02-25 at 22:59:18
i have had to ban alot of racist account lately . im suspecting those accounts to be made by the same person ...prob using a vpn
you have an innapropriate name
no , i dont have anybad words in it
On 2025-02-25 at 22:55:19
i have had to ban alot of racist account lately . im suspecting those accounts to be made by the same person ...prob using a vpn
On 2025-02-24 at 03:07:09
I gave someone the f word for calling people hacker/ complaining about track voting Deal with it. Get me banned.
On 2025-02-24 at 01:31:25

i banned the goofy
On 2025-02-21 at 00:35:43
Ngl , he has been quiet and imo this does not at all qualify as something that deserves any consequences.
Swearing is not prohibited in the rules. as long as its not overly used and with toxic intent behind it.
I think a simple AND OBVIOUS joke is being way overblown , this is about as far off as death threat as it can be .
and i dont think its fait to overblow this just because of past events .
Swearing is not prohibited in the rules. as long as its not overly used and with toxic intent behind it.
I think a simple AND OBVIOUS joke is being way overblown , this is about as far off as death threat as it can be .
and i dont think its fait to overblow this just because of past events .

On 2025-02-20 at 23:11:02
@Fiery sent a death threat because I accidentally sent a rickroll because I don't recognize links when I was trying to sent a video of reverse drift keyboard inputs and I can't find the video with YouTube search 💀
come on its obviousy not serious bruh , he said infiltrate the uk government how credible is that

On 2025-02-20 at 17:20:27
thank god he's banned , that guy was a weirdo , innaproriate name and stealing content.
@Balls_fullof_sperm literally stole your race track so now he's permabanned
play stupid games win stupid prizes they say!!!
thanks to the wonderful moderation team on this website , these kind of things do not go unpunished. remeber guys , its important that we work together to keep this community clean.

On 2025-02-20 at 17:17:03
thank god he's banned , that guy was a weirdo , innaproriate name and stealing content.
On 2025-02-18 at 19:37:03
I told him this was a joke for the past hour and he's still stressing

On 2025-02-18 at 19:36:25
@Nodac64 might be trying to ban me just because i dislike snes rr so much to the point where everyone votes snes rr just because i say snes rr is "cringe" for being too narrow and hard to play on, so i might be banned for something that isnt even worth a ban
@TheVincenzo is saying this is made up (he could be true but im not 100% sure)
Bruh let it go I told you I paid him off
On 2024-12-17 at 23:52:47
@Storm201211, alternate account of @Storm242
i banned him , i noticed he created an account to point farm , he tried to be slick by not playing on his main for a few sec so it looked like 2 person were playing but it was obvious that was not the case

On 2024-12-09 at 23:32:27 i dont even wanna say it
took care of banning him
On 2024-12-05 at 18:34:54
@Timos_ass saying that they had sex with a minor and calling French people bastards and even calling them gay (I was, unfortunately, unable to screenshot these messages, but they did happen.) @Giovanni_Giorgio "Fat Shaming" me (I'm skinny, and not fat at all, @Lilith and @CTGP-PC_Deluxe can vouch). Last but not least, @rmzr69 is basically making fun of people who have Alzheimer's by saying I have it. (@Lilith, @CTGP-PC_Deluxe, and @RedPikmin95 all know that my grandma has Alzheimer's, so they know why I'm pissed). The two at the beginning deserve a ban, but @rmzr69 I feel deserves a warning.
Sex With a Minor and Fat Shaming (unaffectedly, I may say):
French people are bastards:
Making fun of Alzheimer's (I want to hurt them so badly):
More people are being dumbasses. Sex With a Minor and Fat Shaming (unaffectedly, I may say):
French people are bastards:
Making fun of Alzheimer's (I want to hurt them so badly):
Thank you for your report and i'm sorry this has happened to you today. I warned all 3 accounts and also another player that was being problematic after i reviewed the messages that we're sent earlier today. I did not ban any of them yet because this was the first time that an incident happen. It is their last chance though!
On 2024-12-03 at 00:43:42
They have been dealt with , i will do the necessary work to clean up the online mode for you guys !