greennick78sh's profile
General stats
5 following
11280 pts - Champion[?] - 3158th
6133 pts - Racer[?] - 741st
78 pts - 29 challenges won - 387th
150cc: 12 pts - 5 records - 1570th
71 messages - Boo[?]
84 created circuits - 8 cups
6 challenges created
7 shared characters
126 comments on circuits
1 topic followed
Description :
Jesus, that old description was a bit entitled, wasnt it?
United States
Registered since 2018-11-20
Last connection: 2022-12-28
Last messages on the forum:
On 2021-05-09 at 21:27:58 in new map
so i made a new track called GBA rainbow road DX, spent a really long time on it so just wanted to know what you guys think
On 2021-05-09 at 04:06:43 in Who is your least favorite Youtu...
SMG4 is just awful now. He used to be my favorite but he changed so much to whete he's garbage. Where do i start?
Meta Runner
The Hobo Bros Channel
Killing off good characters like Fishy Boopkins and not Meggy
Censoring all the better stuff. All the past stuff was hilarious and way better and you're just getting rid of that.
Only Mario being the only Mario character. Since the Waluigi Arc, I thought Waluigi was gonna become significant, but haven't seen him or Wario since. And we haven't seen any other Mario character like Luigi either.
Arcs in General
And Meggy.
Nobody likes Meggy, and there was several time you could have killer her off, like when she lost all her ink. No instead you kill off SMG3, a great character, and Fishy Boopkins, who was like the only good new character.
I don't expect SMG4 to go on much longer since all his older videos are getting his views, and he's just censoring them. I don't recommend him, and I wish he went back to 2016 and 2017 SMG4, but that's not gonna happen.
P.S Meggy is so bad that if I made a ranking of all the characters, she would get her own rank under F.
Now who us your least favorite Youtuber?
the paul brothers, WALLLLMART!!11!!1!1@!!
See all their messages
Best created circuits:
gcn cookie land 8 | GBA rainbow road DX 14 | desert bus 2.0 26 | christmas cup 2 | mario kart wii 1 |
See all their circuits
Best created challenges:
Grand master
GBA rainbow road DX : go through the course backwards in Time Trial mode, without falling, in less than 45s
vs bully
water arena (bully) : Hit 3 opponents with 2 participants, by losing at most 2 balloons, with Yoshi
backwards breeze
GBA rainbow road DX : drive through the course backwards in Time Trial mode, in less than 1:15, without falling, with Funky-kong
See all their challenges
Last circuit comments:
NICELY NAMED MORON! god I used to be brainless
In corona castle on 2022-12-27 at 09:02:00
That's supposed to be the background castle
In GBA rainbow road DX on 2022-12-27 at 08:23:57
i like the secret shortcut, reminds me of how in cnk gba you got fake crash for driving off the course and finding him
In World 1-1 on 2021-05-09 at 20:50:00
See all their comments
Last completed challenges:
Merci d'avoir joué! 🤩
MKW1 Mario Circuit : Testez ce circuit, tout simplement. 😉
Mario Reaches the Castle!
World 1-1 : Reach the castle with Mario
World 1-1 Coin Dash!
World 1-1 : Collect all coins in Time Trial mode
See all completed challenges
Best scores in time trial:
Rank | Class | Circuit | Character | Time |
244th | 150cc | Shy Guy Beach |
1:36:873 |
275th | 150cc | Bowser Castle II |
1:58:615 |
457th | 150cc | Waluigi Pinball |
2:03:630 |