Share Your Custom Decors!

On 2021-08-07 at 01:22:33
ldk how is this still alive

On 2021-08-07 at 01:42:54
I'm impressed actually. This thread came out the day the update came out.
On 2021-08-07 at 10:12:04
Here are them 




On 2021-08-07 at 10:21:19
Juste les gars, je ne sais pas si je vais continuer à faire des faux sponsors car j'ai changé de PC et maintenant certains d'entre eux deviennent flous, là ou mon ancien PC les laissait nets peut importe les images que j'utilisait.
De ce fait je n'arrive plus à retirer la couleur de fond correctement. Du coup, il reste des morceaux de couleur de fond dessus.
De ce fait je n'arrive plus à retirer la couleur de fond correctement. Du coup, il reste des morceaux de couleur de fond dessus.
Just guys, I don't know if I keep doing fake sponsors because I changed PCs and now some of them are getting blurry where my old PC left them crisp no matter what images I used.
As a result, I cannot remove the background color correctly anymore. So, there are pieces of background color left on them.
As a result, I cannot remove the background color correctly anymore. So, there are pieces of background color left on them.

On 2021-08-07 at 18:07:21
Juste les gars, je ne sais pas si je vais continuer à faire des faux sponsors car j'ai changé de PC et maintenant certains d'entre eux deviennent flous, là ou mon ancien PC les laissait nets peut importe les images que j'utilisait.
De ce fait je n'arrive plus à retirer la couleur de fond correctement. Du coup, il reste des morceaux de couleur de fond dessus.
De ce fait je n'arrive plus à retirer la couleur de fond correctement. Du coup, il reste des morceaux de couleur de fond dessus.
Just guys, I don't know if I keep doing fake sponsors because I changed PCs and now some of them are getting blurry where my old PC left them crisp no matter what images I used.
As a result, I cannot remove the background color correctly anymore. So, there are pieces of background color left on them.
As a result, I cannot remove the background color correctly anymore. So, there are pieces of background color left on them.
On 2021-08-09 at 13:03:12
Yoshis (audience) (Behavior : Piranha Plant)

Mini Map icon :
(I'll put the other colored Yoshis later, for now, you can use those colors) :


Mini Map icon :

(I'll put the other colored Yoshis later, for now, you can use those colors) :

I added colors to the Yoshis using Piskel, here you go.
Oh, thanks !
No problem! (Tbh probably wouldn't have made these had the original not existed, or if the original color palette wasn't there

On 2021-08-09 at 23:31:34
Animated FireSnake
On 2021-08-11 at 07:32:28
Yoshi Egg
Behavior: Box!!#/media/File:MKDD_Yoshi_Egg.png
Resize to 104 x 119
Behavior: Box!!#/media/File:MKDD_Yoshi_Egg.png
Resize to 104 x 119
On 2021-08-12 at 19:10:26
Animated FireSnake
Here's your decor, but displayed in the comment itself so everyone else can access it easier:

Here's your decor, but displayed in the comment itself so everyone else can access it easier:

On 2021-08-12 at 22:37:50
Animated FireSnake
Here's your decor, but displayed in the comment itself so everyone else can access it easier:

Here's your decor, but displayed in the comment itself so everyone else can access it easier:

thx i didnt know how to do it
On 2021-08-12 at 22:45:07
Animated FireSnake
Here's your decor, but displayed in the comment itself so everyone else can access it easier:

Here's your decor, but displayed in the comment itself so everyone else can access it easier:

thx i didnt know how to do it
You're welcome
On 2021-08-14 at 21:15:53
A House Over a Pipe. Not that good, but whatever.
On 2021-08-16 at 01:48:22
All the fake sponsors i made:

Behaviour: Shroom Ridge Tree
If you want me to do a fake sponsor of you, ask me 

can you make an GCN Mario circuit sign pls
On 2021-08-18 at 06:37:03
Can someone make me a
Only Cars sign
Peach's Castle
Peach and Mario Statue
Larry Lights sign
Lemmy Carnival sign
Pit Crew Toads
Only Cars sign
Peach's Castle
Peach and Mario Statue
Larry Lights sign
Lemmy Carnival sign
Pit Crew Toads
On 2021-08-21 at 04:57:08
All the fake sponsors i made:

Behaviour: Shroom Ridge Tree
If you want me to do a fake sponsor of you, ask me 

Can you make me a sign for every Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 and Mario Kart Arcade GP DX track
On 2021-09-03 at 13:35:10
All the fake sponsors i made:

Behaviour: Shroom Ridge Tree
If you want me to do a fake sponsor of you, ask me 

Can you make me a sign for every Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 and Mario Kart Arcade GP DX track
On 2021-09-05 at 16:05:32
Eggman's Wrecking Ball!
Behavior: Tick-Tock Clock Pendulum

Behavior: Tick-Tock Clock Pendulum

On 2021-09-10 at 18:29:42
On 2021-09-11 at 17:32:52