ChristBlock's profile
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42225 pts - Titan[?] - 40th
14791 pts - Champion[?] - 22nd
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0 created circuits - 0 cups
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15 comments on circuits
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Registered since 2024-07-26
Last connection: 2025-02-04
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Last circuit comments:
Such a tricky and tasty track. I love pizza!
In Venecian Pizza on 2024-09-15 at 01:55:04
Sorry Cocacola, but stealing tracks is not okay. That's not how you improve your soda brand!
In Kalimari Desert on 2024-09-15 at 00:01:51
This circuit can make the PokeKart project made by me and Teatev proud! But... The CPU is tempted to go onto the path where it counts as a hole for some reason, at least from what i've experienced. Regardless though 5/5. Conclusion: This has a great potential to make it into me and Teatev's PokeKart project, though some small tweaking might be required, like the CPU thing that i mentioned earlier.
In Torterra Grassland on 2024-08-19 at 19:36:25