Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
Results 41-60 out of 200+

How Many Mario Kart Games Have You Played?
On 2025-01-11 at 22:56:38
Here are the games I have played in order:
A Birthday Special for Mario Kart is gonna be held soon in August!
On 2025-03-01 at 22:34:06
I would Like to help 

Fanfic: The Pikmin Multiverse
On 2025-03-01 at 05:26:48
Chapter One: Into the Pikmin world
If Red Pikmin95, BluePikmin11 and Purple Pikmin don't want to be in this fanfic I will fix that at some point.
A special portal opened up in the MKPC world which teleported you to the Pikmin Dimension Four people went into the portal being YellowPikmin, BluePikmin, RedPikmin and PurplePikmin and the jumped into the portal. The portal then closed meaning the pikmin clan were now stuck in the pikmin dimension...
YellowPikmin: Guys I have never played a pikmin game before
RedPikmin: I'll help you
PurplePikmin: We should make a nice place to rest
Blue Pikmin: Members of the Pikmin Clan Come here now please!
YellowPikmin: What is it now?
BluePikmin: I see some white Pikmin over there let's go say hi to him!
(The Pikmin Clan walk up to the white pikmin) The Pikmin Clan: Hello!
???: H_E_L_L_O
RedPikmin: Stop being silly
???: Oh I'm not being silly... (Tries to hit Red pikmin but Yellow Pikmin hits him)
(The White Pikmin faints)
YellowPikmin: Oops!
YellowPikmin: Guys I have never played a pikmin game before
RedPikmin: I'll help you

PurplePikmin: We should make a nice place to rest
Blue Pikmin: Members of the Pikmin Clan Come here now please!
YellowPikmin: What is it now?
BluePikmin: I see some white Pikmin over there let's go say hi to him!
(The Pikmin Clan walk up to the white pikmin) The Pikmin Clan: Hello!
???: H_E_L_L_O
RedPikmin: Stop being silly
???: Oh I'm not being silly... (Tries to hit Red pikmin but Yellow Pikmin hits him)
(The White Pikmin faints)
YellowPikmin: Oops!
Un portail spécial s'est ouvert dans le monde MKPC qui vous a téléporté dans la dimension Pikmin. Quatre personnes sont entrées dans le portail, à savoir YellowPikmin, BluePikmin, RedPikmin et PurplePikmin, et ont sauté dans le portail. Le portail s'est ensuite fermé, signifiant que le clan Pikmin était désormais coincé dans la dimension Pikmin...
YellowPikmin : Les gars, je n'ai jamais joué à un jeu de Pikmin auparavant
RedPikmin : je vais vous aider
PurplePikmin : Nous devrions créer un endroit agréable pour nous reposer
Blue Pikmin : Membres du clan Pikmin Venez ici maintenant s'il vous plaît !
YellowPikmin : Qu'est-ce qu'il y a maintenant ?
BluePikmin : Je vois des Pikmin blancs là-bas, allons lui dire bonjour !
(Le Clan Pikmin s'approche du Pikmin blanc) Le Clan Pikmin : Bonjour !
RedPikmin : Arrêtez d'être stupide
???: Oh, je ne fais pas l'idiot... (Essaye de frapper le Pikmin Rouge mais le Pikmin Jaune le frappe)
(Le Pikmin Blanc s'évanouit)
YellowPikmin : Oups !
YellowPikmin : Les gars, je n'ai jamais joué à un jeu de Pikmin auparavant
RedPikmin : je vais vous aider

PurplePikmin : Nous devrions créer un endroit agréable pour nous reposer
Blue Pikmin : Membres du clan Pikmin Venez ici maintenant s'il vous plaît !
YellowPikmin : Qu'est-ce qu'il y a maintenant ?
BluePikmin : Je vois des Pikmin blancs là-bas, allons lui dire bonjour !
(Le Clan Pikmin s'approche du Pikmin blanc) Le Clan Pikmin : Bonjour !
RedPikmin : Arrêtez d'être stupide
???: Oh, je ne fais pas l'idiot... (Essaye de frapper le Pikmin Rouge mais le Pikmin Jaune le frappe)
(Le Pikmin Blanc s'évanouit)
YellowPikmin : Oups !
If Red Pikmin95, BluePikmin11 and Purple Pikmin don't want to be in this fanfic I will fix that at some point.
On 2025-02-22 at 23:08:41
This might be surprising but I have never played a Pikmin game before
So if I get anything wrong about Pikmin games... Just ignore it...

This fanfic is all about Pikmin!
Like Most Fanfics you can join
if you want to join you need
What you are: (Astronaut or Pikmin)
If your a pikmin what colour: (You can be Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Black, Light Blue and white)
Good guy or Bad guy:
Personality: (Angry, Sad, Happy, Bored) You can have up to 2
List of People:
thoughts on Sonic CD
On 2025-02-08 at 00:56:45
I've Never Played the game but I know a bit about it. In My Opinion I would say it is the scariest sonic game (Not saying it's that scary)
What was your first Mario Kart Game?
On 2025-02-22 at 23:13:47
Mario Kart WII
What was your first Mario Kart game?
On 2024-12-19 at 09:17:20
Mkwii then MKT or MK8D Then MK64 (which I got yesterday on my switch!)
Share your Custom Characters!
On 2024-02-18 at 00:08:41
I'd like to request a kirby. Basic kirby, also possibly Meta knight but I dont care as much about him.
Toad's Factory
On 2025-02-21 at 07:53:37
If you like this track, watch this to see how awesome it is
Toad's Factory is mid tbh
Toads factory is literally my favorite track in the series, as it was the track that deserved a remake MUCH MORE than DAISY CIRCUIT of all things
Toads factory will be impossible to mess up in mario kart 9
(They shouldn't add Toad's Factory to MK9 They should add DK Jungle Parkway)

On 2025-02-15 at 23:23:08
If you like this track, watch this to see how awesome it is
Toad's Factory is mid tbh
Yoshi's Island 2
On 2025-02-16 at 04:14:45
So there is a website I found called Yoshi's Fabrication Station and in that website you can make your own Yoshi's Island Levels! So what I'm going to do is get the code of levels I have made in it to make it sort of like a game!
Tutorial Level
{"version":"s3.11","name":"Tutorial","desc":"No description set.","author":"That One Pokemon Named Spectrier","startpoint":{"map":1,"X":160,"Y":1152},"flowers":0,"redcoins":4,"maps":{"map1":{"width":2368,"height":1344,"bg1":"0","bg2":"0","bg3":"0","gradient":"cold1_0_1","bgcolor":" 165, 173, 181","objects":{"0":{"A":"o18","X":320,"Y":1072,"E1":"Welcome to Yoshi's Island 2! press Z to jump!"},"1":{"A":"o7","X":608,"Y":1168},"2":{"A":"o7","X":640,"Y":1168},"3":{"A":"o7","X":688,"Y":1168},"4":{"A":"o7","X":736,"Y":1168},"5":{"A":"o7","X":784,"Y":1168},"6":{"A":"o8","X":992,"Y":1040,"F":1,"E1":"1","E2":"5"},"7":{"A":"o8","X":864,"Y":1456},"8":{"A":"o18","X":816,"Y":1072,"E1":"Press x to throw eggs!"},"9":{"A":"o18","X":1152,"Y":1136,"E1":"Press A to eat enemies!"},"10":{"A":"e4","X":1344,"Y":1168},"11":{"A":"e4","X":2064,"Y":1552},"12":{"A":"o5","X":2016,"Y":800},"13":{"A":"o2","X":320,"Y":960},"14":{"A":"o1","X":336,"Y":1152},"15":{"A":"o1","X":368,"Y":1152},"16":{"A":"o1","X":400,"Y":1136},"17":{"A":"o1","X":432,"Y":1104},"18":{"A":"o1","X":464,"Y":1088},"19":{"A":"o1","X":512,"Y":1088},"20":{"A":"o1","X":544,"Y":1104},"21":{"A":"o1","X":576,"Y":1136},"22":{"A":"o2","X":1104,"Y":992},"23":{"A":"o2","X":2336,"Y":864},"24":{"A":"o2","X":2320,"Y":1072}},"layer1":{"forest64":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":37,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"545x-1,41,43,8x1,25x-1,41,43,40,42,8x4,23x-1,41,43,40,42,64,7,56,57,52,2x53,56,52,57,21x-1,41,43,40,42,64,2x7,55,54,2x55,54,53,7,54,57,7x-1,0,5x1,47,45,4x-1,41,43,40,42,64,7,52,55,7,2x54,52,2x55,53,55,2x54,7x-1,3,5x4,46,44,47,45,41,43,40,42,64,7,53,57,7,54,2x55,54,57,2x7,53,55,57,54,7x-1,6,52,56,53,2x54,7,65,46,44,40,42,64,2x7,2x57,54,7,54,55,56,2x52,57,7,55,7,57,7\"}","garden64":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":37,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"666x-1,5,2,2x5,1,5,6,30x-1,13,16,9,14,2x11,20,30x-1,9,2x12,15,16,15,19,30x-1\"}","levelEnd":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":74,\"height\":42,\"data\":\"1840x-1,13,14,15,16,17,15,16,18,19,65x-1,20,31,22,32,25,31,24,33,26,66x-1,27,-1,27,-1,27,-1,27,67x-1,28,-1,29,-1,28,-1,29,67x-1,29,-1,29,-1,28,-1,28,964x-1\"}"},"layer2":{},"darkness":0,"tint":"0_255,255,255","music":2}}}
{"version":"s3.11","name":"Tutorial","desc":"No description set.","author":"That One Pokemon Named Spectrier","startpoint":{"map":1,"X":160,"Y":1152},"flowers":0,"redcoins":4,"maps":{"map1":{"width":2368,"height":1344,"bg1":"0","bg2":"0","bg3":"0","gradient":"cold1_0_1","bgcolor":" 165, 173, 181","objects":{"0":{"A":"o18","X":320,"Y":1072,"E1":"Welcome to Yoshi's Island 2! press Z to jump!"},"1":{"A":"o7","X":608,"Y":1168},"2":{"A":"o7","X":640,"Y":1168},"3":{"A":"o7","X":688,"Y":1168},"4":{"A":"o7","X":736,"Y":1168},"5":{"A":"o7","X":784,"Y":1168},"6":{"A":"o8","X":992,"Y":1040,"F":1,"E1":"1","E2":"5"},"7":{"A":"o8","X":864,"Y":1456},"8":{"A":"o18","X":816,"Y":1072,"E1":"Press x to throw eggs!"},"9":{"A":"o18","X":1152,"Y":1136,"E1":"Press A to eat enemies!"},"10":{"A":"e4","X":1344,"Y":1168},"11":{"A":"e4","X":2064,"Y":1552},"12":{"A":"o5","X":2016,"Y":800},"13":{"A":"o2","X":320,"Y":960},"14":{"A":"o1","X":336,"Y":1152},"15":{"A":"o1","X":368,"Y":1152},"16":{"A":"o1","X":400,"Y":1136},"17":{"A":"o1","X":432,"Y":1104},"18":{"A":"o1","X":464,"Y":1088},"19":{"A":"o1","X":512,"Y":1088},"20":{"A":"o1","X":544,"Y":1104},"21":{"A":"o1","X":576,"Y":1136},"22":{"A":"o2","X":1104,"Y":992},"23":{"A":"o2","X":2336,"Y":864},"24":{"A":"o2","X":2320,"Y":1072}},"layer1":{"forest64":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":37,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"545x-1,41,43,8x1,25x-1,41,43,40,42,8x4,23x-1,41,43,40,42,64,7,56,57,52,2x53,56,52,57,21x-1,41,43,40,42,64,2x7,55,54,2x55,54,53,7,54,57,7x-1,0,5x1,47,45,4x-1,41,43,40,42,64,7,52,55,7,2x54,52,2x55,53,55,2x54,7x-1,3,5x4,46,44,47,45,41,43,40,42,64,7,53,57,7,54,2x55,54,57,2x7,53,55,57,54,7x-1,6,52,56,53,2x54,7,65,46,44,40,42,64,2x7,2x57,54,7,54,55,56,2x52,57,7,55,7,57,7\"}","garden64":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":37,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"666x-1,5,2,2x5,1,5,6,30x-1,13,16,9,14,2x11,20,30x-1,9,2x12,15,16,15,19,30x-1\"}","levelEnd":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":74,\"height\":42,\"data\":\"1840x-1,13,14,15,16,17,15,16,18,19,65x-1,20,31,22,32,25,31,24,33,26,66x-1,27,-1,27,-1,27,-1,27,67x-1,28,-1,29,-1,28,-1,29,67x-1,29,-1,29,-1,28,-1,28,964x-1\"}"},"layer2":{},"darkness":0,"tint":"0_255,255,255","music":2}}}

my birthday!!!! :D
On 2025-02-07 at 10:06:33
Happy Birthday! 

Rate my username!
On 2025-02-15 at 23:12:27
I like your username!

Yoshi's Fabrication Station Levels
On 2025-01-10 at 02:57:15
There is a site called Yoshi's Fabrication Station where you can make your own Yoshi's Island Levels!
So this topic is just sharing your Yoshi's Fabrication Station Levels! Now I please put your level codes in a spoiler! Anyway here is a level I made!
Anyway Enjoy
So this topic is just sharing your Yoshi's Fabrication Station Levels! Now I please put your level codes in a spoiler! Anyway here is a level I made!
{"version":"s3.11","name":"Creepy Hills","desc":"No description set.","author":"Yoshi LOVER","startpoint":{"map":1,"X":96,"Y":1216},"flowers":0,"redcoins":2,"maps":{"map1":{"width":3968,"height":1344,"bg1":"0","bg2":"0","bg3":"3,1","gradient":"sunset2_0_1","bgcolor":"206,8,0","objects":{"0":{"A":"o12","X":704,"Y":1184},"1":{"A":"o12","X":640,"Y":1216},"2":{"A":"d23","X":1024,"Y":1152,"F":1,"E1":"128"},"3":{"A":"d23","X":1168,"Y":1152,"F":1,"E1":"128"},"4":{"A":"d23","X":1328,"Y":1152,"F":1,"E1":"128"},"5":{"A":"e5","X":1696,"Y":1536},"6":{"A":"e33","X":1440,"Y":992,"R":270},"7":{"A":"e33","X":1440,"Y":1024,"R":270},"8":{"A":"e33","X":1440,"Y":1056,"R":270},"9":{"A":"e31","X":848,"Y":1136,"M":1},"10":{"A":"e31","X":784,"Y":1168},"11":{"A":"o18","X":1984,"Y":1056,"E1":"There is no Escape only death.... HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"},"12":{"A":"o7","X":2112,"Y":1216,"F":2},"13":{"A":"o7","X":2160,"Y":1216,"F":2},"14":{"A":"o7","X":2224,"Y":1216,"F":2},"15":{"A":"o7","X":2192,"Y":1216,"F":2},"16":{"A":"o7","X":2144,"Y":1216,"F":2},"17":{"A":"o7","X":2080,"Y":1216,"F":2},"18":{"A":"o7","X":2064,"Y":1216,"F":2},"19":{"A":"o7","X":2256,"Y":1216,"F":2},"20":{"A":"o18","X":2160,"Y":1136,"E1":"Red The Colour Of Blood..."},"21":{"A":"e19","X":2416,"Y":1264,"F":1},"22":{"A":"e19","X":2624,"Y":1264,"F":1},"23":{"A":"e19","X":2816,"Y":1264,"F":1},"24":{"A":"e5","X":2512,"Y":1264},"25":{"A":"e5","X":2736,"Y":1264},"26":{"A":"e5","X":2928,"Y":1264},"27":{"A":"e5","X":3120,"Y":1264},"28":{"A":"e5","X":3008,"Y":1264},"29":{"A":"p8","X":3344,"Y":1264,"E1":"96","E2":"64"},"30":{"A":"p8","X":3520,"Y":1264,"E1":"96","E2":"64"},"31":{"A":"o5","X":3728,"Y":1056},"32":{"A":"o2","X":3840,"Y":896},"33":{"A":"o2","X":4128,"Y":1104}},"layer1":{"forest64_4":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":62,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"1066x-1,41,43,14x-1,47,45,34x-1,41,43,2,5x-1,41,43,40,42,14x-1,46,44,47,45,31x-1,30,40,42,5,3x-1,41,43,40,42,64,7,14x-1,7,65,46,44,30x-1,30,32,64,7,63,-1,41,43,40,42,64,7,2x57,14x-1,7,52,7,65,30x-1\"}","castle64_2":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":62,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"766x-1,4,4x1,5,56x-1,6x1,56x-1,6x1,180x-1,6x1,56x-1,6x1,56x-1,6x1,56x-1,6x1,9x-1,13x1,12x-1\"}","levelEnd_2":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":124,\"height\":42,\"data\":\"4083x-1,13,14,15,16,17,15,16,18,19,115x-1,20,31,22,32,25,31,24,33,26,116x-1,27,-1,27,-1,27,-1,27,117x-1,28,-1,29,-1,28,-1,29,117x-1,29,-1,29,-1,28,-1,28,621x-1\"}","castle32_8":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":124,\"height\":42,\"data\":\"3764x-1,7,10x8,9,112x-1,10,10x11,12,112x-1,10,10x11,12,112x-1,13,10x14,15,1060x-1\"}","garden64_2":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":62,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"1210x-1,3,1,5,6,58x-1,9,17,14,20,26x-1\"}","valley64_3":"{\"c2tilemap\":true,\"width\":62,\"height\":21,\"data\":\"1173x-1,0,4x1,57x-1,3,4x4,57x-1,6,4x7\"}"},"layer2":{},"darkness":0,"tint":"0_255,255,255","music":11}}}
Anyway Enjoy

Multicup Project: Mario Kart Ultra Racing
On 2025-02-14 at 06:28:32
Complete Mode!
Here Is The First Track
Here Is The First Track
On 2025-02-09 at 09:34:56
This multicup is sort of like Tech_Toast (who I already credited) and there will be 24 characters. Start off with 8 characters and 2 cups but will be more updates later on. (Once again Thanks To @Tech_Toast1 For his Multicup Mario Kart Stardust Racers which gave me some inspiration.)
Thanks To @Tech_Toast1 For his Multicup Mario Kart Stardust Racers which gave me some inspiration
This multicup is sort of like Tech_Toast (who I already credited) and there will be 24 characters. Start off with 8 characters and 2 cups but will be more updates later on. (Once again Thanks To @Tech_Toast1 For his Multicup Mario Kart Stardust Racers which gave me some inspiration.)
Post Sonic memes
On 2025-02-08 at 00:59:31
So…. I’m back…
On 2025-02-02 at 04:04:02
Nice to see you have returned! 

Circuit TBC
On 2025-01-09 at 06:26:22
at the end of this month Also, one question... when does this "TBC" end?

On 2025-01-07 at 02:39:12
Wet Circuit (idk why I named it that)
Theme + 5
It is kind of easy + 2
Name is good + 3
Overall Score: 8
BlueKirby24's Track!
Theme +7
Circuit name is quite good + 2
There being 5 laps is not something I like at all so sorry but - 1
Pretty Challenging but not too challenging +2
Overall Score: 11