how do you convert this into a sprite

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On 2025-02-26 at 18:33:09
file:///C:/Users/solis/Downloads/mario%20blopise.jpeg copy it then paste it on a new tab
On 2025-02-26 at 22:46:59
You have to put it on PostImg for us to see it. Use the 'img' BBcode to link it.
On 2025-02-27 at 00:14:58
Hey, I'm trying to upload a few sprites of sonic and I need help. So please reply,I'm new.

On 2025-02-27 at 00:20:45

There is a custom character section on the plus tab of the character selection screen. But if you want to make one available publicly, it has to be approved by a moderator.
On 2025-02-27 at 00:29:02
Okey dok

On 2025-02-27 at 15:07:46
oh and if you click on it it gives you a bigger version of the image thank you
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