I have an unfortunate issue

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Yesterday at 01:36:08
Yesterday at 01:37:33
I followed
The reason that you can't get @ThisGuyFollowsYou off the follow list is because it is basically impossible to unfollow people who deleted themselves
You might need a mod/admin's help
The reason that you can't get @ThisGuyFollowsYou off the follow list is because it is basically impossible to unfollow people who deleted themselves
You might need a mod/admin's help
Yesterday at 01:40:17
I followed
The reason that you can't get @ThisGuyFollowsYou off the follow list is because it is basically impossible to unfollow people who deleted themselves
You might need a mod/admin's help
The reason that you can't get @ThisGuyFollowsYou off the follow list is because it is basically impossible to unfollow people who deleted themselves
You might need a mod/admin's help
@BluePikmin, could you resign in to your account pls
@TheTruePro100: I might try something.

Yesterday at 02:14:24
Yeah, if an admin sees this, can they remove ThisGuyFollowsYou from my followed list as well? His alt's on my "people who followed me" list, not my "people I followed" list.
Yesterday at 02:40:40
Lol I have the same problem I hate guys like this 😭
Yesterday at 03:13:21

Yesterday at 03:14:33
For some reason, i do not have this problem
Yesterday at 17:07:58
Can a mod or admin get @ThisGuyFollowsYou off my "My Followers" list... please...
Yesterday at 19:29:08
@ThisGuyFollowsYou off my "My Followers" list... please...
Can a mod or admin get Actually nevermind...
Yesterday at 21:59:34
A good way to solve the problem is just not to follow them in the first place.
Today at 15:13:47
Me too, @heidq follows me and I can't make him unfollow me since he doesn't play anymore. You can keep it, mods/admins, at least I have a +1 follower forever!
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