I’ve been pondering this for a bit

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Yesterday at 00:19:57
Because the Wii U’s name (technically) consists of two words, how would the prefix for 8’s courses be formatted? Wii U? WiiU? Wii-U? Maybe even just U? Probably even NS or NSW if they’re feeling it? 
Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix

Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix
Yesterday at 00:25:21
The switch will, probably, get a prefix, since the battle Tracks are original of deluxe, I also don't know about the, not city Tracks, Tracks from Tour, since on the BCP they appear with no prefix, making it look like Nintendo considers them deluxe's Tracks

Yesterday at 01:46:49

Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix
have you tried WU? (also it's MK9, dumb butt. (no offense))
Yesterday at 01:53:56

Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix
have you tried WU? (also it's MK9, dumb butt. (no offense))
i know you said no offense but you don't gotta call someone dumb butt for calling the next mario kart (which we dont even know will be named) mario kart 9

Yesterday at 02:02:30

Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix
have you tried WU? (also it's MK9, dumb butt. (no offense))
i know you said no offense but you don't gotta call someone dumb butt for calling the next mario kart (which we dont even know will be named) mario kart 9
If the original mario kart 8 was on wii u then the prefix will be wii u

Yesterday at 02:24:01

Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix
have you tried WU? (also it's MK9, dumb butt. (no offense))
i know you said no offense but you don't gotta call someone dumb butt for calling the next mario kart (which we dont even know will be named) mario kart 9

Yesterday at 04:25:43

Also it’s pretty crazy how the Switch might not be represented with a prefix since MK10’s courses would likely use “NS2” as a prefix
have you tried WU? (also it's MK9, dumb butt. (no offense))
i know you said no offense but you don't gotta call someone dumb butt for calling the next mario kart (which we dont even know will be named) mario kart 9
If the original mario kart 8 was on wii u then the prefix will be wii u
I'd agree if it wasn't for Gamecube(which to be fair NGC was already taken.)
Also Wii U is a bit long.
Yesterday at 07:55:52
I think SW will be the prefix for Switch tracks.

Yesterday at 12:59:39
I think that the Wii U prefix might be UNS
Yesterday at 14:50:03
Could be SW U
Yesterday at 21:49:32
I think SW will be the prefix for Switch tracks.
What about NS for Switch and just keep Wii U (mobile's a bit long so they said Tour so why not Wii U? MKWii DX uses Wii U.)

Yesterday at 22:01:54
Sw will be perfect...also the "new flashy mario kart game for the switch" almost being retro is just unbelievable how time flys
Yesterday at 22:08:48
We might see a change of MK8DX for Switch or MKDD for Gamecube and so on. This is a rare occasion of most leaked console and the first new console in the 2020-2030 period.
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