SN_Happy_David11MarioKartPC68's profile
General stats
32 following
50540 pts - Titan[?] - 32nd
8535 pts - Expert[?] - 158th
27 pts - 17 challenges won - 734th
150cc: 172 pts - 34 records - 170th
200cc: 32 pts - 9 records - 188th
79 messages - Boo[?]
314 created circuits - 62 cups
2 challenges created
13 shared characters
206 comments on circuits
23 topics followed
Description :
Hello! My name is David Pîrjol. I am from Craiova (Dolj),Romania. I am 11 years old. I know English.Well I can talk with you (if you are American/English).
And if you will follow me, I'll follow you, too. Often, I play Fortnite. My favo(u)rite Fortnite skin is Polar Peely.My Fortnite nickname is david_naty.
My friends: @HAPPY_NO_WAR_QUEST,@Ralsei (tendokiddo), @Max-Bros,@Happy_lemon_cat, @Mykal2, @Lely,@jujucamer26,@Jay-Jay, @Jey78,@RNCG_RedHotYawshi and @TerrellScottX. If you want to be my friend, tell me in the messages.
My enemies: russian players
My favo(u)rite school subject is Informatics. I'm in the 5th grade. My favo(u)rite singer is Smiley. Smiley is a Romanian singer. My favo(u)rite British singer is Rick Astley.
Countries that I love: Hungary (nevermind if Romania hates it), Ukraine,UK,USA,Switzerland,Hong Kong,Bulgaria,Romania (my country), Poland,Moldova,France,Germany,Japan,South Korea,Finland,Egypt,Saudi Arabia,UAE.
Countries that i hate:Serbia,China,North Korea,Russia,Belarus,N**i Germany,Somalia, India,Cambodia.
Countries that I'd like to visit them:
#UKRAINEISSTRONG(Ukraine is strong,)
#STOPWAR(Stop war)
#PUTINISEVIL(Putin is evil)
#PEACEFORUKRAINE (Peace for Ukraine)
My favo(u)rite youtuber is "Just A Happy Troll".My unfavo(u)rite youtuber is MrDweller. He posts cringe videos. I had a Youtube channel, but now I haven't. It was deleted because it wrote "The school admin has marked your account, being below 18 years old". How did I join this game? Well, it all started when I wanted to have Super Mario Maker 2 on my laptop. No download of this game worked, so I decided to have a Mario Kart game on my laptop. The only result that appeared on the page was Mario Kart PC. I came into the game and I found it interesting. And since then I play this game on my laptop. My dream: 50 followers. Anyway, have a nice day!!!
1 follower=✅
Mario Kart PC population: (Copy and paste it)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
And if you will follow me, I'll follow you, too. Often, I play Fortnite. My favo(u)rite Fortnite skin is Polar Peely.My Fortnite nickname is david_naty.
My friends: @HAPPY_NO_WAR_QUEST,@Ralsei (tendokiddo), @Max-Bros,@Happy_lemon_cat, @Mykal2, @Lely,@jujucamer26,@Jay-Jay, @Jey78,@RNCG_RedHotYawshi and @TerrellScottX. If you want to be my friend, tell me in the messages.
My enemies: russian players
My favo(u)rite school subject is Informatics. I'm in the 5th grade. My favo(u)rite singer is Smiley. Smiley is a Romanian singer. My favo(u)rite British singer is Rick Astley.
Countries that I love: Hungary (nevermind if Romania hates it), Ukraine,UK,USA,Switzerland,Hong Kong,Bulgaria,Romania (my country), Poland,Moldova,France,Germany,Japan,South Korea,Finland,Egypt,Saudi Arabia,UAE.
Countries that i hate:Serbia,China,North Korea,Russia,Belarus,N**i Germany,Somalia, India,Cambodia.
Countries that I'd like to visit them:
#UKRAINEISSTRONG(Ukraine is strong,)
#STOPWAR(Stop war)
#PUTINISEVIL(Putin is evil)
#PEACEFORUKRAINE (Peace for Ukraine)
My favo(u)rite youtuber is "Just A Happy Troll".My unfavo(u)rite youtuber is MrDweller. He posts cringe videos. I had a Youtube channel, but now I haven't. It was deleted because it wrote "The school admin has marked your account, being below 18 years old". How did I join this game? Well, it all started when I wanted to have Super Mario Maker 2 on my laptop. No download of this game worked, so I decided to have a Mario Kart game on my laptop. The only result that appeared on the page was Mario Kart PC. I came into the game and I found it interesting. And since then I play this game on my laptop. My dream: 50 followers. Anyway, have a nice day!!!
1 follower=✅
Mario Kart PC population: (Copy and paste it)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
13 years old
(Born on 2011-09-07)
Registered since 2022-02-10
Last connection: 2023-06-24
Last messages on the forum:
On 2022-12-22 at 09:34:52 in Fun Facts
Did you know that Egypt is the country that most looks like a square?
I thought its Equatorial Guinea...
On 2022-11-14 at 17:53:20 in Hommage à Wal68
On 2022-11-14 at 17:45:09 in About Tendokiddo
I feel sorry about Tendokiddo. I really hate amogus spamming and revive mesaages. I thought he was a good MKPC user. But, he wasn't. Also, I'm not sorry about @Bitchguy. @FuckUkraine, too. I think Tendokiddo made FuckUkraine account to escape from his ban. Also, he made useless topics, that I don't like it. Still, I liked how he played in online mode. He is good at reverse drifting (I suck at it ). If Tendokiddo will get banned forever, I... I don't know how to say, but I'd be 51% sad and 49% happy.
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
Mario Kart: Super Circuit (... 1 | Shy Guy's Airship Fortress 3 | Super Retro Kart 9 | MKSC: Extra Multicup 6 | Fortnite Chonker's Speedway 11 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
Collect all coins from this circuit
SNES Mario Circuit 2 (GBA) : Collect all coins in VS mode
With 8 participants
Jump on the bumps all race
GBA Rainbow Road (Quick Mode) : Complete the track in less than 1:30 in VS mode, in less than 1:30
With 8 participants
See all their challenges
Last circuit comments:
RHcks leaved MKPC??? F
In Goodbye RHcks :( on 2023-01-20 at 09:08:58
In Hommage à Waluigi68 on 2022-11-16 at 08:44:17
I also made a quick mode version of this circuit
In E Luigi Circuit (GBA QM) on 2022-11-12 at 17:05:33
See all their comments
Last completed challenges:
Merci d'avoir joué! 🤩
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Testez ce circuit, tout simplement. 😉
I... Wh... I just... Whaat.
You have been Distracted : Test the Arena!
If you can't, you suck
Squares 2 : Complete the track in less than 2:50 in Time Trial mode, in 150cc class
See all completed challenges
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
47th | 200cc | Airship Fortress |
1:17:509 |
49th | 200cc | Koopa Beach 2 |
0:35:250 |
66th | 200cc | Donut Plains 3 |
0:53:293 |
See all their scores
Last followed topics:
MKPC COUNTER 7th birthday !!!
Last message by Pigouni64 on 01-15
Share Your Custom Decors!
Last message by Pigouni64 on 01-12
Share your custom backgrounds
Last message by VulpixTails on 11-18
Last message by Senko on 04-10
Wargor forgot Luigi Circuit! / Wargor...
Last message by Toto-video64_68_N64_78 on 11-13
/!\ Application for MKPC moderation team
Last message by Senko on 09-26