Mario Kart PC Forum - Advanced search
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mkpc geoguesser
On 2025-03-07 at 21:56:41

mario circuit (cause i can't see it)

Any Algerians Out Here,
Yesterday at 20:21:38
As an Algerian,i never see algerian people,so im searching some
I know 4 algerians
Nice but i saw 25 algerians cuz i was seeing how much people saw pigouni's profile
Piigouni's gone right now
Yesterday at 20:17:08
idk haven't seen any just france
Borderland [Feedbacks]
Yesterday at 20:38:59
Incredible job with writing the story. The quality just can't be explained.
On 2025-03-10 at 00:11:02
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe, mais quoi qu'il en soit, je ne l'ai pas fait.

I learned how to reverse drift!!
Yesterday at 20:32:49
This is actually possible with mobile just turn off auto acceleration but you have to hold 3 buttons at once so pretty hard on mobile
Facts about the human body
Yesterday at 20:31:11
Did you know that macroevolution is physically impossible so monkeys can't be humans and humans can't be monkeys

Which is better? NSO or Nintendo Network?
Yesterday at 20:29:39
Is NSO nintendo switch online
Yeah bro
On 2025-03-15 at 19:45:10
I honestly think Nintendo Network is better (cause its free)
Sonic Racing Crossworlds
Yesterday at 20:13:21
PS4 power lets gooo! I really hope they remaster crossworlds on switch 2 and not make us play at 720p or 1080p on a vm switch like when i played mkds on my 3ds.
On 2025-03-15 at 22:44:14
Just Mario kart 8 copy man...
Exactly. Plus Antigrav.
Sonic racing crossworlds more like sonic kart 8 deluxe
That's... not funny. Nintendo's working good at Mario Kart 9, even if they're silent right now. Do you even realize how much fans are struggling with their patience for the Nintendo Switch 2 direct?
Says the guy who was just yelling and losing his patience over MK9

Regarding Teddy Buggy tires.
Yesterday at 20:11:18
isn't azure rollers just a reskin?
Yeah, azure roller tires are just roller tires but blue. They have the same stats.
Agree. Did a shortcat combo but with azure roller but had the same speed
Track Building Contest
Yesterday at 20:08:33
/!\ Report / Signalements /!\
On 2025-03-08 at 01:11:59
On 2025-03-03 at 22:26:17
Let's calm down. Also as long as he's not outright insulting other members it's fine. You don't need to yell. Lose it if you want, but that just proves your immaturity, lack of self-control, oversensitivity and your messages will be deleted; your account will also be warned if so.
Okay. But I REALLY don't like being laughed at for saying something that's literally stated in the forum rules.
On 2025-03-03 at 04:46:27
On 2025-03-03 at 04:20:19
@Fiery has been using swear words very commonly lately. (This is not a laughing matter.
Edit: If I see another one of you chuckleheads laughing I'm GONNA LOSE IT.

Edit: If I see another one of you chuckleheads laughing I'm GONNA LOSE IT.

On 2025-03-03 at 00:23:00
@TheTruePro100 is spamming rickroll across 3 topics for a total of about 10 times.
I did not know about this rule, but I will make a promise
I will try to not send rickroll anymore
Okay. Just DO NOT keep posting rickroll. (my ears hurt and now I need a new speaker...)