TechTheR's profile
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10477 pts - Champion[?] - 3987th
5618 pts - Novice[?] - 1648th
197 pts - 90 challenges won - 222nd
150cc: 5 pts - 1 record - 3066th
102 messages - Buzzy Beetle[?]
62 created circuits - 12 cups
51 challenges created
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33 comments on circuits
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Registered since 2020-04-19
Last connection: 2023-10-27
Last messages on the forum:
On 2023-05-17 at 17:59:15 in Ranking the 10 latest complete m...
Can You Rank My Top 10 Courses? Just Wondering
Here we go!
#1: Downtown Stroll
Looks very good, and plays very well! Only slight issue is the CPU's path, and maybe it could use another lap?
#2: Freeze Friend Frostway
Looks are basic, the decors make it sorta creepy, and the turns are slightly too tight
#3: Touch Grass 1
Interesting choice of music, but overall fairly solid track, looks decent!
#4: Amogus 2
Circuit looks kinda sus, but plays very well, I really enjoyed it!
#5: Amogus 1
The layout is kinda boring, but still, pretty fun
#6: Meme Motorway
Pretty fun, i Never expected to find it this GRAND, but it's no lucky 7 to me. still, i'm Gonna have to Give it this rating, You know how it is. But yeah, this one is going Up
#7: Coopa Raceway
Looks good, plays well! Maybe a slight bit too long however
#8: KirbyBoy Colosseum 3
Looks are meh, but the rest is really good! really fun track to play!
#9: KirbyBoy Colosseum 1
W...Where is the second one? Other than that, all the rest from above aply, but I feel like this layout is more fun
#10: chucks Desert
Doesn't play great, but I like the big buiding in the middle
Honorable Mention: Uigi circuit
My eyes need bleach
And there you have it!
On 2023-05-17 at 00:14:23 in Ranking the 10 latest complete m...
Can You Rank My Top 10 Courses? Just Wondering
Sure! I'll do it tommorow though, I have an exam tommorow morning so
On 2023-05-16 at 21:24:12 in Ranking the 10 latest complete m...
Welp, got bored, so time to do this again!
(Note: I started writting this topic the 16th of May at 20:50 UTC+2)
The ranking system is simple, it is based on a 20 point grid:
10 points for how good it plays
5 points for how good it looks
And 5 point on how sight-readable the track is for a first time player
I have decided not to include Mario Kart retro tracks such as Luigi Circuit, unless those have either a change in the track itself or in the style, or stolen tracks.
Now let's get started!
#1: bowman gray by Captain Hank
Google maps screenshot, doesn't look too bad, it is sight-readable though, that's for sure! Otherwise, it's just baby park but larger and no items.
#2 : Rainbow Road by SonicTails4664
The artwork is pretty good, And although the track is short, it's definitely enjoyable! But it could maybe use 4 laps? Either way, the track is fun!
#3: CKTUA Frosty Fjord by ChocoM1lk
Similarly to the last track, it is kinda short, and could have received an additional lap, but it is still pretty fun to play! and the looks are kinda bland, but decors make it so much more lively.
#4: Desert Dazzle by SonicTails4664
Another track by SonicTails4664! And it isn't bad at all! compared to his rainbow road, the track is much more bland looking, but again the decors really add life into it! it is quite fun to play, and very sight-readable
#5: MKPX2 Icy Road by Lenny
Looks bland, and compared to the last two, no decor to add life to it. The snowballs are too big compared to the track itself, and it overall doesn't play great, but it is still fine, and sight-readable
#6: The Meme Circuit by Kirby Boy
Oh boy. A lot to unpack here. It is a meme in the background, it doesn't play well, and is quite unintuitive as to where to really go. It's kind of a mess...
#7: strait and curvy by mario kart champion
Really short, despite the 5 laps, but pretty enjoyable still. Some slight issues with the teleporter under the bridge, but still plays fine!
#8: Crafted raceway by TimeFoxWasTaken
It is still a work in progress, but it has potential! I love the custom background, but I will say the track drags on. I think it would benefit from having 2 laps.
#9: SBK Ninja Land by Kirby 123
Looks spectacular, is sight-readable, and fun! Great track, but I think it's too simple of a layout.
#10: SBK Big Snowman by Kirby123
Looks pretty good, but the checkpoints could be aligned better, and the snowman spam at the end isn't exactly great.
And there you have it, for the second time, the 10 latest tracks ranked! If you want me to rate yours as well based on those points, feel free to tell them to me, or even just critisise me if you want to! For now, peace out!
(Note: I started writting this topic the 16th of May at 20:50 UTC+2)
The ranking system is simple, it is based on a 20 point grid:
10 points for how good it plays
5 points for how good it looks
And 5 point on how sight-readable the track is for a first time player
I have decided not to include Mario Kart retro tracks such as Luigi Circuit, unless those have either a change in the track itself or in the style, or stolen tracks.
Now let's get started!
#1: bowman gray by Captain Hank
Google maps screenshot, doesn't look too bad, it is sight-readable though, that's for sure! Otherwise, it's just baby park but larger and no items.
#2 : Rainbow Road by SonicTails4664
The artwork is pretty good, And although the track is short, it's definitely enjoyable! But it could maybe use 4 laps? Either way, the track is fun!
#3: CKTUA Frosty Fjord by ChocoM1lk
Similarly to the last track, it is kinda short, and could have received an additional lap, but it is still pretty fun to play! and the looks are kinda bland, but decors make it so much more lively.
#4: Desert Dazzle by SonicTails4664
Another track by SonicTails4664! And it isn't bad at all! compared to his rainbow road, the track is much more bland looking, but again the decors really add life into it! it is quite fun to play, and very sight-readable
#5: MKPX2 Icy Road by Lenny
Looks bland, and compared to the last two, no decor to add life to it. The snowballs are too big compared to the track itself, and it overall doesn't play great, but it is still fine, and sight-readable
#6: The Meme Circuit by Kirby Boy
Oh boy. A lot to unpack here. It is a meme in the background, it doesn't play well, and is quite unintuitive as to where to really go. It's kind of a mess...
#7: strait and curvy by mario kart champion
Really short, despite the 5 laps, but pretty enjoyable still. Some slight issues with the teleporter under the bridge, but still plays fine!
#8: Crafted raceway by TimeFoxWasTaken
It is still a work in progress, but it has potential! I love the custom background, but I will say the track drags on. I think it would benefit from having 2 laps.
#9: SBK Ninja Land by Kirby 123
Looks spectacular, is sight-readable, and fun! Great track, but I think it's too simple of a layout.
#10: SBK Big Snowman by Kirby123
Looks pretty good, but the checkpoints could be aligned better, and the snowman spam at the end isn't exactly great.
And there you have it, for the second time, the 10 latest tracks ranked! If you want me to rate yours as well based on those points, feel free to tell them to me, or even just critisise me if you want to! For now, peace out!
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
Celestial resort 1 | Extra Factory 1 2 | The Ruins 1 | Mario Circuit 2 R 0 | Tech Karting 2! 0 |
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Best created challenges:
Dans le bon sens!
Mario Circuit 2 R : Conduire dans le bon sens!
Beat the Challenge Ghost
Speedy Rooftop : Complete the track in Time Trial mode, in less than 1:10:865
Giga saut!
bowser castle 2 R/T : Un grand saut pour un grand raccourcis
See all their challenges
Last circuit comments:
Yeah, I plan to do this with random cities around the world lol
In Random Google Maps City: Elbeuf on 2023-05-15 at 14:34:30
Really fun!
In Slip 'N Slide on 2022-02-20 at 00:43:30
Dude, did you just comment on your own track?
In Night Falls on SNES Mario Circuit 2 on 2021-05-14 at 17:20:28
See all their comments
Last completed challenges:
Get to the... Bridge?
SOURMK Lame Foods 3 : Get to the... Bridge? in Time Trial mode, by driving backwards, in less than 1:00
Pipe avoiding!
Mario Circuit with a lot of pipes {UPDATED} : Finish in the 1st position with Daisy, in medium mode
With 8 participants
#27 Adventure in the Snow : Complete the track in less than 1:30
See all completed challenges
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
537th | 150cc | Donut Plains 1 |
0:56:315 |