What are QM checkpoints like?

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On 2025-03-12 at 19:17:47
I want to know what checkpoints do QM tracks have. Why in the beginning of a QM track, if you do a unintended shortcut, the lap doesn't count but when your in half-way from the track and do a unintended shortcut, the lap counts. Is there a image that shows QM checkpoints? So I can know what shortcuts work to make some
On 2025-03-12 at 19:18:53
And also this is my multicup and a lot of people are time trailing it and finding shortcuts, it's so cool https://mkpc.malahieude.net/circuit.php?mid=12462
On 2025-03-12 at 19:19:19
I want to know what checkpoints do QM tracks have. Why in the beginning of a QM track, if you do a unintended shortcut, the lap doesn't count but when your in half-way from the track and do a unintended shortcut, the lap counts. Is there a image that shows QM checkpoints?
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Today at 00:03:47
I tried to make a challenge where you have to complete a lap on Figure-O Circuit where in 1cc. But the 3 laps show up at the same time!
Today at 00:23:00
I want to know what checkpoints do QM tracks have. Why in the beginning of a QM track, if you do a unintended shortcut, the lap doesn't count but when your in half-way from the track and do a unintended shortcut, the lap counts. Is there a image that shows QM checkpoints? So I can know what shortcuts work to make some
I may not be 100% correct, I'm only speaking from experience and don't know the actual code behind it. For QM, key checkpoints are based on the number of turns in the circuit and where the crossroad pieces are. The first turn in a circuit and I believe the first turn after a cross are considered key checkpoints, along with some other turns at certain intervals (usually every 3 or 4 turns depending on the length of the path).
For square tracks (4 turns), only the 1st turn is considered a key checkpoint, hence why tiny oval tracks with the starting grid and first turn next to each other can be completed quickly. For tracks with 6 turns, I can't remember exactly which turns are key checkpoints but I think it's the 1st and 3rd turns. 12 turns might be 1st, 5th and 9th??? All of these examples assume no cross pieces. (I also found these out like 3 years ago and haven't experimented since but you get the idea).
So sometimes if you have a jump in the middle of the course and it skips 2-3 turns, chances are it skips the key checkpoints and a lap is still counted, whereas the opposite won't count the lap, even if the length of the skip is the same. It just depends on which turns you make the shortcuts on.
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