I have an announcment to make

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On 2019-03-09 at 12:38:26
Oui, je viens de le sanctionner
On 2019-03-09 at 12:46:17
Even if you're indeed someone different,
there is still problems.
You said that Gary was bullied
But :
Who did bullying ?
What are you proofs ?
there is still problems.
You said that Gary was bullied
But :
Who did bullying ?
What are you proofs ?
On 2019-03-09 at 19:47:17
So, apparently, he still thinks you can recover his account. What can I do to convince him to make another one
On 2019-03-09 at 19:56:17
So, apparently, he still thinks you can recover his account. What can I do to convince him to make another one
He can recover his own account himself
On 2019-03-10 at 07:03:04
Don't be so mean about it, we're just trying to help a friend out
Well the only thing is that it seems that the Admins are preventing us from helping from what I've heard and seen
Actually, it's not totally like that: us admins believe that you are indeed the same person. And by the past, people tried and in some way tricked us to came back after heavy accusations. I hope you can understand our behaviour against the actual problem.

I'm not saying your friend is guilty, as I'm actually taking my distances from MKPC (see that as "vacations" if that can help) and so I didn't assist to the whole scene. But I'm sorry but I didn't catch the "preventing us to help"? What do you mean exactly about it? Do you feel some kind of repression from us?

I mean from what I heard some people asked for garys account to be undeleted but you guys said no or didn't say anything which means no. Hey I'm not assuming this is from what I heard and I'm not gonna say who.
The admin in question said that he can't do it because this is the case.
An admin can't undelete account

Only Gary himself can undelete his account
That's not possible. He tried logging in but it didn't work.
On 2019-03-10 at 08:58:26
Oui, je viens de le sanctionner

On 2019-03-10 at 09:13:02
So, apparently, he still thinks you can recover his account. What can I do to convince him to make another one
He can recover his own account himself
Alright, I believe you, but how?
On 2019-03-10 at 09:49:54
When you have a deleted account, this message appear :

On 2019-03-10 at 13:51:36
Okay. Could you translate that to English so I can understand it please?
On 2019-03-10 at 14:09:54
Okay. Could you translate that to English so I can understand it please?
This account has been deleted. The connexion with it has been disabled.
If you want to go back and restore it, you can do it by clicking here.
On 2019-03-10 at 14:30:22
Alright, thanks
On 2019-03-10 at 14:57:36
I point out in addition that this message appears after he logs in with his deleted account.
The exact English message is this:

So he just has to click on "here" and it will restore his account
The exact English message is this:

So he just has to click on "here" and it will restore his account

On 2019-03-10 at 16:10:15
The exact English message is this:

So he just has to click on "here" and it will restore his account

Thanks,I will let @yoshipeanut and @Gary_TheCat2254ondiscord know.
On 2019-03-10 at 16:55:56
Thanks guys. Hopefully, he'll be back on line soon and we can start off on a new page.
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