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SplatToad: Create your own character!
On 2025-03-02 at 22:59:33
Golden Ink
Age : 14
Cyan Ink
Age : 15
We have 6 slots left! Who else wants to add to the roster?
this message is from my 2dsxl
On 2025-03-04 at 00:21:19

i cant actually play mkpc with it cuz its too slow but is still realy cool to use the forum with it
another thing is u cant dm i think
This also doesn't work on the Wii...
On 2025-03-03 at 22:33:24

i cant actually play mkpc with it cuz its too slow but is still realy cool to use the forum with it
yes even new 3ds xl is too slow

Now I know what to use when I want to talk to my friends! I'll use my 2DS!

Then does gameboy work for mkpc
The DSi should work if you have the browser on it, The Wii works, the 3DS family works, the Wii U, even the Switch with the help of SwitchBruDNS. (look up a guide on youtube if you wanna know how

I actually tried playing this on my Switch once. It does fully work, but it's kinda janky since the browser uses controller inputs as both controller and mouse inputs at the same time.
Does it view as Mobile or Desktop? (If mobile you can use touchscreen inputs)
It can be both
Oh good. So I can use the touch screen controls.
On 2025-03-03 at 00:40:42

i cant actually play mkpc with it cuz its too slow but is still realy cool to use the forum with it
yes even new 3ds xl is too slow

Now I know what to use when I want to talk to my friends! I'll use my 2DS!

Then does gameboy work for mkpc
The DSi should work if you have the browser on it, The Wii works, the 3DS family works, the Wii U, even the Switch with the help of SwitchBruDNS. (look up a guide on youtube if you wanna know how

I actually tried playing this on my Switch once. It does fully work, but it's kinda janky since the browser uses controller inputs as both controller and mouse inputs at the same time.
Does it view as Mobile or Desktop? (If mobile you can use touchscreen inputs)
On 2025-03-02 at 23:16:44

i cant actually play mkpc with it cuz its too slow but is still realy cool to use the forum with it
yes even new 3ds xl is too slow

Now I know what to use when I want to talk to my friends! I'll use my 2DS!

Then does gameboy work for mkpc
The DSi should work if you have the browser on it, The Wii works, the 3DS family works, the Wii U, even the Switch with the help of SwitchBruDNS. (look up a guide on youtube if you wanna know how

On 2025-03-02 at 23:12:11

i cant actually play mkpc with it cuz its too slow but is still realy cool to use the forum with it
yes even new 3ds xl is too slow

Now I know what to use when I want to talk to my friends! I'll use my 2DS!

Terrible knock-offs!
On 2025-03-03 at 00:42:39

There are several "fan-made" mariokarts that are just mods with an emulation layer (*cough*Super Mariokart 8*cough*)
Help! my level got deleted for no reason!
On 2025-03-03 at 04:14:26
I made the music park track, when I went back to mario kart pc it was gone!
Did you remember to save the course?
Edit: There are several 3DS Music Parks

On 2025-03-02 at 23:20:23
¡Bien, buenas noches! 

On 2025-03-02 at 22:34:23
Bola de Softbol
Gelatina de Limón
Tomate Cherry
Botella de Agua
Gorro Universitario
Lata de Pintura
Helado de moras azules
Bola de Ping Pong
Trofeo de Esmeralda
Helado de Menta
Cubeta de Arena
Copa de Vidio
Bola de Luz
Hice una tirada de números al azar y resultó que eran cinco. (No podía decidirme y quería dejar de devanarme el cerebro)
On 2025-03-02 at 22:18:40
Vale, ahora es cuando vamos a lo importante. Elegir el personaje recomendado que votaremos en IDLC 14.
Difícil elegir. ¿Alguien más tiene una idea? Estoy desgarrado...
Hard to choose. Does anyone else have an idea? I'm torn...
On 2025-03-02 at 22:00:12
¿Y que te parece la serie?
Es bastante bueno.

On 2025-03-02 at 21:26:22
¡Oh venga ya! Estamos aquí por algo serio.
¿De qué estás hablando? No lo sé, acabo de entrar.
¿Sabes que es Isla de la Competencia?
Eh, no.
Pues buscas en YouTube IDLC 1 y ya
On 2025-03-02 at 21:16:31
¡Oh venga ya! Estamos aquí por algo serio.
¿De qué estás hablando? No lo sé, acabo de entrar.
¿Sabes que es Isla de la Competencia?
Eh, no.
On 2025-03-02 at 20:58:58
¡Oh venga ya! Estamos aquí por algo serio.
¿De qué estás hablando? No lo sé, acabo de entrar.
MULTICUP: Super Mario Kart: Horizons Deluxe
On 2025-03-02 at 20:42:22
Could you do the guest miis?

What is it with these inappropriate players?
On 2025-03-02 at 23:21:43
My theory is that they are all the same person with vpn
Not too far fetched. I agree.
On 2025-02-27 at 00:13:37
We do not need more mods at the moment, this has always been an issue, but just like the forum overall, it seems to be getting worse. There is nothing else we can do than banning them, renaming them, but honestly I can't be asked to rename all of them.
@MisterToad this is just stupid, we have many things to do in life, do you think we are going to refresh the website every 5 seconds to see if a new Tendo account popped up? What do you mean immediately? Do you think we're chronically online? Well maybe you are but we aren't, we have better things to do than caring about such a time consuming idiot.
@MisterToad this is just stupid, we have many things to do in life, do you think we are going to refresh the website every 5 seconds to see if a new Tendo account popped up? What do you mean immediately? Do you think we're chronically online? Well maybe you are but we aren't, we have better things to do than caring about such a time consuming idiot.
...Uh okay... I just have one thing to say...
This is a public server. This kind of behavior should be expected.
I can't believe you would insult me like that. I'm normally online for an hour or less.
Now as for TendoKiddo, I'm pretty smart and probably could wrap my head around shutting down his VPN or IP masker. Not only do I have experience, I'm also very quick with pests, whether it be an insect or a person.
I'm the computer guy who knows a good bit about servers, so don't go around being an insulter of those who long for a good cause.
There are a few ways to hunt him down:
Track his location as sites have location tracking.
Find his IP for that time and ban his IP. Try to find relations in the adress: is there a constant 3 digits every IP?
DId you seriously said track his location? 💀
Uh yes.

On 2025-02-27 at 00:11:59
We do not need more mods at the moment, this has always been an issue, but just like the forum overall, it seems to be getting worse. There is nothing else we can do than banning them, renaming them, but honestly I can't be asked to rename all of them.
@MisterToad this is just stupid, we have many things to do in life, do you think we are going to refresh the website every 5 seconds to see if a new Tendo account popped up? What do you mean immediately? Do you think we're chronically online? Well maybe you are but we aren't, we have better things to do than caring about such a time consuming idiot.
@MisterToad this is just stupid, we have many things to do in life, do you think we are going to refresh the website every 5 seconds to see if a new Tendo account popped up? What do you mean immediately? Do you think we're chronically online? Well maybe you are but we aren't, we have better things to do than caring about such a time consuming idiot.
...Uh okay... I just have one thing to say...
This is a public server. This kind of behavior should be expected.
I can't believe you would insult me like that. I'm normally online for an hour or less.
Now as for TendoKiddo, I'm pretty smart and probably could wrap my head around shutting down his VPN or IP masker. Not only do I have experience, I'm also very quick with pests, whether it be an insect or a person.
I'm the computer guy who knows a good bit about servers, so don't go around being an insulter of those who long for a good cause.
There are a few ways to hunt him down:
Track his location as sites have location tracking.
Find his IP for that time and ban his IP. Try to find relations in the adress: is there a constant 3 digits every IP?
My answer to your message wasn't in any form insulting. If that's how you want to interpret it as such, well that's fine, but that's false. Lie to yourself I guess, whatever helps you sleep at night 😂
I never wanted to know about your informatic skills either. Tendo wants attention and nothing else. And guess what you are giving him right now?
Your message was contemptuous and arrogant, I never insulted anybody, I said tracking him down like that and watching his every move was stupid, that is not insulting, and even if it was, it is towards your message, not you as a person.
We are certainly not going to waste any time regarding that guy, we will just ban his accounts and give him as few attention as possible.
Oh, okay. As if anything we should avoid him. If he's online, leave the group. Anywho, sorry...