/| Mario Kart PC |\

022navillus's profile

General stats

Followers6 followers
Following18 following
VS8870 pts - Expert[?] - 6711th
Battle5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10578th
Challenges10 pts - 8 challenges won - 1345th
Time trial150cc: 73 pts - 30 records - 362nd
Forum messages73 messages - BooBoo[?]
1 created circuit - 0 cups
1 challenge created
0 shared characters
19 comments on circuits
4 topics followed


Description :

I'm better at MK8DX, I promise. I can't VS anyone in MK8 Deluxe though; I don't have the online subscription anymore.

I main White Yoshi/Inkling Boy, Teddy Buggy/Mr Scooty, Roller, Cloud Glider/Paper Glider. So unique, I know.

On here, I main Peach, Yoshi, or Ash Ketchum. If you play me online, I sometimes have to disconnect all of a sudden because I'm trying not to get caught playing MK when I'm not supposed to. I'm not as active anymore because my school blocked the website so I have to play on my phone (which also isn't allowed but oh well.)

I was at some point 11K VR in MK8DX, but I stopped when MK9 was announced.
United States
14 years old (Born on 2011-02-20)
Registered since 2025-01-21
Last connection: 2025-03-14

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Last messages on the forum:

Messages 73 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
But for actually the worst track, it's close between excitebike and dry dry desert (i hate it, idk why just the feeling of playing on it doesn't feel good)
Messages 73 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
baby park it's just a circle

baby park is actually a pretty good track, because of the fact that there are 9 laps to it. That allows for ridiculous bagging, like 2-3 laps behind bagging and you can still come back. Not the best track, but far from the worst.
Messages 73 - Boo Boo
vs8870 pts ★ Expert
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
kinda like the blue from white yoshi's shoes but a tiny bit darker

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Best created circuits:

Mario Circuit 5
comments 3

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Best scores in time trial:

Rank Class Circuit Character Time
260th 150cc Cheese Land
267th 150cc Bowser Castle II
279th 150cc Choco Island 2

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