nicopagac's profile
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Registered since 2024-05-29
Last connection: 2024-06-27
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On 2024-05-29 at 05:45:45 in Waluigi Wiggler is Dead!?
That is factually not the meta. It is Yoshi/Birdo/Luigi Teddy Buggy/Inkstriker/CatCruiser, which all have the same stats, but ATVs are better, I think, hitbox-wise, atleast.
Also the "meta" doesn't really matter. You can use any Medium weight on those 3 vehicles and do fairly well. Even heavies like DK and Waluigi are still around although less frequent. It's more free than most competitive uno online games right now, even more free than Smash.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is more about mastering the tracks, using items strategically, and adapting to different situations than being locked into a specific character or vehicle. That makes it a lot more accessible and enjoyable for casual and competitive players alike.