Help Me Beta Test a Roblox Game

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On 2022-05-20 at 21:37:24
Since I don't have much programming experience, I just took the FFA template and set it in Bob-Omb Battlefield. I also turned up the speed and jump settings. For just 25 R$, you can test it here. (Let me know if it's too high, and I'll change to a fairer[?] price.) Anyway, it's called 6432: Bob-Omb Battlefield, and the link is below.
Edit: I can't lower the price since 25 R$ is the minimum.
Edit: I can't lower the price since 25 R$ is the minimum.
On 2022-05-21 at 20:09:13
Good news: The game is now free, meaning you can access the beta without having to pay anything. Since I still need robux to start a group and buy passes for other games, a donation board is posted below.
On 2022-05-24 at 22:03:37
Umm are you sure that roblox game won't get copyrighted? It uses Bob-Omb Battlefield from SM64
On 2022-05-24 at 22:41:08
You're right, that could be an issue. I don't know how to archive it, but I made a copyright-free Capture the Flag game. Link is here. (I know it looks basic, but I barely have any experience.)
On 2022-05-25 at 02:38:39
I can't it cost robux
On 2022-05-25 at 03:06:39
here is my roblox account if you wanna contact me:!#about
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