/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

On 2025-03-04 at 02:36:47
Okay, but I’ve not sworn for 3 days and will continue until Eid. Do not pick a fight with me, I will fast again in a few hours.
And even if he tries to pick a fight with you do not engage, ignore him and the messages will be deleted. I don't wanna have to deal with another useless argument.
Okay. But I REALLY don't like being laughed at for saying something that's literally stated in the forum rules.
The rules are a bit outdated. In Fiery's case, he usually doesn't use them to insult people, or to create fights, but I would agree that it would be ideal using them less, especially if it's in the purpose of dealing with immature users, who will just start screaming because oh God they saw a swear word and will disregard everything else that was said.

On 2025-03-04 at 21:18:11
Ban this user for innapropriate name, description, and pfp showing adult content

On 2025-03-04 at 22:19:24
Messages that are not reports wil be deleted, and now their authors will be sanctioned, as I believe I had to say this far too much

On 2025-03-07 at 01:47:56
@mateoxd for being the second fucking alt of the track stealing pervert, @matemai02
So, you might be an enemy of Mateo? Tell me why?
obviously i am, firstly he steals tracks and wont stop even after being banned 3 times, and hes a literal fucking pervert
thats why
also why are you messaging it here this is a literal report topic
Then stop calling him a pervert
You are only allowed to send reports here, and nothing else
No buts, ands, or what ifs
Also, there is an innapropriate player (I don't want to spam up topics)

On 2025-03-08 at 01:11:59
On 2025-03-08 at 01:17:55
Poop track (kinda immature tbh)
I will delete this so that it does not exist in the world any longer, and to make the community better (@BluePikmin and @AllertorGamer also made a track like this too, and they must delete it)

On 2025-03-10 at 18:49:17
nobody cares about about a dead 2023 account and lickme is not offensive.

On 2025-03-11 at 17:17:03
This user needs to be banned for it's username.

On 2025-03-11 at 18:20:54
Hello everybody. I banned all the accounts with inappropriate nicknames that haven't been banned. Thank you for reporting.

On 2025-03-11 at 21:04:22
Hello everybody. I banned all the accounts with inappropriate nicknames that haven't been banned. Thank you for reporting.
thank you :D
On 2025-03-12 at 20:06:52
Both of these players both played on the same day, are all lowercase letters and both from malaysia, so they are definitely alts
So the conclusion is that reporting recent accounts that you stumble across because they are actually active is fine. But do not search up these accounts on purpose, it is a waste of your time and of our time.
To be more persuasive, the next person I see reporting innapropriate accounts that were created before 2025 and were last seen online before 2025 will be sanctioned.

On 2025-03-12 at 20:20:05
Both of these players both played on the same day, are all lowercase letters and both from malaysia, so they are definitely alts
So the conclusion is that reporting recent accounts that you stumble across because they are actually active is fine. But do not search up these accounts on purpose, it is a waste of your time and of our time.
To be more persuasive, the next person I see reporting innapropriate accounts that were created before 2025 and were last seen online before 2025 will be sanctioned.
Invus going to warn people about being banned if they report people who played before 2025

On 2025-03-13 at 19:58:46
@ilovefathairymen was being innapropriate in pm

this message from the same person was even worse, so bad to the point where he went too far with the swears

this message from the same person was even worse, so bad to the point where he went too far with the swears