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Comments list of ProEliteMan (63)
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Great editing! 5/5
The length of the tracks time is short 3/5
The difficulty of the track is perfect! 5/5
Overall rating. 4.5/5 + 0.6 for two challenges. 5.1/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 10/10
Clock Town
on 2024-09-26 at 23:13:10
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Great editing! 5/5
The length of the track is perfect. 5/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating. 4.75/5
Rounded. 5/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track. 8.15/10
bowsers castle
on 2024-09-26 at 21:04:43
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Good editing! 4/5
The length of the tracks time is short 3/5
The difficulty of the track is a bit difficult. 4/5
Overall rating. 4/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 7.9/10
Clock Town
on 2024-09-25 at 13:26:10
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Great editing! 5/5
The time to beat this track is a bit short. 4/5
The difficulty of the track is a bit difficult. 4/5
Overall rating 4.5/5
Rounded 5/5.
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 8.4/10
Helmet Castle
on 2024-09-25 at 13:17:15
Do you want me and -iz- to rate this track?
bowsers castle
on 2024-09-23 at 23:02:14
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Bad editing. 2/5
The time to finish this track is a bit short 4/5
The difficulty is hard 3/5
Overall rating 3.5/5
Rounded 4/5. I am waiting for -iz- to rate this track.
slotcar speedway 1
on 2024-09-20 at 18:24:16
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Good editing! 4/5
The time to finish this track is short. 3/5
The difficulty is perfect. 5/5
Overall rating. 4.25/5
Rounded 4/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 7.95/10
David Raceway 1 (Reupload)
on 2024-09-20 at 18:12:04
Mate I am sorry but quick races don't count as you don't do much editing on them.
royal path
on 2024-09-20 at 18:03:27
Can beat this track up to extreme mode. 4/5
Bad editing. 2/5
The length of the track's time is short. 3/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating. 2.75/5
Rounded 3/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 5.05/10
Bristol motor speedway
on 2024-09-20 at 18:02:46
Mate I am sorry but quick races don't count as you don't do much editing on them.
clock conundrum
on 2024-09-20 at 17:11:19
Mate I am sorry but quick races don't count as you don't do much editing on them.
splat city
on 2024-09-20 at 17:10:08
Can beat this track up to difficult mode. 3/5
Bad editing. 2/5
The length of the track's time is perfect. 5/5
The difficulty is hard 3/5.
Overall rating 3.25/5 plus 0.35 challenge bonus. 3.6/5
Rounded 4/5.
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 6.8/10
Carl Falls
on 2024-09-20 at 17:07:51
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Very bad editing. 1/5
The time to beat this track is a bit short 4/5
This track is far too easy 1/5.
Overall rating 2.75/5
Rounded 3/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- this track gets a total rating of 4.95/10
Mile Circuit
on 2024-09-20 at 01:01:49
Can beat this track up to difficult mode. 3/5
Average editing. 3/5
The track time to finish is perfect. 5/5
The difficulty of the track is fairly hard. 3/5
The overall rating is 3.5/5 + 0.3 for challenge bonus. 3.8
Rounded 4/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- the overall rating is 8/10
Shroom Mountain
on 2024-09-20 at 00:56:40
Can beat this track up to impossible mode 5/5
Average editing 3/5
The length of the track's time is short. 3/5
The difficulty is a bit easy. 4/5
The overall rating is 3/5
Based on the experience of -iz- and I, the overall rating between us two is 6/10
on 2024-09-20 at 00:34:43
Can beat this track up to impossible. 5/5
Great editing. 5/5
The time to beat this track is short. 3/5
The difficulty a bit easy. 4/5
Overall rating. 4.25/5 + 0.25 challenge bonus = 4.5
Rounded. 5/5
Overall experience between me and -iz- 9.1/10
Moo Moo Farm
on 2024-09-20 at 00:09:37
Can beat this track up to impossible mode 5/5
Great editing! 5/5
The length of the track's time is perfect! 5/5
The difficulty is perfect! 5/5
Overall rating. 5/5 +0.25 for challenge 5.25/5
Rounded 5/5
Overall experience between me and -iz-. 8.85/10
coconut mall
on 2024-09-20 at 00:05:57
Can beat this track up to extreme mode. 4/5
Great editing! 5/5
The time to beat is perfect! 5/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating: 4.5/5
Rounded: 5/5
Sanbo Dunes
on 2024-09-06 at 22:14:23
Can beat this track up to impossible mode. 5/5
Average editing. 3/5
The time to finish the track is short. 3/5
The difficulty is perfect. 5/5.
Overall rating. 4/5
Yoshi's Hydration Station
on 2024-09-06 at 22:03:14
Can beat this track up to extreme mode. 4/5
Great editing! 5/5
The time to finish this track is a bit off. 4/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating:4.25/5
Rounded: 4/5
Sunset Shores
on 2024-09-04 at 12:34:42
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Comments list of ProEliteMan (63)
Great editing! 5/5
The length of the tracks time is short 3/5
The difficulty of the track is perfect! 5/5
Overall rating. 4.5/5 + 0.6 for two challenges. 5.1/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 10/10
Great editing! 5/5
The length of the track is perfect. 5/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating. 4.75/5
Rounded. 5/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track. 8.15/10
Good editing! 4/5
The length of the tracks time is short 3/5
The difficulty of the track is a bit difficult. 4/5
Overall rating. 4/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 7.9/10
Great editing! 5/5
The time to beat this track is a bit short. 4/5
The difficulty of the track is a bit difficult. 4/5
Overall rating 4.5/5
Rounded 5/5.
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 8.4/10
Bad editing. 2/5
The time to finish this track is a bit short 4/5
The difficulty is hard 3/5
Overall rating 3.5/5
Rounded 4/5. I am waiting for -iz- to rate this track.
Good editing! 4/5
The time to finish this track is short. 3/5
The difficulty is perfect. 5/5
Overall rating. 4.25/5
Rounded 4/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 7.95/10
Bad editing. 2/5
The length of the track's time is short. 3/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating. 2.75/5
Rounded 3/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 5.05/10
Bad editing. 2/5
The length of the track's time is perfect. 5/5
The difficulty is hard 3/5.
Overall rating 3.25/5 plus 0.35 challenge bonus. 3.6/5
Rounded 4/5.
Based on the experience of me and -iz- we rate this track 6.8/10
Very bad editing. 1/5
The time to beat this track is a bit short 4/5
This track is far too easy 1/5.
Overall rating 2.75/5
Rounded 3/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- this track gets a total rating of 4.95/10
Average editing. 3/5
The track time to finish is perfect. 5/5
The difficulty of the track is fairly hard. 3/5
The overall rating is 3.5/5 + 0.3 for challenge bonus. 3.8
Rounded 4/5
Based on the experience of me and -iz- the overall rating is 8/10
Average editing 3/5
The length of the track's time is short. 3/5
The difficulty is a bit easy. 4/5
The overall rating is 3/5
Based on the experience of -iz- and I, the overall rating between us two is 6/10
Great editing. 5/5
The time to beat this track is short. 3/5
The difficulty a bit easy. 4/5
Overall rating. 4.25/5 + 0.25 challenge bonus = 4.5
Rounded. 5/5
Overall experience between me and -iz- 9.1/10
Great editing! 5/5
The length of the track's time is perfect! 5/5
The difficulty is perfect! 5/5
Overall rating. 5/5 +0.25 for challenge 5.25/5
Rounded 5/5
Overall experience between me and -iz-. 8.85/10
Great editing! 5/5
The time to beat is perfect! 5/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating: 4.5/5
Rounded: 5/5
Average editing. 3/5
The time to finish the track is short. 3/5
The difficulty is perfect. 5/5.
Overall rating. 4/5
Great editing! 5/5
The time to finish this track is a bit off. 4/5
The difficulty is a bit hard. 4/5
Overall rating:4.25/5
Rounded: 4/5
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