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Messages 1091 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
orchid wrote:
il est juste chiant tbh le défends pas

Ce n'est en aucun cas une raison pour qu'il parte, honnêtement, cela s'est avéré assez impoli. Mais cela n'a plus d'importance. C'était un spammeur. Il est maintenant parti. Tu es en retard donc ce n'est même plus son anniversaire.
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
orchid wrote:
meh just quit, happy bday tho

@Invu , il est juste chiant tbh le défends pas

On le défend si on le veux. Et toi tu es en retard c'est pas vrai. Bon ducoup la ya peut être besoin de lock le topic.
Messages 4518 - King Mario King Mario
vs13816 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
Invu wrote:
There was actually a lot of people voting him to straight up leave... what in the loving fuck is this ? I'm not saying this topic nor the intention nor the message are relevant, but that's just rude to straight up vote for someone to leave. And he's one of the only where people truly votes for him to leave... do you realize that Ralsei who pissed off the whole community for MONTHS still didn't get anyone telling him to leave ? On his "last decision topic" ? Now Ralsei (known as Undertaker as of right now) has evolved a lot and became a way better person who does way better actions. It's not about leaving
it's about looking back to your errors and fix them. It's not about the errors you made, but how to fix them. It's not about letting the community vote, it's about doing what you feel like doing. If leaving is your own decision, no problem. Taking a break can be very good tbh. However, why would you let other people lecture and tell you if you need to leave or not? I don't see why more people voted him to leave than to stay. That's actually shocking and not nice at all of you guys. It's disappointing.
I'm out, I'm out, sorry for bothering y'all. But just think about how this man literally got voted to leave. Bro this ain't Danganronpa, and this ain't Total Drama Island. This is MKPC, you decide for yourself, not a bunch of people who would hate it if they got voted off.

Shit, now I feel so guilty…
Messages 10065 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
orchid wrote:
meh just quit, happy bday tho

@Invu , il est juste chiant tbh le défends pas

Je défends qui je veux, même si une personne est "chiante" à mon sens elle ne mérite pas qu'autant de gens votent pour qu'elle parte, je le défends mais je n'ai jamais dit que je n'étais pas d'accord avec le fait qu'il était agaçant et que le topic est stupide, seulement je trouve ça étrange qu'autant de personnes aient voté pour son départ, c'est tout.
Messages 4273 - King Mario King Mario
vs37566 pts ★ Legend
battle16643 pts ★ Master
Ducoup le topic on le lock?
Messages 10065 - King Mario King Mario
vs35405 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Ducoup le topic on le lock?

Ce serait bien de ping @Senko alors (je sais ce n'est pas un homme à tout faire mais bon 😅)
Messages 1045 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29534 pts ★ Legend
battle6835 pts ★ Racer
The reason this vote exists is because he reacted badly to either a correction or some opinion (I don't remember the exact context) but basically he wasn't mature about it. Don't feel bad bc tbh he probably would've left anyway.

I'll lock the topic.
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Also 30 facepalms lol

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