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DryDryYoshi's profile

Last usernames: NewRecordYoshi, WorldRecordYoshi, YoshiFromMK8DX, ZiroFromMK8

General stats

Followers30 followers
Following89 following
VS5000 pts - Novice[?] - 80578th
Battle5000 pts - Novice[?] - 10631st
Forum messages809 messages - MarioMario[?]
1 news published
0 created circuits - 0 cups
0 shared characters
16 comments on circuits
0 topics followed


Description :

Hey, you! Whaddya doin' here? Oh well, since you came here, might as well tell ya somethin.
Mariokart 8 Deluxe Grand Prix and Time Trials speedrunner. And a really good MKWii player. Feel free to Versus me.
Ya done? No??? Okay...
Gender: Male (he/him)
Favorite Game: Mariokart Wii
Friends: @TheTruePro100, @ToadFromMK9, @WorldRecord, @GameManager, @OCM, @LuckyChloeforT8, @Roxas_971, @Glitched, @croassung, @BluePikmin and a few others... (most of the people I follow)
Enemies or straight up pet peeves: @Twilight, @Fiery, @BowserGRRRRR
I'll tell you more then.
Modder who likes doing stupid stuff to his console (like trying to make a splashscreen with water)

Usernames planned out:
YoshiFromHisValley (April when I go back to Yoshi Valley)
YoshiKart 8: Dino Edition (May for Mariokart Stadium Epic Shortcut)
TheTrueYoshi100 (June with Yoshi bike combo unbelievably stretched)
Yoshi 'N Boshi (July with Yoshi death-staring Light-Blue Yoshi)

My Old Description as @MisterToad:
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My old description
I'm a Mariokart superfan. And never have I met such a well-made fan MarioKart. I play Wii U games a lot. I'm also a pretty good shell sniper. If you ever want to challenge me in MK8DX, just say the word.

70% Completed MK8DX, (I suck at Time Trials) I have the Gold Kart, Glider, and Mario! All in the span of 5 months of starting out!

I love Mariokart Wii. Best one out there for players looking for a challenge. A classic, too.

I've been playing Mariokart for 8 years.

I've also started with the Animal Crossing Series.
Je suis un super fan de Mariokart. Et je n'ai jamais rencontré un fan de MarioKart aussi bien fait. Je joue beaucoup aux jeux Wii U. Je suis aussi un assez bon tireur d'élite. Si jamais vous voulez me défier dans MK8DX, dites-le simplement. 70% de MK8DX terminé, (je suis nul aux contre-la-montre) J'ai le Gold Kart, le Glider et Mario ! Tout cela en l'espace de 5 mois après avoir commencé ! J'adore Mariokart Wii. Le meilleur pour les joueurs à la recherche d'un défi. Un classique aussi. Je joue à Mariokart depuis 8 ans. J'ai aussi commencé avec la série Animal Crossing.

I'm a person who's chill and competitive when I need to be.

I'm a chill racer in a match with my family, competitive when online, and sorta in the middle with friends.

HTML programmer, I normally make simple websites and mod existing ones. I generally love coding games and playing Nintendo games.

Driving as the namesake user, MisterToad on Mariokart 7, 8, and Deluxe, I know how to race at 200cc fairly well.

My Favorite Games on Switch:
Mariokart 8 Deluxe
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Rocket League
Super Smash Bros.

My favorite Wii U Games:
Mariokart 8
Super Mario Bros. U
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

My Favorite Wii Games: (nostalgic lol)
Mariokart Wii (get mariokarted I say)
Wii Sports
Wii Play: Motion

I'm a friendly guy who loves Yoshi, so don't hesitate to talk to me! :)

btw, if you haven't inferred from the text style, I'm a male.
United States
Registered since 2025-01-24
Last connection: 2025-03-24

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Last messages on the forum:

Messages 809 - Mario Mario
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Messages 809 - Mario Mario
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
I need help with custom characters for YoshiKart PC. Is anyone skilled at custom character making?

Characters I Need


Educated Yoshi
(needs no image we all know what he looks like)


Gold Yoshi

So yeah.
Messages 809 - Mario Mario
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
BowserJr03 wrote:
Will give my input because I've got experience and feel that some of the above information isn't necessarily correct or optimal.

Obviously, you would want to plan your circuit first so that you can avoid any problems that may arise in the future such as weird scaling or bad layouts. Usually you would want to pick a theme and then brainstorm some ideas that fit that theme so that the track has a bit of variety. You can probably look at other circuits and get inspiration from those.

Most of the top creators tend to use paint.net as their drawing software because it's the best one out there. I use Google Drawings but I wouldn't really recommend it unless you have no other alternative. Pixilart is NOT actually good for making tracks (mostly), but rather a simple software that might help you get used to the MKPC editor when you program collisions and stuff. If you're really not comfortable with any other software then you may want to start here. Btw, DO NOT screenshot any image because the quality will become crap, so you should ignore that suggestion earlier in the topic.

Your track width should be in the 50-70px range, or you can keep it simple and use 60px which is what I always recommend to people. There are some exceptions to this, but I won't get too advanced for now so maybe just stick to this. Keep in mind that tracks that are either too thin or too wide are pretty much unplayable, if I had to put a range on this then anything smaller than 40px or anything wider than 110px is "bad" (again there are exceptions). You may not get the width correct the first time so make sure you playtest the track first before you start programming it.

For your first CM track, I recommend doing something easier first so that you get used to the editor. I would avoid making a track with lots of holes such as Rainbow Road tracks because those can be quite tedious and aren't the easiest to make well. Something with simple walls and off-road may be a good starting point.

If you have any other questions just ask. ;)

Uh, my road's around half the image, which is about 550px. is that good or not?

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