/| Mario Kart PC |\

Comments list of BFDI_Ahmad17 (284)


Layout changes if needed (Adding shortcuts, new paths, changing the main road layout etc) = 3/3
Design (No trick ramp right before the corner, make the route clear and easy to follow, etc) = 2.5/3
Collisions (Walls, checkpoints, offroad etc) = 2.5/3
Obstacles (Goombas, Buses, Snow balls etc) = 2.5/3
Total for gameplay: 10.5/12


Visual upgrade (Better visuals than the original version) = 2/2
Theming (Theming can be slightly different as long as it's not too drastic) = 2/2
Decoration upgrade (MKPC decors and the art itself decor as long as it fits the track) = 2/2
Music (Appropriate for the track) = 1/1
Background (MKPC background and the art itself background) = 1/1
Total for decoration : 8/8

Total for all: 18.5/20
I really like this remake a lot. It took possible one of the worst MKPC tracks ever and improved it by really really a lot. The layout is great, the visuals is amazing, decor is very good and fitting for the track and the gameplay is also really good. I love this remake but there's a few issues.
1. The wall collisions is good but in few parts, it could be better but it's still great for the most part.
2. The design is good however I would not recommend adding a corner right after the cannon for your future tracks.
3. That's probably just me but you can get immediately hit by the boulders if you go too far to the left or right of the road. I would add like 1 or 2 goombas in that empty left section. Other than that, this remake is fantastic and I love all the improvements you've made in this version. Easily one of my favorite tracks from MK1(L) and all your other complete mode tracks Lely. 5/5 for sure, awesome job Lely and continue to do really good remakes like this one. :)
comments In Mario Kart 1 (L) - Baie Noki on 2022-01-13 at 19:11:26
Thanks and this is a remake of the original track. Here it is: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=30469
comments In MK3(O) Bibliothèque Hantée on 2022-01-12 at 17:11:12
I don't think me and Lely was being mean at all? We just gave our constructive criticism, nothing wrong with that. We just want you to improve in your track making skills.
comments In Luigi is mad meme on 2022-01-03 at 05:20:51
I changed the link so the track should work now.
comments In GCN Mushroom Bridge on 2022-01-01 at 16:24:28
He cannot do that at all. You can't just the collision of the object or obstacle itself. You can talk to Wargor about the buses going through with a star or mega. :)
comments In Mushroom Cup on 2022-01-01 at 02:23:46
Jeremiah Harris, can I use your decors like any of them? I'll give you credit. ^^
comments In Jeremiah Kart PC on 2021-12-27 at 20:21:18

-Are checkpoints, objects, jumps, gas pedals well placed = 1.5/2 (The height of the first 2 donut section is quite high especially when they are close to each other and the ending donuts is not good without the jumps)
-The circuit is finable, the computers are not blocked = 2/2
-Link between the level design & layout of the original version with the remake = 3/3
-Difficulty of the circuit, have shortcuts been added, well-placed editor decors = 2.5/3 (Same points as the first one)


-Respect of the theme = 2/2
-The care, is the trace more beautiful than the original = 2/2 (I would put 0 because there is not much changes but this is already amazing so it doesn't need much changing at all)
-Aesthetics must have evolved compared to the previous version, is this the case = 2/2 (Same point as the last one)
-Decoration, is it relevant, rich = 2/2 (Not like you need anything more than a donut and strawberry)
-Is the music of the remake adapted compared to the original =1/1
-The background, the decor, are they appropriate in relation to the circuit = 1/1
Total: 19/20
I really like this remake. The layout changes is great, I love it. The visuals are relatively the same with some enhancements and it removed things that was annoying in the original version for the most part. I also really like the chocolate part of the track where it speeds you up, it's great. My 2 flaws with the track is that the first 2 donut jumps gives a high jump height and the ending donut section should have jumps. Overall, an amazing remake that is fantastic in every aspect. 5/5 for this remake, outstanding job Fways. ^^
comments In Mario Kart 5 (O) - MK4 Donut Country on 2021-12-27 at 18:46:58
Yeah you're right. It's just MKPC tracks with slight visual changes and music, not an overhaul change or anything like that.
comments In SMK Koopa Beach 2 - (Genesis Style) on 2021-12-27 at 16:59:06
Not exactly a reupload. It's true it has the same layout and collisions however it has slightly different colors and it's 5 laps with different music. It's basically to show what these tracks could be if it were to be remade in a Genesis.
comments In SMK Koopa Beach 2 - (Genesis Style) on 2021-12-26 at 21:54:07
They are not too small, in fact it's quite the opposite. They look big in most maps of Wii and I don't think it needs fixing at.
comments In hoppingicon's Mario Kart Bundle Deluxe on 2021-12-23 at 04:07:09
Wow, I read the entire feedback and I gotta say. I agree, this track sucks, shortcut is bad and the entire theming and layout is terrible. Okay just kidding and in all seriousness, thank you so so SOOOO much. I like long feedbacks with a lot of things to say about any track. About the textures, I was thinking since the past days if I should do the texture and hopefully I can. About the thwomps, they are temporary. I plan to replace them with some sort of spike crusher like in MKT Ninja Hideaway.
comments In Miku's Senbonzakura/Miku's Cherry Blossom track on 2021-12-22 at 02:02:19
There's a lot of things to say about this review.
1. You don't have to trick to reach the other section of the track since it gives you a high jump height.
2. The Lenny Boos doesn't look ugly to me, if anything I think it gives it slightly more life to the remake itself at least in my opinion.
3. The ending shortcut was in the original version and it makes sense that it's hard. It saves more time than the main route so at least both routes have a purpose rather than one having an advantage and the other being useless.
comments In SNES - Ghost Valley 1 (Remake) on 2021-12-19 at 19:32:18
Update: I added the pillars to the track. Credits to RHcks for the pillars, check out his tracks. They are amazing.
comments In CTGP-Revolution Celestial Ruins on 2021-12-18 at 23:29:18
Thank you guys. To be honest, it's certainly not my best remake but still decent, in fact I might update it with textures and a few other things.
comments In MK3(O) Bibliothèque Hantée on 2021-12-18 at 03:19:30
I wouldn't say it's the longest in MKPC because there are more tracks that are way much longer than this but it's certainly on a more longer side of tracks. Also, the reason you get a notification is because you commented on this once so you'll get a notification every time someone comments. You can disable this function if you want to.
comments In Miku's Senbonzakura/Miku's Cherry Blossom track on 2021-12-16 at 14:37:16
I love this recreation. It has great colors, textures and the gameplay is fantastic. I love how clean this remake is and the small details brings this track to life. Overall, a very accurate remake that's faithful to the MK8 version while adding a couple of small details and decor. 5/5 for this remake. Incredible job Tox, continue to make tracks and remakes like this.
comments In Cheep Cheep Beach (MK8 Remake) on 2021-12-16 at 05:23:58
Update: I made the track more clear so now it has better visuals and I also changed the collisions of the rocks in the dark garden section, it didn't function well and you could get destroyed by them if you take the grass shortcut.
comments In SNES Ghost Valley 3 on 2021-12-16 at 01:46:49
No he didn't delete his old one. Here is his old version: https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=31180
comments In Ocean Cave on 2021-12-14 at 19:16:04
It does but this is a remake of an old track from him.
comments In Ocean Cave on 2021-12-14 at 18:53:25
10.720 seconds. Try beating that. :)
comments In The race on 2021-12-10 at 17:15:26

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