GavGaming's profile
General stats
1 following
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 78372nd
5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10388th
1 pt - 1 challenge won - 3075th
3 messages - Goomba[?]
127 created circuits - 24 cups
0 shared characters
16 comments on circuits
0 topics followed
Registered since 2022-03-25
Last connection: 2023-06-20
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-01-22 at 01:12:41 in I'm having issues with grand prix
man the cpus sometimes go flying with speed and they never stay off the center making shroom ridge very easy for them as the vehicles stay on the right or left side not in the center I have played grand prix and Waluigi was way to overpowered, his stats are too high and he is always so far ahead of the pack making it hard to beat him even on easier difficulty's.
On 2023-01-22 at 01:12:28 in I'm having issues with grand prix
man the cpus sometimes go flying with speed and they never stay off the center making shroom ridge very easy for them as the vehicles stay on the right or left side not in the center I have played grand prix and Waluigi was way to overpowered, his stats are too high and he is always so far ahead of the pack making it hard to beat him even on easier difficulty's.
On 2023-01-22 at 01:11:36 in I'm having issues with grand prix
man the cpus sometimes go flying with speed and they never stay off the center making shroom ridge very easy for them as the vehicles stay on the right or left side not in the center I have played grand prix and Waluigi was way to overpowered, his stats are too high and he is always so far ahead of the pack making it hard to beat him even on easier difficulty's.
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
Character Unlocking Cups (U... 2 | Gav Gaming Kart 3 | Character Unlock Cup 5 0 | Character Unlock Cup 4 0 | Character Unlock Cup 3 0 |
See all their circuits
Last circuit comments:
In Sussy Stadium on 2023-01-25 at 21:34:03
a bad reskin
In Bowser's Dreamy Castle (Flew Cup 4) on 2023-01-25 at 21:20:50
In Frankestein's Lake (Flew Cup 2) on 2023-01-25 at 21:15:37