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/!\ Report / Signalements /!\
On 2024-11-24 at 15:59:38
i dont think you can speed hack in this game but i'll let the mods answer that themselves
On 2024-11-24 at 01:51:31
that only proves that your skills at being rude are timeless and have been going on for a long time. i never said anything but im not gonna let you call me out like that on some non factual shit to make me look bad while you are on a roll in my DMs bro... TF
On 2024-11-24 at 01:32:01
you always end up changing in a heartbeat once you realise that consequences are comming your way , "talkin about im sorry ooohh please dont ban me " and then you come up on the same bullshit days later , you just dont give a damn about learning from your mistakes and only decide to act the right way whenever you're about to get your ass banned. thats just being selfish and self centered imo
On 2024-11-24 at 01:25:22

That happened because you kept saying the N-Word, and linked a user named noah kn****, the conversation happened back in September, asked if me and Vincenzo took over MKPC which i didn't want to, said I was a "warrior" and then he is taking pictures of that conversation NOW? Also those screenshots were from a conversation I am 100% sure you said those things. Finally, he said if "doing Palestine and Israel" would achieve world peace (?????).
, noah Kniggah is just a college football player , there is no racial slurs
. You are a self centered guy , and i really hope they do something about you . You tried to throw me under the bus for no reasons.
and yes i told the guy to combine to flag to promote positivity tf is wrong with that. i'm done talking with you anyways because it's difficult to have a conversation with someone that makes up his own reality. You litterally deem the name of a college football player as racist , and the combination of a flag as something to report . get back to reality.
on the flip side you have sent me countless mean messages . that is factual , contrary to the made up stuff that you are comming up with
On 2024-11-23 at 08:51:16
Whatever talking like a black guy means lol , i did not known that speech was linked to skin color but ok

On 2024-11-23 at 08:49:28
There it is folks , mini mod looking good in front of everyone while talking like this in when no one can see it. its time to take accountability !

On 2024-11-23 at 07:41:57
Yeah, he really did say that
i cant see it
Put the link in the search bar (if you use google) and PRESS ENTER

WELL NO SH*T IT WAS ON MY OTHER GMAIL public%20parent:1ueFbCZiUvmM7zE4W8DMQI55PbztTbcwr
There. Fixed
Access denied
[img]Screenshot 2024-11-22 122243[/img]
[img]Screenshot 2024-11-22 122300[/img]
Look man , i dont know why you are on my case so much but you have to come to the the realisation that you are wasting your time.
You are not comming up with any ground breaking news , i publicly admited to creating the Ossama Bin Ballin account and it has been banned for days now. I see that you tried to be seen as someone with ground breaking information but its not happening. People took it lightly and laughed about it and made a running joke about the battle mode.
On the flip side you called me out for "talking like a black person" which sounds off tbh. but im not even reporting that because its not that deep even though its probably worst than a silly alt account that i admitted creating myself before you can out on some news reporter type stuff.
Idk why you had to flood the report topic with several messages with links that dont work only to post screenshots of a meaningless conversation .
its almost like you have a hard time realizing that every mods know that i was the creator of that alternate account.

On 2024-11-21 at 16:38:28
yeah fiery took a break but we need him back bro ngl that dude is a real old school gangster

Rating your pfp
On 2025-02-20 at 01:04:50
im kinda sad mine was not rated , it was alot of hard work to create it

On 2025-02-19 at 19:35:40
Please rate my pfp

MKPC Update Suggestions
On 2025-02-25 at 21:53:18
man alot of incredible suggestions
Can Wargor or mods/admins get banned?
On 2025-03-12 at 11:35:48
Max got banned & demoted for some Discord stuff & giving himself points(which Vince is also doing), I don't know anyone else who lost the role.
I actually got allowed to give myself half of 58k points that I won on my first PRIMETIME mkpc account that i lost access to account by other members including admins.
Nice try tho

On 2025-03-12 at 03:35:21
Evergone can br banned. Even wargor and Lebron James can get their account banned
On 2025-03-12 at 01:03:22
i took a little vacation and hung out with lebron james and he really motivated me to come back . he said that i am a legendary player and that i need to help people get better
On 2025-03-12 at 01:02:12
I deleted myself 1
Wait you deleted yourself, and how did you get your stuff back? By the way, I missed you.
I deleted my account gor a few day but now I'm back. I missed you too. I believe you can be the next world champ
Thanks, but the real question is how did you come back?
i just logged back on my account , you can delete your account and just come back by loggin on it.i came back because i want to help the site and use my world champion experience to help people
On 2025-03-12 at 00:54:53
I deleted myself 1
Wait you deleted yourself, and how did you get your stuff back? By the way, I missed you.
I deleted my account gor a few day but now I'm back. I missed you too. I believe you can be the next world champ

On 2025-03-12 at 00:48:41
I deleted myself 1

On 2025-03-12 at 00:46:25
Yes mods and admins have been demoted and put in Mario kart jail before.
Ps5 giveaway - UPDATE APRIL 5TH
On 2025-03-12 at 00:50:42
can i have a pee ass 5
This message is innapropriate
No it's not, nothing hetr is inappropriate in the message of the world champion. Please stop reporting normal messages as inappropriate constantly
On 2025-03-12 at 00:45:21
can i have a pee ass 5
You are world champion