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draw mario kart tracks here!
On 2024-02-25 at 23:41:45
retros included you can draw it on paper you cant look at an image of the track your drawing wilst drawing
have fun
have fun

I want YOUR tracks
On 2024-02-25 at 11:08:23
PIXEL KART 2! (coming soon)
On 2024-02-12 at 18:23:47
I mean support but still xd
thx for the support but yeah
On 2024-02-11 at 11:10:23

this is a complete mode multicup
On 2024-02-11 at 10:30:49
omg my 1st collaboration! just one question, what is complete mode?
a more complexe version of quick mode
draw your track in pixilart a website make sure its 170x170 and when your done with you dawing press download and you should see on pixilart the as .png click that and then go onto mkpc and click play game, track builder, complete mode and circuit and it should show up with choose file click that and find the drawing you made on pixilart then open it then youll see that the track is tiny, go onto options, click the image button then resise it to 1000! You should know what the starting line is just click anywere on the track to place, cpus route, the route the cpus take, just make a loop around the track, make sure its the road and you have it! offroad select the polegon option when making offroad, then go around the road to make offroad make sure not to select the road!walls like offroad but heres the thing it makes you stop, use the polegon option again then just create your walls!DONT SELECT THE TRACK! all of the track will be walls and the offroad would be the only thing left! holes polegon option then make your hole but youll see an arrow when you make one hole, this is complexe so mabye for you first track just dont make a ghost track cuz the have holes! check points, put these from a wall to a wall the 1st check point is the start DONT PUT THE LAST CHECKPOINT YOU WANT TO ADD AT THE STARTING LINE AGAIN! this would breack the track! items, youll see a cube those are item boxes place all the item boxes were you want!
jumps select polegon option and make jumps right click on the jumps and make jump hieght and arrow should appear, make the arrow reach the over side of the tack so jump to landing
boosts this is easy just select polegon option and majke you boosts
decor just select whatever decor you want and place it, you can have more than one of different decors
cannons polegon option then an arrow appears just get that arrow to the destanation
you want, options this is simple just select the backround and music for your circuit then save and test your circuit if the circuit works, then share!you dont have to have holes or cannons or boots or jumps!
anyways i hope it helped

On 2024-02-10 at 15:57:29
i would like to help
everyone that has helped before can help!

On 2024-02-10 at 15:35:10
do you know how to use complete mode?

On 2024-02-10 at 15:33:58

pixel kart wouldnt be possable without @mikec1913_phone, @chocoGD, @yoshiLOVER, @cooliozero and @isabelle123!
the multi-cup pixel kart will still get some updates anyways happy racing

I could help making Pixel kart 2.

sure you can, make sure the tracks are in complete mode

On 2024-02-10 at 15:29:21
yep you read the title right, pixel kart 2 has started to be made!
pixel kart wouldnt be possable without @mikec1913_phone, @chocoGD, @yoshiLOVER, @cooliozero and @isabelle123!
the multicup pixel kart will still get some updates anyways happy racing
if you want to join, tell me its a complete mode multicup

pixel kart wouldnt be possable without @mikec1913_phone, @chocoGD, @yoshiLOVER, @cooliozero and @isabelle123!
the multicup pixel kart will still get some updates anyways happy racing

if you want to join, tell me its a complete mode multicup

pixel kart updates and more!
On 2024-02-21 at 15:42:15
idrk anything about undertale i dont play it, sorry
On 2024-02-21 at 15:38:29
piggy vs clone riggy OST
im sorry but what is an undertake track?
undertake track my bad
i still dont know
On 2024-02-21 at 15:11:41
piggy vs clone riggy OST
im sorry but what is an undertake track?
On 2024-02-21 at 13:24:15
Plz add Wii Coconut Mall & GBA Peach Circuit
sure! i have made peach circuit
heres the tracks!
coconut mall:
peach circuit:

Better coconut mall music
ill be using that
On 2024-02-02 at 23:18:11
thx for the support!

On 2024-02-02 at 19:21:34

On 2024-02-02 at 19:14:00
SPECIAL CUP! less go!!!!! pixel kart is now finished! DON'T WORRY cuz There will be a SECOND PIXEL KART!

On 2024-02-01 at 22:09:12
new cup! star cup, only 1 MORE CUP TO COMPLETE THE 1ST EVER PIXEL KART!!