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What's your favorite Chocolate Bar?

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
I overall just like the peanut butter in candies like Reese's and Butterfingers.

me too bro , it goes well together , still my favorite to this day
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
When i used to live in canada it was Reeses for sure , im not much of a chocolate guy anymore but when i was in spain i stumbled across one of their brand of chocolate called Coguitos its not exactly a bar but they were delicious!!


Mario Kart Wii (QM) Project By BluePikmin

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
Good luck, excited to see it.

What songs do you like?

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
im a big hip hop fan , i like old school rap like this


Thoughts on the recent publicity of MKPC

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
i spoke with nintendo , he's a chill guy , he said mkpc wont be taken down because they like wargor alot and want to hire him

UI improvement

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
There is a topic dedicated to update ideas, please try to use it to speak your mind and share your ideas

/!\ MKPC CT Lounge

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
always love to can you learn me.

Yes!! i sent you a message to give your more informations about the lounge server!!

Tell me your zodiac and ill turn your oc based form your zodiac

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
what does oc mean
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
im aries

Blue Shell Dodge

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
yes it's in the game

TheVincenzo is back!

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
my game worn underwear , a collector item
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
hello everyone , i am back , to celebrate my return im doing a give away

My service for the MKPC community .

Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
Hello everyone,

I want to thank you all for the trust you have placed in me, as well as Wargor and the entire moderation team for approving my request to join the moderation team. I am excited to start my work to ensure better management of this site for all our users.

I will strive to remain consistent in my commitments and to be available to all users for any requests you may have. I want to be a point of contact who can assist you with any difficulties you may encounter on our site. I will be proactive in improving our community day by day and fostering a pleasant atmosphere for everyone on MKPC.

Thank you once again!


Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their support. Unfortunately, it seems that those responsible for managing the site do not appear to care about its current state. As a result, I feel that I will not be able to make an impact on the existing issues.

I still hope that things will improve in the future, as there is a growing number of problems. However, it seems that this does not alarm the people who are supposed to address these matters. The forum and online mode do not seem to be a priority, despite the fact that they affect the majority of the site's members.
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
Invu wrote:
Kernell wrote:
You make great points. We do need more mods. I just don't know about you, with your track record, personally.

Tbh if not him, who will?

Lely probably could, for starters. I'm sure there are other candidates too.

I would certainly not decline such thing, but I don't think people there trust me, I'm used to it at this point

If me and invu are responsible of keeping this site clean it would be a total game changer.
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
I'm sorry for breaking the bit, but this shit never ceases to be fucking hilarious

I am happy to participate in your entertainment my brother.

But make no mistake !! there is alot of unpunished villains and unlawful members that are getting away with stuff lately... a quick look at online games during the day or the report topic will tell you all you need to know. They have become irrelevant .

You make great points. We do need more mods. I just don't know about you, with your track record, personally.

I understand the doubts regarding my tumultuous past. However, I believe I have the necessary skills to restore order on a site that I care about deeply. I aim to fill a crucial gap within this moderation team and accomplish a mission that is close to my heart, using my moderation skills for a community that deserves better days.

I believe I can provide each of you with a higher quality environment and help alleviate the workload that is currently overwhelming the members of this moderation team, who are unfortunately facing an increase in harmful behaviors from new players who do not share our common values.
I am an individual who now has the well-being of our community at heart, and the time has come for me to give back to this site that has brought me so much entertainment.
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
I'm sorry for breaking the bit, but this shit never ceases to be fucking hilarious

I am happy to participate in your entertainment my brother.

But make no mistake !! there is alot of unpunished villains and unlawful members that are getting away with stuff lately... a quick look at online games during the day or the report topic will tell you all you need to know. They have become irrelevant .
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
I would like to thank all the new people who have placed their trust in me today. I believe that the members of this site know that improvements are necessary to counter the growing number of incidents and incivility we face. New members join us every day, and we must ensure that they are not discouraged by the toxic behaviors exhibited by some individuals.

Thank you for believing in me, and I hope that the current moderators will give me the opportunity to prove that I can bring stability and improve the atmosphere of this site for all our users.
Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
Thank you Pianta , JassyJassper  and ONIX for your support.

If my application is accepted, I will commit to being diligent in my work in order to not disappoint those who have placed their trust in me.

Regarding your message ZED , I will keep away those who do not respect the rules of our beloved mkpc commmunity .

Together we can make this work .


Messages 157 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
Nodac , you are exacyly the kind of person that deserves to benefit from my work.

Your support means alot , thank you !

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