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I would like to become a moderator
On 2025-03-06 at 23:56:54
I'm starting to think i don't wanna become a mod... it seems kinda complicated
Are you sure you don't want to be able to ban innapropriate players on command
There's lots more to the job than that my friend
What do you mean
It's not just about banning, it's about taking decisions, working together as a team, being a role model, handling arguments, etc. It's more than what you guys think it is.
Its also about hanging with LEBROOON JAYYMEES
Does lebron james actually play mkpc
Yes but not often during the NBA season, during the offseason he regurlarly plays with his childrens though. He is actually very skilled and knows RD
What is lebron james's username in this game
Unfortunately we always delete his account when offline during long stretches during the seasom because alot of kid dont stop spamming his username on the forum because he is the idol of alot of people. He should be back in the next few months. Ill send you a message when KING JAMES RETURNS.

On 2025-03-06 at 23:46:35
I'm starting to think i don't wanna become a mod... it seems kinda complicated
Are you sure you don't want to be able to ban innapropriate players on command
There's lots more to the job than that my friend
What do you mean
It's not just about banning, it's about taking decisions, working together as a team, being a role model, handling arguments, etc. It's more than what you guys think it is.
Its also about hanging with LEBROOON JAYYMEES
Does lebron james actually play mkpc
Yes but not often during the NBA season, during the offseason he regurlarly plays with his childrens though. He is actually very skilled and knows RD
On 2025-03-06 at 23:36:25
I'm starting to think i don't wanna become a mod... it seems kinda complicated
Are you sure you don't want to be able to ban innapropriate players on command
There's lots more to the job than that my friend
What do you mean
It's not just about banning, it's about taking decisions, working together as a team, being a role model, handling arguments, etc. It's more than what you guys think it is.
Its also about hanging with LEBROOON JAYYMEES
On 2025-03-06 at 23:28:23
Alot of people want to be moderator for the money ans being able to hang with people like LEBRON JAMES and Drake but there is alot of work and its not always easy
On 2025-03-05 at 16:25:26
How many fat stacks of cash do you make moderating? I know you got a villa and at least one yacht
as a senior moderating moderator of moderation department officer i get a pretty decent earning out of it.
This is also the product of the length of my service as i've been doing this for a while now. There's is much more than money in it though as you really get to make connections with some of the top athletes and personalities in the world like LEBBRRRAAAN JAAAAYYMMMEEES . For a senior representant like me you do make a comfortable living out of it

On 2025-03-05 at 13:44:43
bluepikmin is 10.714285714285714 times more mature than you vro....
how is he not mature hes a ww1 vet vro
how is he not mature hes a ww1 vet vro
bluepikmin בוגר פי 10.714285714285714 ממך...
איך הוא לא בוגר הוא WW1 וטרינר vro
איך הוא לא בוגר הוא WW1 וטרינר vro
Yeah bluePikmin has potential, he is very kind mature and talented and he has already fought against terrorist so yeah

On 2025-03-04 at 18:38:52
right now invu is doing a tremendous job of fighting those gangsters , racist and those terrorist , stay tune because we might be looking to add members in the next few months

On 2025-03-04 at 18:38:03
stay in touch and whenever new jobs will be open make sure to be available

On 2025-03-04 at 18:36:16
stay in touch to know when the next recruitment will happen , the legendary invu has been the latest guy to join the team , we are looking to add new members at different time throughout the year to battle the racist and the terrorist so stay in touch and you will get your chance
On 2025-03-04 at 18:25:35
It is pleasant to hear that the next wave of moderating moderators of moderation is motivated!!!!
to become a moderator you first have to succeed a moderation tryout before starting a training of 2 weeks
to become a moderator you first have to succeed a moderation tryout before starting a training of 2 weeks
/!\ Advent Calendar 2024
On 2024-12-09 at 02:20:09
Why do you only Choose the hard Challenges?
Bro we spoke a few days ago and you are back here with the same energy. The people have worked hard to create those challenges and the advent calendar while MAKING THOSE CHALLENGES ACCESSIBLE TO EVERY ONE. They don't require certain skills that not everyone possess like Reverse drifting for example...keep trying because none of these challenges are unaccessible, everyone including casual players are completing them. Please stop with the complaints and keep in mind that these challenges have been made to be able to be able to be completed by every players. It's not fair to put the blames on the creators.
On 2024-12-03 at 16:25:38
Now I see why You never choose My Challenges. You guys hate Me. You hate everything I make and think it's boring and bad.
I don't want to be mean but you aren't the main character, and it's not about who did the challenge, but about the challenge itself
Ohh. I didn't know that. I just wanted to feel special.
Yeah this is not the way to do it my friend.
You need to analyse what respected challenge creators are doing different than you. This is how you will get he recognition that you want.
Try to get better as a creator or player. It takes effort but there is no other way around it. It takes time, it won't be easy but there is no shortcuts.
Ask people what you should improve on and ask what they dislike about your current creations to have a better understanding on what you need to do on the next one.
Also you can't give up and beat yourself down on the forum because this is not the kind of community that rewards players on pity. Everyone that has gotten to something on here worked for it.
I wish you good luck and advise you to not give up. Build up some confidence and you will achieve what you desire.

On 2024-12-03 at 00:39:40
day 3 took me way back to my non Reverse Drifting days lol

On 2024-12-03 at 00:38:46
Day 3 is all about item use folks!
For those who are familiar to bagging or have decent knowledge of how to use items you should be fine !!
Make sure you have good items when starting that 5th lap!!
For those who are familiar to bagging or have decent knowledge of how to use items you should be fine !!
Make sure you have good items when starting that 5th lap!!
On 2024-12-02 at 13:31:23
petition for the challenges to be easier for players who arent that good at the game
I think the challenged will be less or more hard depending on the day.
I did struggle a bit one the one from today.
Do not give up , its even more rewarding when you succeed !

I'm leaving (for a while)
On 2025-02-27 at 19:01:54
What is it with these inappropriate players?
On 2025-02-26 at 22:51:39
We need more mods
more mods is not gonna change the fact that people with VPN's can create endless ALT's
The only way: Do the same thing he does and ban every account he makes IMMEDIATELY.
what do you mean by that??
how would creating anymore account be usefull when us mods can already ban everyone.
Please explain because i probably did not understand what you meant
Get on his tail everytime you see a report. Either that or hack his VPN and shut it down.
Look bro i'd rather be honest with you , this is Mario kart pc lol, none of us mods have the tool or knowledge to shut down a whole vpn. we are not the government . plus all of the request are always fullfilled not too long after.
No one is going to stay refreshing the game 24/7 just to instantly ban a new account.
On 2025-02-26 at 22:47:45
We need more mods
more mods is not gonna change the fact that people with VPN's can create endless ALT's
The only way: Do the same thing he does and ban every account he makes IMMEDIATELY.
what do you mean by that??
how would creating anymore account be usefull when us mods can already ban everyone.
Please explain because i probably did not understand what you meant
On 2025-02-26 at 22:08:49
We need more mods
more mods is not gonna change the fact that people with VPN's can create endless ALT's

On 2025-02-26 at 21:18:40
well if they have a vpn we cant stop them ,
best thing you can do is report asap
best thing you can do is report asap