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Comments list of Anthcny (64)

Toto qui semble enfin avoir compris alors qu'il reste que 2 semaines
comments In TT - GBA Snow Land on 2025-01-29 at 11:54:46
toto speak english or shut up
comments In COMPLETE ME IF YOU CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- on 2024-11-19 at 09:54:31
Why did you have to make the cannon collision 1 pixel smaller than the visual?..
comments In Clip Tutorial 1.1 on 2024-11-17 at 09:41:56
You could make a challenge where the player has to destroy pipes, while disabling the minimap. Or maybe a coin hunt, those challenges are cool to play and easy to make
comments In Koopa Plain on 2024-11-16 at 22:46:39
toto si tu réagis avec 😂 👍 et ✅ c'est que t'es vraiment le mec le plus stupide sur Terre
comments In TT - 3DS Shy Guy Bazaar on 2024-11-03 at 15:31:15
comments In Mushroom Mountain on 2024-10-18 at 22:54:11
J'ai ajouté 2-3 trucs
comments In Premier vrai circuit on 2024-10-16 at 23:41:36
Added a music (I forgotted)
comments on 2024-10-13 at 17:47:17
Nice track! it is a bit too small in my opinion but that's not a big deal

I would have reduced the power of the jump pad

Also make the ckecpoints in the top left corner optional because the lap won't count if you cut too much through the off-orad with the big jump
comments In Alpine Pass 2 on 2024-10-10 at 21:43:06
Ah en fait je pensais qu'il fallait passer par devant en passant derrière les CPU pour ne pas toucher les item box 😅mais oui du coup si c'est prévu qu'on passe derrière alors autant le mettre difficile
comments In This isn't a battle arena on 2024-10-02 at 22:04:31
Il faudrait ajouter un mur invisible derrière la ligne d'arrivée pour éviter qu'on puisse faire le challenge dans l'autre sens
comments In This isn't a battle arena on 2024-10-01 at 22:25:57
Yes the challenge is stupid. It was validated by someone who didn't even check challenges before validating them... Anyway I rejected it, please read the challenge rules before posting one


In this case, the challenge broke rule 5: "ZONES WITH NO HINTS". I think the title of the rule is self explainatory enough
comments In Figure tree circuit on 2024-10-01 at 12:25:15
Je sais pas si c'est prévu mais pour le challenge Fake race, on peut juste partir en arrière et le challenge devient très facile
comments In This isn't a battle arena on 2024-10-01 at 10:37:24
Nice challenge! Hope you like the POW 😊
comments In Pac-Maze 2 on 2024-09-29 at 20:00:47
Your tracks look absolutely fantastic! Your challenges are amongsst the best I played recently, keep up the good work!!
comments In Peach Gardens on 2024-09-19 at 18:13:26
You make really nice tracks and fun challenges!
comments In Cheep Cheep Beach on 2024-09-11 at 21:23:08
Original challenge I like it! I slightly shortened the english description to add "Check description". I also added the french translation to the description challenge, and I put the difficulty to Difficult as it requires an effort to complete the challenge. And don't worry I played it legit!
comments In Math escape room (for a challenge) on 2024-09-09 at 00:18:51
This must be one of the most original challenge I've ever played
comments In Math challenge on 2024-09-08 at 02:06:45
I did optimize the wr
comments In Excitebike Circuit on 2024-09-06 at 09:48:44
I did it. No cheats, no pausing, no major break, as intended. Full session is here: https://youtu.be/uSeXp5aHKvk
comments In 20K laps, but there is a 10-hour long video along with a 10-hour long breakcore mix, confetti effects, and Waluigi encouraging you so you don't get bored while playing. :) on 2024-08-29 at 23:14:18

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