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Mario Kart Communauté

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
T'as envoyé le même message 2 fois :P
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
@FwaysGamer ça continue quand?
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Jadia wrote:

Salut Jadia heycoucou;)
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend

Track Builder Complete Mode Bug

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
This is annoying me a lot. Whenever I change the image, then save, the image will switch back! It's annoying the heck out of me! facepalm
I also had this bug sometimes

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[Tournoi annulé] Mode Eliminatoire !

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Je m'inscris

Mini Mod

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Smed wrote:
Okay thank you guys so much! :D
I really hope you will be a challenge validator ;)

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I'm notifying the admins to be sure they look at this topic:

@Wargor @Veethan23 @Link-Triforce-8 @ZeKirio @Neemo @Ryubix
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Smed wrote:
I doubt it, but thanks for the support super
No problem^^ ;)

Also, you sent the same message 2 times (that's a bug that sometimes happens for unknown reasons)
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
If I understood well, you want to become a challenge validator. If you're good at making challenges, I don't see why you couldn't be a challenge validator.

You should ask to admins for this, I'm sure they will accept ;)

So...something weird happened to my account

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Ryubix wrote:
That's a data bug in the servers, that will be the 2nd time this month.
I didn't knew MKPC suffers from data bugs :o:s

Big Complaint

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
explain this then https://mkpc.malahieude.net/profil.php?id=12711
basically the wotd h*es is not a good word so uh

I don't see any n. or f. word :(

h*es ill tell you what it means
he changed it

When Do People Play Online?

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
JamBurger wrote:
Not everyone can speak English as fluently as Link and Ryubix.
It's not an excuse to break the rules :s It is clearly written that this forum section is english only.

People that doesn't speak english should use a translator or post no message here...

We Have A Question

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
If they change their fonts that's just for fun (excatly like me) so don't blame them...

[Resolved] HELP!

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I created a bunch of tracks before registering. Is there any way I can get them back? My username is ZooWeeMinecraft. There should be a lot of tracks with the author of the same name!raah
I also lost some of my old tracks for no reason, I think I know what happened.

2016-2017 admins sometimes deleted track for no reason (some of the tracks were mine), so if your tracks were created during this period...

C'est mon impression où il y a de moins en moins de francophones actifs sur MKPC?

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Ryubix wrote:
Je pense que l'impression vient du fait que MKPC est majoritairement joué par des étrangers ces derniers mois.

Peut-être que nous avons perdu un poil de francophone. Mais votre impression vient du fait qu'il y a beaucoup d'anglophones ici.
J'ai aussi pensé à ça...
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Mr_L wrote:
Putain de Oui. Je voulais le dire mais j'avais peur de passer pour un raciste ou quelque chose comme ça.
J'ai aussi cette impression
Oh :o Je ne suis donc pas fou. :p
Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Je sais pas si c'est vrmnt le cas, mais c'est l'impression que j'ai....

Joyeux anniv Link-Triforce-8 !

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend

Le mieux serait de lock.

unlocking characters?

Messages 3090 - King Mario King Mario
vs51591 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Kmoni wrote:
I got him!
GG! ;)

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