Would you rather? (Nintendo Edition)

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On 2025-03-24 at 11:16:24
Would you rather play GameCube games forever, or Wii games forever?
Down for GameCube, up for Wii
Down for GameCube, up for Wii

On 2025-03-25 at 20:38:43
I already play too much mkwii so another eternity is ok.
On 2025-03-25 at 21:54:45
You should have suggested: DS or Wii
On 2025-03-25 at 22:06:03
Would you rather have the next console after nintendo switch 2 be a nintendo switch 3 or something new
Up react: nintendo switch 3
Down react: something new
Up react: nintendo switch 3
Down react: something new

On 2025-03-26 at 00:17:18
Would you rather: break your switch OR break your DS. up=switch down=DS

On 2025-03-26 at 00:46:59
Would you rather: break your switch OR break your DS. up=switch down=DS
I would rather break my ds because it costs less than a switch (switch costs $300, and ds costs $100)
On 2025-03-26 at 03:35:40
Would you rather I get the Nintendo Switch 2 night now for free, but you cannot talk to one of your friends for the rest of your life or reject the offer
Up ⬆️:Take the offer
Down ⬇️: Reject the offer
Up ⬆️:Take the offer
Down ⬇️: Reject the offer

On 2025-03-26 at 03:45:45
Would you rather VS people in Mariokart Wii or Mariokart 8 Deluxe? Up for MKWii, down for MK8DX.

On 2025-03-26 at 08:22:48
Up ⬆️:Take the offer
Down ⬇️: Reject the offer
I can live with not talking to some of my friends.

On 2025-03-26 at 08:24:06
Would you rather VS people in Mariokart Wii or Mariokart 8 Deluxe? Up for MKWii, down for MK8DX.
Never played mk8dx in my life but I'm pretty good at mkwii.
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