🌪 Is Everybody Okay 🌪

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On 2019-04-20 at 08:04:07
🌪 In the U.S. there was a tornado so I was wondering if everyone is okay 🌪
On 2019-04-20 at 12:44:39
On 2019-04-20 at 15:48:10
L Don't Like The Tornado
L Don't Like The Tornado
On 2019-04-20 at 17:39:49
tornados didn't hit here but its possible though
On 2019-04-20 at 17:43:40
I didn't know 
I hope everyone is fine

I hope everyone is fine
On 2019-04-20 at 20:28:50
I hope everyone is okay.
Also, there's a flood in my region (although it's less bad than a tornado) and I will probably have to move.
Also, there's a flood in my region (although it's less bad than a tornado) and I will probably have to move.
On 2019-04-20 at 21:05:24
The Flood Is On Canada, We Go To Outside Again 
Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
On 2019-04-20 at 21:06:39

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
On 2019-04-21 at 03:35:27
Also, there's a flood in my region (although it's less bad than a tornado) and I will probably have to move.
That sucks dude. Hopefully things can work out for you.
On 2019-04-21 at 05:44:02
Really ? I hope you're and will be fine.
On 2019-04-21 at 05:55:56
I live in Wasco CA i see no toronado here
On 2019-04-21 at 06:53:09
Durn guys my power was out a long time and i almost didnt surive i dont know what happend
On 2019-04-21 at 19:07:44
On 2019-04-21 at 19:32:29
I think we get it
On 2019-04-21 at 21:20:16

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
I did’nt have so much horrible things, but the weathers are so inconsistent and we are going to pass a rainy summer maybe

On 2019-04-22 at 17:05:46

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
I did’nt have so much horrible things, but the weathers are so inconsistent and we are going to pass a rainy summer maybe

I am not in the Reigion with Torandos
On 2019-04-22 at 19:47:08

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
I did’nt have so much horrible things, but the weathers are so inconsistent and we are going to pass a rainy summer maybe

I am not in the Reigion with Torandos
On 2019-04-22 at 20:17:17

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
I did’nt have so much horrible things, but the weathers are so inconsistent and we are going to pass a rainy summer maybe

I am not in the Reigion with Torandos
On 2019-04-22 at 20:43:50

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
I did’nt have so much horrible things, but the weathers are so inconsistent and we are going to pass a rainy summer maybe

I am not in the Reigion with Torandos
Alright i get it Geezsz! cut this girl some slack i am a Bad Speller!
On 2019-04-23 at 01:27:20

Toyland Raceway
Play It Yourself.......
Is So Sad About This...
The Flood On My Region... Ughhh
I did’nt have so much horrible things, but the weathers are so inconsistent and we are going to pass a rainy summer maybe

I am not in the Reigion with Torandos
Alright i get it Geezsz! cut this girl some slack i am a Bad Speller!
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